Australian Journal of Teacher Education

In an era of accountability government and industry bodies are mandating that teacher education programs provide evidence of their impact. This paper provides an example of evidence-based practice, exploring how a team teaching and blended learning approach influenced the development of pre-service teachers (PSTs) competency skills and knowledge. This approach was introduced to an initial teacher education (ITE) specialist music secondary methods unit to ensure that the tertiary learning context aligned with contemporary innovations in schools and provided authentic learning and teaching opportunities. Using an embedded advanced mixed methodology, this research had two phases. Phase 1 explored the development of competency skills and knowledge as perceived by PSTs during the ITE music methods unit. Phase 2 investigated the practical application of these skills and knowledge in professional educational contexts post the completion of the unit. Compelling evidence suggests that by making pedagogy tangible, PSTs will be provided with opportunities to develop knowledge constructs and skills relevant to the ever changing demands of the profession.
Recommended Citation
Crawford, R., & Jenkins, L. E. (2018). Making Pedagogy Tangible: Developing Skills and Knowledge Using a Team Teaching and Blended Learning Approach. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(1).