Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Volume 44, Issue 6 (2019)
Journal Articles
Democratic contribution or information for reform? Prevailing and emerging discourses of student voice
Jennifer Charteris and Dianne Smardon
The Development of Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy for Classroom and Behavior Management Across Multiple Field Experiences
Maria B. Sciuchetti and Nina Yssel
Does a “Science, Technology and Social Change” Course Improve Scientific Habits of Mind and Attitudes towards Socioscientific Issues?
Muammer Çalik and Faik Özgür Karataş
Developing Children’s Physical Literacy: How well prepared are prospective teachers?
Judith Dinham and Paul Williams
Insights from senior-secondary physical education students on teacher-related factors they perceive to influence academic achievement
Rachael J. Whittle, Amanda Telford, and Amanda C. Benson
The Benefits and Challenges of Embedding Work Integrated Learning: A Case Study in a University Education Degree Program
Maria Doolan, Ben Piggott, Sian Chapman, and Paul Rycroft