Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Informed by the theories of critical reflection and community of practice, this study aimed to explore the integration of blogs to promote reflection among eighteen pre-service English language teachers registered in a practicum course at a public university in Turkey. Fourteen blog activities were designed and implemented to guide the reflective process of student teachers. Data were collected through archival documents of participants’ blog entries, two focus group interviews and two surveys. A total of 457 entries were analysed in terms of depth of reflection and the analysis revealed evidence of medium or high level reflection in most (61%) of the entries and highest level of reflection in 12% of the entries. The results indicated that the blog activities guided and systematically promoted reflectivity among pre-service teachers and thus have given them an opportunity to engage in deeper levels of reflection.
Recommended Citation
Bener, E., & Yıldız, S. (2019). The Use of Blog Activities to Promote Reflection in an ELT Practicum. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 44(8).
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Educational Technology Commons, Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Other Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons