Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Competing demands on assessment pose an ongoing challenge for Higher Education. In Initial Teacher Education (ITE) these demands are problematised further in meeting the roles of assessment for measurement, accountability, learning and curriculum. ITE holds a dual role of teaching through content and practice, whereby Pre-Service Teachers (PST) are assessed for learning while learning to assess, thus positioning assessment as curriculum. This exploratory study sought insight into PST and Teacher Educator’s (TE) perceptions of assessment within a postgraduate ITE program. TEs and PSTs alike recognised and valued the assessment processes in focusing attention on learning while developing understanding of assessment for their own practice. They also highlighted PST stress related to the imposition of assessment processes for measurement which, for some, derailed the goals of learning focused assessment and understanding of assessment for practice. The project offers understanding to the potential and restraints for learning focussed assessment in ITE.
Recommended Citation
Brunker, N., Spandagou, I., & Grice, C. (2019). Assessment for Learning while Learning to Assess: Assessment in Initial Teacher Education Through the Eyes of Pre-Service Teachers and Teacher Educators. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 44(9).