Australian Journal of Teacher Education

A young person’s sense of belonging at school can affect their level of motivation, academic achievement and wellbeing. During the transition from primary to secondary school, one’s sense of belonging may be affected by the changes and challenges encountered.
This paper reports some of the findings from a larger qualitative longitudinal study that investigated the factors that contribute to educational resilience during the transition from primary to secondary school. Data gathered from interviews with sixteen Year 6 students from three Victorian primary schools over a period of eighteen months is presented and analysed.
A key theme identified from the larger study was belonging. This paper specifically reports on how belonging is perceived and experienced by students during the transition to secondary school. Understanding sense of belonging from young people’s views, may help inform and effectively shape practices relevant to policy, pedagogy and teacher training. Implications for practice are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Longaretti, L. (2020). Perceptions and experiences of belonging during the transition from primary to secondary school. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45(1).
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Elementary Education and Teaching Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Secondary Education Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons