Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Volume 45, Issue 3 (2020)
Journal Articles
Examination of Text and Video-Formatted Learning Diaries in the Teacher Education
Murat Debbag and Mustafa Fidan
The Impact of a Research Methods Course on Teacher Candidates’ Epistemological Beliefs
Menşure ALKIŞ KÜÇÜKAYDIN and Yasin Gökbulut
Investigating the assessment practices within an Initial Teacher Education program in an Australian university: Staff perceptions and practices
Georgina M. Barton, Margaret Baguley, Martin Kerby, and Abbey MacDonald
The Teachers’ Role in Student Engagement: A Review
Megan Pedler, Tony Yeigh, and Susan Hudson
The Spelling Detective Project: A Year 2 Explicit Instruction Spelling Intervention
Sally Robinson-Kooi and Lorraine Hammond
Evidence-based Reasoning Processes in Education: A Model to Support Interventionist Practice.
Natasha Ziebell and Jemma Skeat