Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The phrase ‘next practice’ was coined to indicate a shift from the notion of best practice to thinking more broadly about the needs of future learners and the ways in which teaching practice might align to support these needs. In understanding what next practice means for the classroom, this study was particularly interested in examining how initial teacher education (ITE) could respond through their graduate preparation. The presented data presented is derived from an Australian small-scale qualitative study that sought to explore principals’ perceptions of graduate skills and attributes for future classrooms which captured the perspectives of six primary and secondary school principals using in-depth interviews. Emerging from these subsequent narratives were seven themes that could be clustered around areas such as affective attributes, pedagogical considerations and personal wellbeing. In providing insights into the skills and attributes required by future teachers, this work raises questions how ITE providers might respond.
Recommended Citation
Fitzgerald, A. (2021). Exploring ‘Next Practice’: Principals’ Perceptions of Graduate Skills and Attributes for Future Classrooms. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 46(5).