Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Teachers’ shortage has become a critical issue in most countries in the world. One of the solutions has been the initiation of short-term teacher education programmes which attract adult career changers who enter the programme with prior working experiences and world knowledge. However, the process of transferring previous knowledge is challenging and teachers need to navigate new horizons. The aim of the study is to identify shifts in students’ perceptions regarding the teaching profession, and what experiences prompted the shifts. The research was conducted among 15 students in a teacher education college in Israel. The analysis of interviews exposed five main themes where students displayed shifts of perceptions. The themes relate directly to the two interrelated key concepts of second career teachers and transformative learning. The synergy between the two concepts created tension, dilemmas and dissonances which generated spaces for learning and fertile ground for shifting in frame of reference.
Recommended Citation
Leshem, S., Carmel, R., Badash, M., & Topaz, B. (2021). Learning Transformation Perceptions of Preservice Second Career Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 46(5).
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Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons