Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Motivation in science learning is important, given increasing necessity for scientific and critical literacy. The purpose of this article is to examine secondary science pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) beliefs about motivating students to learn science. A mixed method study was conducted with 73 secondary science PSTs across Australia. A web-based survey and interviews were used to gather data. Turner et al.’s motivation theory (2011) is used as a framework to analyse the data. The findings indicate that the PSTs believed that competence, belongingness, and meaningful learning were factors involved in motivating students. These findings are critical as they are relevant to science education and to initial teacher education and as such, this research contributes to the body of knowledge in this area.
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Recommended Citation
Jean-Baptiste, D., & Maher, D. (2022). Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs about Motivating Students to Learn Science. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(11).