Australian Journal of Teacher Education

: In an era where teachers are increasingly being asked to demonstrate evidence of their impact, action research is identified as a practical and critically reflective research approach for enhancing explicit teaching and learning. Using a historical perspective, foundations for reflective practice and action research in educational contexts are explored. A discussion of the processes and techniques that may be employed, including how collegial peer observation is embedded to strengthen application is provided. An action research model, encapsulating the approach discussed, demonstrates its practicality for teachers to engage in critically reflective practice and provide an evidence-base for their work. As teacher-led research becomes more accessible, it is suggested that this may have positive implications for future teaching practice.
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Recommended Citation
Crawford, R. (2022). Action Research as Evidence-based Practice: Enhancing Explicit Teaching and Learning Through Critical Reflection and Collegial Peer Observation. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(12).