Australian Journal of Teacher Education

In a direct effort to build a greater understanding of higher education teaching and learning opportunities, this study shares the journey of three university lecturers working to ensure best practice outcomes from criterion-referenced assessment [CRA]. The work was built on a belief that our respective higher education undergraduate students did not fully value the design structure or feedback outcomes inherent in CRA. Using a collaborative autoethnographic lens we pooled experiences, outcomes, challenges, assumptions, and accounts of unconscious biases from across our different tertiary education schools and subjects. Our examination enriched our understanding, our teaching, and our student outcomes. In sharing our journey we offer three unique, yet jointly considered perspectives on using CRA to extend and enhance learning.
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No, research was not funded
Recommended Citation
Ashman, K., Turner, K., & Martin, D. (2022). Engaging First Year Students in Assessment Rubrics: Three Personal Experiences. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(2).
Included in
Accounting Commons, Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching Commons, Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Other Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons