Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Calls for enhancing the digital interface for teaching and learning within tertiary institutions have played out in one School of Education, with variable results. Online learning tasks were added in 2018 to regular classes to provide more flexibility for student engagement. A team of lecturers developed a questionnaire for students to be completed after the first semester pilot. Data and findings indicated that one-third of students identified online learning as an enhancement to their learning. A second survey was conducted one year later to assess changes made and analyse the longer-term impacts. During the COVID-19 lockdown, fully online pedagogy was required; anecdotal observation indicated an improvement in satisfaction and engagement, but perhaps only because online was the only way possible to complete assessments. The conclusion contains recommendations and a cautionary tale, when introducing online learning across existing courses.
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Recommended Citation
Bernay, R. S., Jenkin, C., Utumapu-McBride, T., Schoone, A., & Gibbons, A. (2022). A Review of Undergraduate Education Student Responses to the Online Component of Blended Learning: A Cautionary Tale. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(6).
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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons