Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

Australian Journal of Teacher Education

ISSN 1835-517X

The purpose of the Australian Journal of Teacher Education is to enhance the quality of teacher education through the publication of research reports, learned points of view and commentaries. Contributions may address proposals for, or descriptions of, development in the purpose, structure and methodology of teacher education; curriculum issues; changes in schools; or general social, ideological or political issues relating to teacher education.

Please note: Starting in 2025, the AJTE will transition to a quarterly publication schedule.

ISSN: 1835-517X

Directions of New Music

ISSN 2207-3922

Directions of New Music (DNM) is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed journal, hosted at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts at Edith Cowan University. DNM focuses on Australian research in New Music (contemporary classical, electroacoustic, experimental and free improvisation), including performative, compositional and musicological perspectives.

The Journal does not charge any submission fees or article processing charges.

Submissions are not currently being accepted for Directions of New Music.

eCULTURE (Conferences, Symposia and Campus Events)

ISSN 2201-4403

eCULTURE is an annual conference conducted at Edith Cowan University. Papers accepted for the conference are peer reviewed. Effort is made to review with a developmental focus so that authors are introduced to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). ISSN: 2201-4403

Submissions are not currently being accepted for eCULTURE.

Emerging Topics in Academic Libraries

Emerging Topics in Academic Libraries (ETAL) is a bi-annual, open access publication exploring issues, trends and best practice for academic and research libraries in Australia. ETAL is a forum for people working in the sector to share ideas, innovations and work solutions, and to discuss and analyse emerging trends influencing libraries generally.

Submissions are not currently being accepted for Emerging Topics in Academic Libraries.

Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

ISSN 2653-3219

The Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal that shares multi-disciplinary knowledge and research about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. The Journal facilitates access to information to support those working in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector, helping to improve health outcomes by providing evidence to inform practice and policy. The Journal serves as a platform for knowledge exchange and is relevant to a wide range of readers including policy makers, service providers, researchers, students and the general community.

The Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet publishes original, informative and scholarly articles on a broad range of topics under the umbrella of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing. Preference for publication is given to practical examples of policies, strategies and programs that utilise clinical, educational, organisational, economic and/or environmental approaches to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health that have the potential to inform and support everyday practice. The Journal has a strong commitment to enhancing strength based approaches to responding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health issues and concerns.

The Journal is run by a team of editors from the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet and we invite submissions from those working in and researching Indigenous health worldwide that will be of interest to, and inform the everyday practice of, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector workforce in Australia.

Learn more about the history of the Journal on the About This Journal page.

Landscapes: the Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language

ISSN 1448-0778

A fully refereed journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language.
Based at Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley, Western Australia. ISSN: 1448-0778

New submissions to Landscapes: the Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language have been suspended temporarily.

Research Journalism

A journal of peer-reviewed academic journalism

ISSN 1838-9597

Submissions are not currently being accepted for Research Journalism.

Sound Scripts

ISSN 2209-1475

Sound Scripts is a blind-peer reviewed journal, specialising in new music and sound art.

Beginning as an outlet for reworked papers authored by presenters from the Totally Huge New Music Festival Conference, Sound Scripts has since been issued each year following the conference. All articles are fully refereed as stand-alone, journal submissions. Sound Scripts also includes additional invited scholarly essays, scores, artist comments, and other materials, depending on the edition and each is typically organised around a theme drawn from the conference.