
Submissions from 2011


The Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC), Anthony Blazevich


Individuals with chronic low back pain have greater difficulty in engaging in positive lifestyle behaviours than those without back pain: An assessment of health literacy, Andrew Briggs, Joanne Jordan, Peter O'Sullivan, Rachelle Buchbinder, Angus Burnett, Richard Osborne, and Leon Straker


Effects of Ramadan Intermittent Fasting on Middle-Distance Running Performance in Well-Trained Runners, Jeanick Ezzedine Brisswalter, Ezzedine Bouhlel, Jean Marie Falola, Chris R. Abbiss, Jean Marc Vallier, and Christophe Hauswirth


How specific is domain specificity: Does it extend across playing position?, L Bruce, Damian Farrow, and Annette Raynor


Effects of Running Velocity on Running Kinetics and Kinematics, Matt J. Brughelli, John B. Cronin, and Anis Chaouachi


Performance and physiological responses during a sprint interval training session: relationships with muscle oxygenation and pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics, M Buchheit, Chris Abbiss, J J. Peiffer, and Paul B. Laursen


Oligomerization and Toxicity of Aβ Fusion Proteins, Joanne M. Caine, Prashant R. Bharadwaj, Sonia E. Sankovich, Giuseppe D. Ciccotosto, Victor A. Streltsov, and Jose Varghese


An Exploration of the Relationship Between Back Muscle Endurance and Familial , Physical, Lifestyle, and Psychosocial Factors in Adolescents and Young Adults, Amity Campbell, Andrew Briggs, Peter O'Sullivan, Anne Smith, Angus F. Burnett, Penny Moss, and Leon Straker


Impact of ageing on muscle cell regeneration, Silvia Carosio, Maria Berardinelli, michela Aucello, and Antonio Mursaro


Living with prostate cancer: randomised controlled trial of a multimodal supportive care intervention for men with prostate cancer, Suzanne Chambers, Robert Newton, Afaf Girgis, Lisa Nielsen, Stephen Lepore, Cathrine Mihalopoulos, Robert Gardiner, Daniel A. Galvao, and Stefano Occhipinti


Effects of set-repetition configuration in eccentric exercise on muscle damage and the repeated bout effect, Roy Chan, Michael Newton, and Kazunori Nosaka


The influence of set-repetition configuration in eccentric exercise on muscle damage and repeated bout effect, Roy Y.H. Chan


Effect of slow-velocity lengthening contractions on muscle damage induced by fast-velocity lengthening contractions, Dale Chapman, Michael Newton, Michael McGuigan, and Kazunori Nosaka


Comparison between multiple sets and half-pyramid resistance exercise bouts for muscle damage profile, Mario A. Charro, Marcelo S. Aoki, Kazunori Nosaka, Denis Foschini, Aylton Figueira, and Reury F. Bacurau


The role of PAX3/PAX7-FKHR in mesenchymal stem cell myogenic differentiation and rhabdomyosarcomagenesis, Elizabeth Charytonowicz


Alternate PAX3 and PAX7 C-terminal isoforms in myogenic differentiation and sarcomagenesis, Elizabeth Charytonowicz, Ignor Matushansky, Mireia Castillo-Martin, Todd Hricik, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, and Melanie Ziman


PAX7-FKHR fusion gene inhibits myogenic differentiation via NF-kappaB upregulation, Elizabeth Charytonowicz, Igor Matushansky, Mireia Castillo-Martin, Marc Ladanyi, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Josep Domingo-Domenech, and Melanie Ziman


Effects of Flexibility Training on Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle damage, Che-Hsiu Chen, Kazunori Nosaka, Hsin-Lian Chen, Ming-Ju Lin, Kuo-Wei Tseng, and Trevor C. Chen


Independent Contribution of Temporal β-amyloid Deposition to Memory Decline in the Pre-dementia Phase of Alzheimer's Disease, Gael Chetelat, Victor Villemagne, Kerryn Pike, Kathryn Ellis, Pierrick Bourgeat, Gareth Jones, Graeme O'Keefe, Olivier Salvado, Cassandra Szoeke, Ralph Martins, David Ames, Colin Masters, and Christopher Rowe


Is TNF a link between aging-related reproductive endocrine dyscrasia and Alzheimer's disease?, Ian Clark and Craig Atwood


Grandparental investment: A relic of the past or a resource for the future?, David A. Coall and Ralph Hertwig


Antecedents of teenage pregnancy: Using an evolutionary perspective in the search for mechanisms, David Coall, Thomas E. Dickins, and Daniel Nettle


The effect of balance and strength training on muscle activation, strength and standing balance, Jodie Cochrane, David Lloyd, and Tim Ackland


National Safe Schools Framework: Policy and Practice to Reduce Bullying in Australian Schools, Donna Cross, Melanie Epstein, Lydia Hearn, Phillip Slee, Therese Shaw, and Helen Monks


School-Based Strategies to Address Cyber Bullying, Donna Cross, Helen Monks, Marilyn Campbell, Barbara Spears, and Phillips Slee


Occupational respiratory health surveillance at Minara Resources, Murrin Murrin mine site, Martyn Cross


Transitions in midlife women's lives: Contemporary experiences, Julie Dare

Women, kin-keeping and the inscription of gender in mediated communication environments, Julie Dare


Rethinking social support in women's midlife years: Women's experiences of social support in online environments, Julie Dare and Lelia Green


Vocational training programs, transition programs and work experience placements for employment of young adults with intellectual disability: A systematic review & a description of employment patterns and day occupations of young adults with intellectual disability residing in Queensland, Sophia Davidson


Time Motion Analysis and Hip Abductor Strength Changes in Netball, Melissa de Klerk


Muscle atrophy induced by SOD1(G93A) expression does not involve the activation of caspase in the absence of denervation, Gabriella Dobrowolny, Michela Aucello, and Antonio Musarò


The impact of online social participation on social capital and mental health outcomes of young adults: A systematic review & participation and quality of life of young adults living in Western Australia: Research report, Robyn Earl


Influence of muscle-tendon unit structure on rate of force development during the squat, countermovement, and drop jumps, Jacob Earp, William Kraemer, Prue Comie, Jeffery Volek, Carl Maresh, Michael Joseph, and Robert Newton


Socioeconomic, Demographic and Legal Influences on Consanguinity and Kinship in Northern Coastal Sweden 1780-1899, I Egerbladh and Alan H. Bittles


Advances in structural and molecular neuroimaging in Alzheimer's disease, Kathryn A. Ellis, Christopher C. Rowe, Cassandra E.I. Szoeke, Victor L. Villemagne, David Ames, Gael Chetelat, Ralph N. Martins, Colin L. Masters, Jurgen Fripp, Oscar Acosta, Parnesh Raniga, Pierrick T. Bourgeat, and Olivier Salvado


Homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folic acid levels in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy elderly: Baseline characteristics in subjects of the Australian Imaging Biomarker Lifestyle study, Noel G. Faux, Kathryn A. Ellis, Lorine Porter, Chris J. Fowler, Simon M. Laws, Ralph N. Martins, Kelly K. Pertile, Alan Rembach, Chris C. Rowe, Rebecca L. Rumble, Cassandra Szoeke, Kevin Taddei, Tania Taddei, Brett O. Trounson, Victor Villemagne, Vanessa Ward, David Ames, Colin Masters, and Ashley Bush


Change in gross motor abilities of girls and women with rett syndrome over a 3- to 4-year period, Kitty-Rose Foley, J. Downs, A. Bebbington, P. Jacoby, Sonya Girdler, W. E. Kaufmann, and H. Leonard


Effects of a 5-h hilly running on ankle plantar and dorsal flexor force and fatigability, François Fourchet, Grégoire Millet, Katja Tomazin, Kenny Guex, Kazunori Nosaka, Pascal Edouard, Francis Degache, and Guillaume Millet


"Better but no cigar": Persons with aphasia speak about their speech, Davida Fromm, Audrey Holland, Elizabeth Armstrong, Margaret Forbes, Brian MacWhinney, Amy Risko, and Nicole Mattison


Stepping Back to Improve Sprint Performance: A Kinetic Analysis of the First Step Forwards, David Frost and John Cronin


Psychological and social consequences among mothers suffering from perinatal loss: perspective from a low income country, Kaniz Gausia, Allisyn C. Moran, Mohammed Ali, David Ryder, Colleen Fisher, and Marge Koblinsky


Very early poststroke aphasia therapy: A pilot randomized controlled efficacy trial, Erin Godecke, Kathryn Hird, Erin E. Lalor, Tapan Rai, and Michael R. Phillips


Changes in vertical jump height, anthropometric characteristics, and biochemical parameters after contrast training in master athletes and physically active older people, Jose González-Ravé, Manuel Delgado, Manuel Vaquero, Daniel Juarez, and Robert Newton


Plasma Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer Disease Risk: The AIBL Study of Aging, Veer Bala B. Gupta, Simon M. Laws, Victor L. Villemagne, David Ames, Ashley I. Bush, Kathryn A. Ellis, James K. Lui, Colin Masters, Christopher C. Rowe, Cassandra Szoeke, Kevin Taddei, and Ralph N. Martins


Improving students' confidence levels in communicating with patients and introducing students to the importance of history taking, Georgia Halkett, Janice McKay, and Therese Shaw


Consanguineous marriages, pearls and perils: Geneva international consanguinity workshop report, Hanan Hamamy, S.E Antonarakis, L.L Cavalli-Sforza, S. Temtamy, G. Romeo, L.P. Ten Kate, R.L Bennett, A. Shaw, A. Megarbane, C. van Duijin, H. Bathija, S. Fokstuen, E. Engel, J. Zlotogora, E. Dermitzakis, Bottani, S. Dahoun, M.A. Morris, S. Arsenault, M.S. Aglan, M. Ajaz, A. Alkalamchi, D. Alnaqeb, M.K. Alwasiyah, N. Anwer, R. Awwad, M. Bonnefin, P. Corry, L. Gwanmesia, G.A Karbani, M. Mostfavi, T Pippucci, E. Ranza-Boscardin, B. Reversade, S.M. Sharif, M.E. Teeuw, and Alan H. Bittles


The Effect of Cluster Loading on Force, Velocity, and Power During Ballistic Jump Squat Training, Keir Hansen, John Cronin, and Michael Newton


Do force-time and power-time measures in a loaded jump squat differentiate between speed performance and playing level in elite and elite junior rugby union players?, Keir T. Hansen, John B. Cronin, S. L. Pickering, and L Douglas


Development and Evaluation of the Consumer Recovery Satisfaction Survey, Anthony Henderson, David A. Coall, Alyssa Lillee, Mohan Isaac, and Aleksander Janca


Long-term Effects of a Protein-enriched Diet on Blood Pressure in Older Women, Jonathon Hodgson, Kun Zhu, Joshua Lewis, Deborah Kerr, Xingqiong Meng, Vicky Solah, Amanda Devine, Colin Binns, Richard Woodman, and Richard Prince


Genetic Factors in Metastatic Progression of Cutaneous Melanoma: the Future Role of Circulating Melanoma Cells in Prognosis and Management, A Ireland, M Millward, R Pearce, M Lee, and Mel Ziman


Comparison in muscle damage between maximal voluntary and electrically evoked isometric contractions of the elbow flexors, Marc Jubeau, Makii Muthalib, Guillaume Millet, N Maffiuletti, and Kazunori Nosaka


Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on maximal voluntary isometric strength and endurance of the elbow flexors, Benjamin Kan


The dynamics of CD147 in Alzheimer's disease development and pathology, Limbikani Kanyenda, Giuseppe Verdile, Sherif Boulos, Sudarsan Krishnaswamy, Kevin Taddei, Bruno Meloni, Frank Mastaglia, and Ralph Martins


Prophylactic effect of hot pack on symptoms of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the wrist extensors, Peanchai Khamwong, Kazunori Nosaka, Ubon Pirunsan, and Aatit Paungmali


Associatioin of Plasma Aβ Peptides with Blood Pressure in the Elderly, Jean-Charles Lambert, Jean Dallongeville, Kathryn A. Ellis, Susanna Schraen-Maschke, James Lui, Simon Laws, Julie Dumont, Florence Richard, Dominque Cottel, Claudine Berr, David Ames, Colin L. Masters, Christopher C. Rowe, Cassandra Szoeke, Christophe Tzourio, Jean-Francois Dartigues, Luc Buee, Ralph Martins, and Philippe Amouyel


Association of plasma Aß peptides with blood pressure in the elderly, Jean-Charles Lambert, Jean Dallongeville, Kathryn Ellis, Susanna Schraen-Maschke, James Lui, Simon Laws, Julie Dumont, Florence Richard, Dominique Cottel, Claudine Berr, David Ames, Colin Masters, Christopher Rowe, Cassandra Szoeke, Christophe Tzourio, Jean-Francois Dartigues, Luc Buee, Ralph Martins, and Philippe Amouyel


Neurosurgical Convection-Enhanced Delivery of Treatments for Parkinson's Disease, Miu Lam Lam, Meghan Thomas, and Christopher R. Lind


Effect of Vibration Treatment on Symptoms Associated with Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage, Wing Lau and Kazunori Nosaka


I just saw it as something that would pull you down, rather than lift you up': Resilience in never-smokers with mental illness, Sharon Lawn, Deborah J. Hersh, Paul R. Ward, George Tsourtos, Robert Muller, Anthony Winefield, and John Coveney


Lack of evidence to support the association of polymorphisms within the alpha- and beta-secretase genes (ADAM10/BACE1) with Alzheimer's disease, Simon Laws, Klaus Eckart, Patricia Friedrich, Alexander Kurz, H. Forstl, and Mathias Riemenschneider


Strength testing and training of rowers: A review, T Lawton, John Cronin, and Michael Mcguigan


Relationships between triathlon performance and pacing strategy during the run in an international competition, Yann Le Meur, Tierry Bernard, Sylvain Dorel, Chris Abbiss, Gerard Honnorat, Jeanick Brisswalter, and Christophe Hausswirth


Automation of the Buccal Micronucleus Cytome Assay Using Laser Scanning Cytometry, Wayne R. Liefert, Maxine Francois, Philip Thomas, Ed Luther, Elena Holden, and Michael Fenech


Geographic Distribution and Risk Factors of the Initial Adult Hospitalized Cases of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection in Mainland China, Yunning Liu, Wei Wang, Xia Li, Hong Wang, Yanxia Luo, Lijuan Wu, and Xiuhua Guo


Screening Novel Biomarkers for Metabolic Syndrome by Profiling Human Plasma N-Glycans in Chinese Han and Croatian Populations, Jia-Peng Lu, Ana Knezevic, You-Xin Wang, Igor Rudan, Harry Campbell, Zhi-Kang Zou, Jie Lan, Qing-Xuan Lai, Jing-Jing Wu, Yan He, Man-Shu Song, Ling Zhang, Gordan Lauc, and Wei Wang


Scald burn admissions to Princess Margaret Hospital in 1998 and 2008: A comparative analysis, Lisa Martin


The Alzheimer's Association External Quality Control Program for Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers, Niklas Mattsson, Ulf Andreasson, Staffan Persson, Hiroyuki Arai, Sat D. Batish, Sergio Bernardini, Luisella Bocchio-Chiavetto, Marinus A. Blankenstein, Maria C. Carrillo, Sonia Chalbot, Els Coart, Davide Chiasserini, Neal Cutler, Gunilla Dahlfors, Stefan Duller, Anne M. Fagan, Orestes Forlenza, Giovanni B. Frisoni, Douglas Galasko, Daniela Galimberti, Harald Hampel, Aase Handberg, Michael T. Heneka, Adrianna Z. Herskovits, Sanna-Kaisa Herukka, David M. Holtzmann, Christian Humpel, Bradley T. Hyman, Khalid Iqbal, Mathias Jucker, Stephan A. Kaeser, Elmar Kaiser, Elisabeth Kapaki, Daniel Kidd, Peter Klivenyi, Cindy S. Knudsen, Markus P. Kummer, James Lui, Albert Llado, Piotr Lewczuk, Qiao-Xin Li, Ralph Martins, Colin Masters, John McAullife, Marc Mercken, Abhay Moghekar, Jose Luis Molinuevo, Thomas J. Montine, William Nowatzke, Richard O'Brien, Markus Otto, George P. Paraskevas, Lucilla Parnetti, Ronald C. Petersen, David Prvulovic, Herman P.M. de Reus, Robert A. Rissman, Elio Scarpini, Alessandro Stefani, Hikka Soininen, Johannes Schroder, Leslie M. Shaw, Anders Skinningsrud, Brith Skrogstad, Annette Spreer, Leda Talib, Charlotte Teunissen, John Q. Trojanowski, Hayrettin Tumani, Robert M. Umek, Bianca Van Broeck, Hugo Vanderstichele, Laszlo Vecsei, Marcel M. Verbeek, Manfred Windisch, Jing Zhang, Henrik Zetterberg, and Kaj Blennow


A web-based normative data tool for assessing cognitive performance in healthy older Australians, Simon J. McBride, Cassandra E.I. Szoeke, Norm M. Good, David Ames, Ralph N. Martins, Colin N. Masters, Paul T. Maruff, Christopher C. Rowe, Greg Savage, and Kathryn A. Ellis


Is there a difference between the mental health of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy with differing levels of motor function : a systematic review ; and, Life beyond mobility for non-ambulant children with cerebral palsy, Belinda McLean


New perspectives on melanoma: The role of PAX3, Sandra Medic


Differential PAX3 functions in normal skin melanocytes and melanoma cells, Sandra Medic, Helen Rizos, and Melanie Ziman


A return-to-sport algorithm for acute hamstring injuries, Jurdan Mendiguchia and Matt Brughelli


The effectiveness of back belts in reducing the incidence, duration and cost of low back pain claims associated with manual handling injury in a retail hardware chain, Nick Merdith, Jacques Oosthuizen, and Milos Nedved

Effects of Topic Familiarity on Discourse in Aphasia, Adrienne Miles, Natalie Ciccone, and Erin Godecke


Maternal Consumption of Coffee and Tea During Pregnancy and Risk of Childhood ALL: Results from an Australian Case-Control Study, Elizabeth Milne, Jill Royle, Lisa C. Bennett, Nicholas H. De Klerk, Helen D. Bailey, Carol Bower, Margaret R. Miller, John Attia, Rodney J. Scott, Maria Kirby, and Bruce K. Armstrong


Maximizing Hypertrophy: Possible Contribution of Stretching in the Interset Rest Period, Nur Ikhwan Mohamad, Kazunori Nosaka, and John Cronin


Stimulus parameters influencing cortical responses by transcranial magnetic stimulation targeting I-wave dynamics : duration, intensity and interval between interventions, Lynda Marie Murray


Interventional Repetitive I-Wave Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): The Dimension of Stimulation Duration, Lynda M. Murray, Kazunori Nosaka, and Gary W. Thickbroom


The Repeated-bout Effect: Influence on Biceps Brachii Oxygenation and Myoelectrical Activity, Makii Muthalib, Hoseong Lee, Guilaume Millet, Marco Ferrari, and Kazunori Nosaka


Early-Life Conditions and Age at First Pregnancy in British Women, Daniel Nettle, David A. Coall, and Thomas E. Dickins


Zebrafish as a Tool in Alzheimer's Disease Research, Morgan Newman, Giuseppe Verdile, Ralph Martins, and Michael Lardelli

Total Athlete Management (TAM) and Performance Diagnosis, Robert Newton and Marco Cardinale

Strength and Conditioning Biomechanics, Robert Newton and Parker

Impact of assistive technology on caregivers of children with physical impairments: A systematic review, the impact of switching on family caregivers of children with cerebral palsy, Amy Nicolson


Monitoring Neuromuscular Fatigue in Amateur Baseball Players During a National Tournament, Sophia Nimphius


Exercise-induced muscle damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), Kazunori Nosaka


Muscle Damage Induced by Electrical Stimulation, Kazunori Nosaka, Abdulaziz Aldayel, Marc Jubeau, and Trevor C. Chen

Repeated Bout Effect: Research Update and Future Perspective, Kazunori Nosaka and Marcelo Saldanha Aoki


Leisure participation for school-aged children with Down syndrome [journal article], Alinta J. Oates, Ami Beggington, Jenny Bourke, Sonya J. Girdler, and Helen Leonard


Formal supports improve QOL for parents of children with disabilities: Systematic review; and, Mothers caring for a child with a disability require dynamic, tailored support services to return to paid work, Sylvana Pasini


Current evidence of best practice in whole-school bullying intervention and its potential to inform cyberbullying interventions, Natasha Pearce, Donna Cross, Helen Monks, Stacey Waters, and Sarah Falconer


Influence of Environmental Temperature on 40 km Cycling Time-Trial Performance, Jeremiah J. Peiffer and Chris R. Abbiss


Low Back Pain in Adolescent Female Rowers: A Multi-Dimensional Intervention Study, Debra Perich, Angus F. Burnett, Peter O'Sullivan, and Chris Perkin


Pack Hike Test finishing time for Australian firefighters: Pass rates and correlates of performance, M Phillips, A Petersen, Chris Abbiss, K Netto, W Payne, D Nichols, and B Aisbett


Cognition and beta-amyloid in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: Data from the AIBL study, Kerryn Pike, Kathryn A Ellis, Victor L Villemagne, Norm Good, Gael Chetelat, David Ames, Cassandra Szoeke, Simon Laws, Giuseppe Verdile, Ralph N. Martins, Colin L Masters, and Christopher C Rowe


A critical role for the protein phosphatase 2A B 'alpha regulatory subunit in dephosphorylation of sphingosine kinase 1, Melissa Pitman, Renae Barr, Briony Gliddon, Angus Magarey, Paul Moretti, and Stuart Pitson


Effect of Instantaneous Performance Feedback During 6 Weeks of Velocity-Based Resistance Training On Sport-Specific Performance Tests, Aaron D. Randell, John B. Cronin, Keogh W. Justin, Gill D. Nicholas, and Murray Pedersen


Reliability of Performance Velocity for Jump Squats under Feedback and Nonfeedback Conditions, Aaron D. Randell, John Cronin, Justin W.L. Keogh, Nicholas D. Gill, and Murray Pedersen