Theses from 2000
What counts as accountability? : Towards an accountability framework for the pre-primary, Lennie Barblett
Analysis of the population genetics of the Han and Hui of Liaoning province, Peoples Republic of China, Michael L. Black
Community attitudes and the role of the victim offender relationship in child sexual abuse cases, Kirstin Leigh Bouse
What does a child's story tell you?, Tamara Anne Bromley
Conceptions of learning identified by indigenous students entering a University preparation course, Alison M. Bunker
The effects of suicide intent and history of self-harm on emotional reactions and willingness to help, Paul A. Buttigieg
So-- you do this for a living? : a study of women in adventure recreation in Western Australia, May Carter
Professional and continuing education in Hong Kong: An analysis of the characteristics and job satisfaction of part-time teachers of English language courses, Joe Wai-kin Ching
Resource allocation and efficiency in public sector audits, Kar M. Chong
Phantom Classmates : A Case Study Of Talented Mathematics Students Learning Via Telematics, Leanne S. Clarke
Justice or differential treatment? : Adult offenders with an intellectual disability in the criminal justice system, Judith Cockram
The effects of the provision of an interactive teaching program and word processors on the writing of year 9 students with learning disabilities, Cecily Cropley
Novel, The Fourth Expedition, Based on the Journals of a Nineteenth Century Australian Explorer; Essay, The Pastoral Myth in the Twenty-First Century, Laurel Faye Davis
Bandwidth management and quality of service, Adalbert Engel
Assessing moral reasoning development through values education within a Western Australian independent school, Kelvin Fairclough
Developing a post compulsory evidence-based alcohol education curriculum that is relevant to students and acceptable to teachers, Fiona Farringdon
Aboriginal Students Perceptions Of The Effect Of Vocational Education And Training On Post School Experiences, Steven J. Florisson
Living with a transvestite : A phenomenological study of wives and committed partners of transvestites, Heather Christine Freegard
Drama praxis : Rural arts workers and lifelong learning : a phenomenological study, Susan E. Gibson
Tracing image and bodily displacement in modern and postmodern dance, Carolyn Margaret Griffiths
Accounting information and the underpricing of Indonesian initial public offerings, Tatang Ary Gumanti
Managing the information overload : a case study of managerial staff in a government department, Kerttu Hamilton
Shamanism and alien abductions : a comparative study, Simon Brian Harvey-Wilson
Constructing compatibility : Managing breastfeeding and weaning from the mothers' perspective, Yvonne Louise Hauck
Identifying the 'aboutness' of highly structured expository documents, N. Stuart Hawthorne
Reducing the redundancy of financial ratios and assessing the stability of financial patterns, Teck K. Hii
Prisoners' Use of Social Support, Gaynor S. Hobbs
How general practitioners and aged care workers perceive incidences of elder abuse, Paul Howrie
Attitudes towards female sports stars as endorsers, Kevin R. James
Determining the critical elements of the customer intimacy framework, Frank Raymond Jasper
The potential use of smart cards in vehicle management with particular reference to the situation in Western Australia, Harry W. Jones
Securing the Shadows : A Biography of Catherina Huisken, 1914-1999, Portland Carla Jones
The General Board of Education in Western Australia 1847-1871: Its establishment and performance, Derek Jowle
Attitudes, practices and knowledge regarding cervical cancer screening among Greek women in the area of Perth, Panagiota Karnaki
The pastoral and modernity: AUTO visitants hunt as textual investigation of self and poetry, John Kinsella
University Baccalaureate curriculum analysis for safety and health in the United States of America (USA) toward a model University Baccalaureate curriculum, Margie L. Kolbe-Mims
Killing ostriches: Young women, family violence and youth work, Judy Kulisa
The teaching portfolio project: An evaluative case study of a portfolio-based approach to the development of university teaching, Martijntje M. Kulski
Landscape differences in the ecology of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris Rufa, Gary W. Luck
The Application Of Object-oriented Techniques To Preliminary Design Problems, Patrick S. Mackessy
An identification of the core variables that assist people diagnosed with mental illness in a time of transition, Robyn M. Martin
The Use Of The Cognitive Status Examination In Detecting Cognitive Impairment In Elderly People, Geoff McCann
Insights into drama in the early childhood setting: A rationale for the use of drama, Lynette Kaye Moss
Changes to the distribution of Posidonia seagrass communities of James Point, in response to the development of Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, Anthony Muscara
An analysis of quality practices and business outcomes in Western Australian hospitals, Janis Mussett
The Relationship Between Functional And Histological Changes In Muscle Following Eccentric Exercise In Mice, Michael John Newton
Gender differences in coping responses for partners of problem drinkers, Patricia O'Brien
The ideal homeworkers: An investigation of personal & job characteristic requirements for successful home based work, Maryam Omari
Factors affecting the recruitment of riparian vegetation on the Ord and Blackwood Rivers in Western Australia, Neil Pettit
A qualitative study of the impact of hip fracture in the elderly population, Stephanie Anne Price
Auditory hallucinations and the presence of depression in chronic schizophrenia, Julie Proctor
Suggestibility in children: A review: Suggestibility differences between children with and without mild intellectual impairment, Rebecca Purchon
Early attachment and eating disorders: A comparative study between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, Francoise Ringer
A linkage study of autism using multipoint sib-pair analysis, Tamara Rogers
Dual disorders and implications for assessment and treatment, Eva Rosada
Origin and fate of organic matter in South-West Australian wetlands, Darren Stuart Ryder
A study of the adjustment problems experienced by workers undertaking short term international relocation, Carla Fedora Sharp-Paul
Key Decision-making Phases And Tasks For Outsourcing Information Technology, Ashraf Shoeib
Exploring the criteria used by managers to measure the effectiveness of customer loyalty programs, Peter D. Simms
Thoughts and feelings of a beginning tertiary group of adult learners in a human resource development course, Bryan W. Smith
The professional development of beginning teachers of primary mathematics, Robert Leonard Sparrow
Psychological sense of community in Jewish adolescents of Perth, Western Australia, Darren M. Stein
Intellectual capital: Managerial perceptions of organisational knowledge resources, Mark Valentine St Leon
Influence of public image of nurses on nursing practice, Miyuki Takase
Intelligent approaches to VLSI routing, Maolin Tang
Leisure patterns, constraints and socio-demographic characteristics of Korean immigrants in Western Australia, Sooyoung S. Tcha
Managing the acidity of abandoned water filled coal mining voids in Collie (Western Australia) using organic matter, Scott A. Thompson
The relationship between symptoms of perceived trauma and verbal learning and memory deficits, Santina Tonizzo
Force And Electromyographic Responses To Ergometer Rowing, Darryl A. Turner
Parents' construction of emotional abuse and neglect of children aged birth to six years in a rural district in Uganda, Edreda Tuwangye
Target language avoidance by Thai teachers of English: Thai teachers' beliefs, Sasithorn Vacharaskunee
The marketing orientation of small and medium enterprises: An Australian study, Venkateswara S. Venkatesan
Does a rising intonation at the end of a spoken statement affect a witness's credibility?, Genevieve L. Willis
Attitude and behaviour dichotomy in SME strategic alliance: A south west of Western Australian study, Dianne Wingham
Self-esteem: The influence of parenting styles, Jean Wolff
M-GARCH Hedge Ratios And Hedging Effectiveness In Australian Futures Markets, Wenling Yang
Coping with health-related problems and psychological distress amongst older adult hospital patients, Fotini Katerina Zachariades
Theses from 1999
The response of secondary students from non-English speaking backgrounds to a visual arts course, Jean O. Aitken
Barbadian teachers' personal practical knowledge about advocated pedagogic practices used in the education of the under-fives, Sonja M. Anderson
The relative importance of barriers to cervical cancer screening in older women : A review of 140 women and their pap smear providers, Nerida Beaumont
The literacy-related knowledge of the children in two Western Australian preprimary centres and the literacy-related practices in their homes, Susan M. Beilharz
The effects of budget emphasis, budgetary participation, trust and organisational commitment on job related tension and propensity to create slack : Empirical evidence from Norway, Christin S. Buckland
Astride two worlds: The Chinese response to changing citizenship in Western Australia (1901-1973), Tian M. Cai
Other Englands: Regionalism in Shakespeare's first historical tetralogy, Graham Cattle
Knowledge and attitudes of sexuality in the elderly among educators of health care professionals, Joanne L. Chapman
Surviving sexually oriented bias incidents: The experiences of homosexually active men, Christopher Churchouse
Moving to Western Australia : decision making processes of migrants from the United Kingdom, Lynne Cohen
Digital imaging: Creating new realities, Mark Datodi
Chinese and Australian conversational styles: A comparative sociolinguistic study of overlap and listener response, Xudong Deng