Theses from 2004
Learning to belong: A study of the lived experience of homeless students in Western Australia, Simone Glasson-Walls
Father role identity : An exploration of the construct and its measurement, Michelle J. Gobetz
Contrast enhancement of ultrasound images using shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks, Murali M. Gogineni
The shifting frontiers of belonging in the fiction of J. M. Coetzee, Dawn Grieve
An ethnography of writing : the writing practices of female Australian indigenous adolescents at school, Ellen Grote
Women's perceptions of safety : CCTV in an inner city setting, Kate Hancock
Perceived likelihood of activity-based costing to succeed in a university setting, Nazmi Jarrar
Exploring the clinical nurse educator's ability to foster student reflection, Jessie M. Johnson
Decorator or narrator: A contextualisation of Slavic and Australian pattern making and its relationship to my painting practice, Iliana H. Jordanov
Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) and biogeographical patterns from South-Western Australia, Simon L. Judd
Influences on the uptake of covenant mechanisms for nature conservation on private lands in Australia, Thomas I. Kabii
Lecturer receptivity to a major educational change in the context of planned change at Rajabhats in Thailand, Anusak Ketusiri
Male sexuality and masculinity: Implications for STIs/HIV and sexual health interventions in Bangladesh, Sharful I. Khan
CMOS digital pixel sensor array with time domain analogue to digital conversion, Alistair J. Kitchen
Factors influencing academics' usage of electronic journals, Margaret Krikorian
Renaissance and baroque stage technology and its meaning for today's theatre, Stan Kubalcik
The true body, (novel) and, Recovering the remains, (essay), Simone Lazaroo
The impact of corporatisation and management reform on the role and working life of managers in an Australian electricity utility: A triangulated study, 1994-2002, Desmond E. Lehmann
A softer side to men, Michael J. Lenney
Children's EFL Motivation: An investigation of 7-12 year old students in training schools in China, Daosheng Liao
Discovering the factors impacting the evaluation of knowledge management in the organizational domain, Jozef G. Loermans
Resisting aggression : Graphic re-presentations for other bodies, Camilla C. Loveridge
Primitives and design of the intelligent pixel multimedia communicator, David K. Lucas
A longitudinal study exploring the impact of moderate or severe traumatic head injuries on family caregivers, Chayanit Luevanich
Players' and coaches' perceptions of soccer coaches' specific leadership behaviours, Fadi Y. Ma'ayah
The development and evaluation of a childbirth education program for Malawian women, Address M. Malata
The Albanian and an accompanying exegesis : place and form in The Albanian, Donna J. Mazza
Providing education and support for rural palliative care nurses in Western Australia: An intervention study, Ruth McConigley
Proprioceptive and muscle activation changes in triceps surae associated with exercise induced muscle damage, Carmel Nottle
One thing I love: A novel and, Balance in creation: A novelist's view of the psychology of inspiration, an accompanying essay, Melissa D. O'Shea
Strategic and institutional influences on fund manager investment flows, Jerry T. Parwada
An analysis of the relationship between organizational culture and occupational stress: Perceptions of employees following a merger, Brent J. Pasula
The effect of money as a context on students' mental computation performance in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, Anne Paterson
Mock jurors' judgements of the victim, crime and defendant as a function of victim race and deliberation, Lynley V. Poli
Indicators of community resilience : a study of communities facing impending natural disasters, Julie A. Pooley
The young school-age assessment of attachment (YSAA): Development and preliminary validation, Lynn E. Priddis
Kimberley Women : Their Experiences of Making a Remote Locality Home, Elaine Rabbitt
Adaptive applications of OPTO-VLSI processors in WDM networks, Mehrdad Raisi
The effect of strength training on 3km performance in recreational female endurance runners, Cherina M. Rice
Work intensification and professionalism : A study of teachers' perceptions in the state school system in Western Australia, Niall B. Richardson
Is a knowledge based value network an effective model for implementing e-government?, Greg Robins
When the carnival is over : Peter Barnes' Red Noses and the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin, Duncan A. Sharp
Facilitating teacher professional learning : analysing the impact of an Australian professional learning model in secondary science, Rachel Sheffield
Meeting the challenge : The female carers' perspective of managing dyspnoea, Kim A. Skett
Kodak's worst nightmare Super 8 in the digital age: A cultural history of Super 8 filmmaking in Australia 1965-2003, Keith Smith
Cast(e) in between: A mixed-descent family's coexistence in the West Kimberley 1944-1969, Jacinta Solonec
Autonomy in foreign language learning: An exploratory analysis of Japanese learners, Miyuki U. Surma
A public survey on electroconvulsive therapy, Serene P. Teh
Self-reported business leadership competencies of middle-level managers, Philip Teo
Mine site rehabilitation index using the reptile assemblage as a bio-indicator, Scott A. Thompson
Year 7 students' English reading comprehension and attitudes and behaviours: Collaborative genre-based versus traditional teaching methods in Thailand, Sanguansri Torok
Creating form : the presentation and perception of three-dimensional form, Gillian Treichel
Balkan as a metaphor in the film composition of Goran Bregovic, Nela Trifkovic
The association of working memory and anxiety with skill acquisition and transfer in young and older adults, Isabelle Valk
Striking a balance between formalism and expression in visual arts practice and visual arts education, Lynn Vroombout
Mental disorder labelling as an extralegal variable in mock jury deliberations, Kristin B. Wallengren
The construction of a Business English curriculum, relevant to the workplace, and making use of word processing in place of handwriting, Ladawan Wattanaboot
Molecular genetic investigation of autosomal dominant hemifacial microsomia, Rebecca Watt
Aquatic programmes and swimming activities in health and physical education : a case for differentiation, P. R. Whipp
The search for character: Servant-leadership in an Australian organisation, Margaret R. Whitmore
In vitro propagation of some Western Australian seagrasses, Julia Wilson
The use of proline to determine salt tolerance in eucalyptus species and clones, Andrew J. Woodward
The effects of movement based interventions on DOMS and muscle damage following eccentric exercise, Zainal A. Zainuddin
The effect of cross-linked learning on visual arts education, Cassandra Zervos
Photonic RF signal processors, Rong Zheng
Theses from 2003
Power, knowledge and childbirth practices : An ethnographic exploration in Bangladesh, Kaosar Afsana
Un voyage vers une photographie feminine: The gender politics of body and space, Panizza Ruth Allmark
Covert violence in nursing, Susette Bakker
Social theory and embodied knowledge : An auto/biographical approach, Mary E. Bastable
A drop in the bucket: Collective efficacy perceptions affect waste minimising behaviours, Leesa N. Bonniface
An exploration of the influence of the acculturation process on an artist's practice and the implications for education, Julie Brewin
Public street surveillance: A psychometric study on the perceived social risk, David J. Brooks
Expertise and training effects on co-ordination dynamics in a whole body rhythmical task, Gordana Cacija
Life after diagnosis : the social experience of adolescents diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and how they manage their lives, Georgia L. Carragher
The evolution and experience of stomal therapy nurses in Australia 1959-2000, Keryln Carville
A study of the representation of marriage and the family in the film Muriel's wedding, Zoe Chambers
Voluntary disclosure of segment information in a regulated environment : Australian evidence, Mui Ching Chan
Development, implementation and evaluation of an interactive multimedia instructional model : A teaching and learning programming approach, Kacha Chansilp
The effect of eccentric exercise velocity on selected measures of muscle function and soreness of the Human elbow flexors in untrained males and females, Dale W. Chapman
Reading comprehension, and attitude and behaviour, of students taught ESL by cooperative learning in Prathom (Grade)6 classrooms in Thailand, Sutaporn Chayarathee
In pursuit of best practice : Benchmarking tools and processes for the management of hazardous substances in the workplace, Barry Chesson
A study of company characteristics associated with financial disclosure practices in India, Monali Dasgupta
The information needs of the families of patients with advanced cancer in an acute hospital, Sue Davis
Moving from interpretivism to critical realism in IS research: An exploration and supporting IT outsourcing example, Philip J. Dobson