Theses from 1996
Katharine Susannah Prichard's Coonardoo : an historical study, Marion V. Austin-Crowe
Codependent concerns among nurses, Virgina S. Besomo
A qualitative evaluation of the S.A.I.F. programme, Anne Blair
Management skills of middle-level nurse managers in Malawi, Maureen L. Chirwa
Politeness and paradigms of family: A perspective on the development of communicative competence in the Japanese ESL speaker, Christopher J. Conlan
A search tool to enhance the selection and utilisation of reusable software modules within the object-oriented paradigm, Robert H. Cross
Perceptions of financial counselling in Western Australia, Natalie Dall
The recall and retention of new vocabulary from second language lessons, Toni Dobinson
The effect of a prenatal teaching intervention on postpartum nipple pain and trauma, Elizabeth P. Duffy
The impact of the expectations of significant others in the school setting on female leadership in physical education in Western Australian government secondary schools, Regina D. Gaujers
Exploring infertility through art, Olga Gibson
The majority text debate: A study in New Testament text-critical method, Clive E. Govier
Use of Section 20 of the Education Act 1928: The study of a contemporary issue using the narrative form, Janette R. Gray
Earnings management and accounting choices in initial public offerings : Evidence from Indonesia, Tatang A. Gumanti
The modification, implementation, and evaluation of an HIV/AIDS education programme for students in year 10, Paula Hahnel
An evaluation of the social and economic impacts of the PPAEP on rural Philippines : the case of Luyong Bonbon and Pagalungan, Misamis Oriental, Philippines, Maria R. Hechanova
Occupational stress, a cross-sectional and logitudinal analysis, Nigel V. Jones
A cross-cultural study on complaint letters : Australian and Korean, Y. R. Kim
The interplay of formal and informal rule systems in government primary schools, Raymond Knight
Social disclosure by Australian listed mineral mining companies: A stakeholder approach, Gary S. Kong
Factors that influence low utilisation of natural family planning methods among child bearing women (aged 15-49 years) in Mongu urban district Zambia, Cecilia S. Lubinda
The lived experience of the aged care nurse, Christine Martin
Outsourcing in Western Australian hospitals: Management considerations, Geraldine M. Martin
The development of community mental health nursing services in Western Australia : A history (1950-1995) and population profile, Phillip M. Maude
Users and accounting information preferences of government department financial reports, Helen R. Mignot
A phenomenological study of the homebirth experience : The couples perspective, Susanjane Morison
Children's gender relations in the preschoool setting : parents' and children's [sic] perspectives as indicators for change, B. D. Murfin
An adaptive fuzzy logic controller for intelligent networking and control, Irshad Nainar
Multiple readings in multiple choice reading tests: A study of year 11 students' reading practices of a multiple choice reading test, Rosemary Naughton
An evaluation of the usefulness of a self-appraisal & goal setting instrument for community health nurses, Helen K. Pannowitz
A competency-based art therapy approach for improving the self-esteem of a pre-adolescent girl, Maria T. Papaluca
Affective and cognitive bases of attitudes toward environmental issues, Julie A. Pooley
Non English speaking background migrant Muslim women and migrant English language provision, A. Rida
Terminal sliding mode control for rigid robotic manipulators with uncertain dynamics, Nicola Ritter
Representations of law in popular culture: Knowledge constructions, media deconstructions, Virginia Rivalland
A reflective analysis of burn wound care: The Australian burns nurse' perspective, Jaynie E. Sands
Identification as a motivator of environmentally responsible tourist behaviour, Steve Sertis
The mobile telephone: The transportation of social relationships, Kenneth C. Staples
The lived experiences of people living with HIV infection, Nongluck Suwisith
The variables related to attrition and persistence of distance education students enrolled in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Education course, Eileen Thompson
Variograms and kriging in the analysis of spatial data, Suresh Tripathi
Influence of adjacent seagrass on the fish assemblages off sandy beaches, Matthew A. Vanderklift
The 'stunned' and the 'stymied' : The P.O.W. experience in the history of the 2/11th Infantry Battalion, 1939-1945, Mary R. Watt
Theses from 1995
Receptivity to a proposed change in accounting education, Patricia A. Addison
Experiences in the use of the structured systems analysis and design methodology (SSADM) in a service organisation, Andre Bavington
The lived experience of nurses caring for the dying, David M. Byrne
An analysis of the social profile of the Kilfoyles of Rosewood Station, Geraldine Byrne
Peggy Glanville-Hicks' Opera Sappho, A Critical Examination, Fiona Campbell
Developmental tasks and learning processes which influence life-satisfaction in retirement, Robin F. Clarke
Attitudes of nurses to palliative care in nursing homes in the Perth metropolitan region, Lynne Cohen
The effects on memory and self-reported behaviour of four types of information about water conservation, Brigit A. Cosgrove
Two Books of Poetry: Spinning Outside In, [and], Green Winter, White Summer : and an Essay, Two Books of Poetry and a Dream About Listening, Jenny De Garis
A mathematical model to describe haemophilus influenzae type B within Western Australia, Kevin Dennis
A policy analysis of a private sector company's response to the career start traineeship, Sherry Donaldson
Paired reading : An investigation into using parents as tutors in one mainstream high school, Miguel R. Fernandez
Perceptions of discharge planning needs : A study of discharge planning in the mental health setting, Michael P. Finn
The woman in the dock is a monster: An investigation of female criminality in the hearings of the Perth Supreme Court, 1890-1914, Debra A. Fletcher
Characteristics of fathers' speech to young children, Ann Galloway
Determinants of the decision to capitalize finance leases by lessees : Australian evidence, Salleh B. Hassan
Assessment of limb perfusion by measurement of toe temperatures with a skin probe in patients with intraaortic balloon pumps, Jacqueline Hawkrigg
Teacher and student attitudes towards recent methods of teaching and learning, Nguyen Thuy Hoang
A comparison and contradistinction of the methods of selecting educational computer software employed in W.A. primary schools, D. P. Hurrell
The influence of Western models of service delivery on the development of services for young children in Malaysia, Teresa Hutchins
Voluntary environmental disclosure by Australian listed mineral mining companies : an application of stakeholder theory, Y. B. Hutomo
A phenomenological study of infertility : the couple's perspective, M. Imeson
The parliamentary career of Michael Thomas Sadler, 1829-1833, Simon P. Karginoff
One people, one nation, one Singapore: The construction of multiculturalism in Singapore, Suvie Khong
The transition from primary to secondary school: Self-regulated learning and achievement motivation, Denise Kirkpatrick
Self and (m)other in Patrick White's fiction : an object relations approach, Mary C. Lloyd da Silva
On the relationship between a graph and the cycle graph of its complement, Christian P. Lopez
The mediation of teaching through central curriculum controls: Four case studies of history teaching in year 12 in Western Australia, Edmund Z. Mazibuko
An Identification Of Affective Characteristics Which Employers Are Seeking In Bible College Graduates, Alan Meers
An examination of selected factors associated with nurses' behaviour and intentions related to patient teaching, Ian R. Mullins
The effects of nonjudgemental feedback on gender equity in teacher student interaction in primary school physical education, Brian D. Owen
The influence of primary school music programmes on student choice of music studies in lower secondary schools, Beverley Pascoe
Some issues in the sliding mode control of rigid robotic manipulators, Sanjay Rao
Triage in Health Department of Western Australia accident and emergency departments, Geraldine M. Riordan
The effect of a structured narrative programme on language disordered children, Rosemary J. Simpson
Differential outcomes of various models of work experience, Peter Sinclair
Science on television : A representational site for mediating ideology, Helen C. Singleton
The Professional Background And Perceptions Of Principals On Their Leadership Role In Preprimary, Elizabeth Stamopoulos
Factors influencing Western Australian clinical registered nurses in discharge planning, S. R. Suiter
Calibration of a conceptual rainfall-runoff model using simulated annealing, Neil R. Sumner
The journey of making meaning in drama : a case study in a metropolitan priority school, Heather A. Timms
Life at a rural psychiatric hostel : The experience of a group of male residents, Rosalie R. Van Aken
A proposal for a development platform for microcontroller-based devices, Michael L. Wetton
Teacher planning in a era of accountability for student outcomes, Scott C. Zehnder
Theses from 1994
The management of information technology investments in the Australian ambulance services, Anthony J. Ahern
Picking up the principles: An applied linguistic analysis of the legal problem genre, Colin J. Beasley
The Effects of Teaching a Specific Top-Level Structure on the Organization of Written Texts, K Brown
A study of participants' experience of Yirra : An adolescent treatment program, Bethany F. Byatt
Legitimating a theodicy : Peter Berger and the search for meaning in post-Enlightenment society, James A. Collins
An historical and psychological context for the phenomenon of art therapy, Robert Cook