Theses from 1994
Teachers' reading theories and preferred practices with varied pupil abilities, Rowena Errington
The Induction Of Beginning Teachers In Western Australian Catholic Primary Schools, Matthew Faulkner
A study of recurrent themes in the art of alcohol and drug dependent individuals in art therapy groups at a medical detoxification centre, Amanda Hasenkam
Gals, guys and gender construction: What's in it for art therapy, E. A. Jeppe
Bringing children to their senses: A study of the influence of sensory experience on year 4 children's writing, Zenda Johnson
Comparative Evaluation Of Commercially Grown Lupin And Mung Sprouts, Sant B. Kaur
Perceptions of Mother-Daughter Relationships in the Art of Adult Incest Survivors, Ann Kirby
English as an international language: A sociolinguistic analysis of the Japanese experience, Marek M. Koscielecki
Factors affecting the learning of English as a second language macroskills among Tongan secondary students, Mele F. Latu
Software metrics for monitoring software engineering projects, Edwin C. Lim
Tax-effect accounting in Australia : the nature and treatment of the provision for deferred income tax, Robert A. Lopez
The nature and extent of pastoral care in five Western Australian government secondary schools, W. L. MacDonald
Modelling time series using time varying coefficient autoregressive models : with application to several data sets, Retno Maharesi
A qualitative evaluation of a bereavement service: An analysis of the experiences of service consumers and providers, Ruth Marquis
Scientific text structure awareness: A cross-cultural comparison of tertiary students from different language backgrounds, Catherine McLoughlin
Digital Morphometry : A Taxonomy Of Morphological Filters And Feature Parameters With Application To Alzheimer's Disease Research, Andrew Mehnert
Syntactic awareness and reading development: A training study with young children, Barbara E. Milner
The effect of a pop/rock music repertoire on the music achievement and preferences of lower secondary school students, Nunzio Mondia
A Model Of Visual Recognition Implemented Using Neural Networks, Vincent C. Phillips
The retirement experiences of former elite female netball players, J. L. Redmond
The experience of transferring to adult health care for adolescents with cystic fibrosis, Maree T. Russell
Questioning strategies: Their use by clinical teachers, Sue Sellappah
An attitudinal study of computer-based learning for English language competence with learning disabled secondary school students, Dorothy Sinclair
A study of the approaches and attitudes of information systems executives to measuring information systems effectiveness, Falantina Tjakra
Applications of fuzzy counterpropagation neural networks to non-linear function approximation and background noise elimination, I. M. Wiryana
Theses from 1993
Art therapy with latency period boys exhibiting overt anger and/or aggression, Sylvia Blades
An evaluation of a workshop on pain assessment and management for nurses, Beverley Bradshaw
Using hypermedia to improve the dissemination and accessibility of syllabus documents with particular reference to primary mathematics, Alistair B. Campbell
The development, implementation and evaluation of a Constructivist learning approach based on personal construct psychology, A. R. Fetherstonhaugh
Measurement of teacher attitude to direct instruction, Beth P. Hands
A comparison of three midwifery interventions on the continuity and knowledge of breast feeding, Athalie Johnston
An investigation of methodologies for software development prototyping, Susan M. Jones
Interaction of budget emphasis, budgeting participation and task characteristics : a cross-cultural study, Liang C. Low
The effect of 'environmental manipulation' on agitation and 24-hour sleep in dementia sufferers in an institutional setting, Ernest A. Matthews
An evaluation of a professional development model for primary school administrators, Wayne S. McGowan
Preoperative predictors of postoperative pain, Robyn A. Paterson
Does an individualized back education programme change nurses' knowledge and practice about back injury prevention, Diane K. Riley
Place-identity and homelessness : The restorative nature of the home, Marie Sadkowski
Tense, aspect and time concepts in English and Bahasa Indonesia: Pedagogical implications, S. Suwono
Values, nation building and control: The Singapore mass media in the next lap, Denise G. Tan
Theses from 1992
Performance attributes of talented schoolboy Australian Rules Football players, Philip R. Badock
An evaluation of the deputy principals' leadership development program, Ronald F. Chalmers
Staff development through the colloquium process, Tim Emery
The A.D.E. taxonomy of spreadsheet application development, Maria Jean Hall
The effect of equal employment opportunity policies on the promotion of women to the position of school principal in the Western Australian government school system (1985-1991), Jacquie Hutchinson
The effect of canteen menu on nutritional knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of year five students, Sharon McBride
A case study of two year six classes involved in a health-related fitness intervention, Andrew T. Medland
Youth worker perceptions of abused young women, Suzie Omelczuk
A comparison of the effects of reading from a VDU and from paper as measured in terms of reading speed and comprehension, Elizabeth Payumo
The relationship between episiotomy and perineal lacerations and perineal pain following childbirth, Christine J. White
Theses from 1991
An evaluation of comparative strategies for teaching breast self-examination, Julia Agars
Attitudes of staff and students towards vocational education at a case study school, Kathryn C. Dixon
An investigation of communication strategy use in reception, Kaye Malcolm
Monitoring Standards Of Science Investigation Skill Attainment By Tongan Secondary Science Students, Fisi'ihoi Mone
Selected topics in Limos Kalinga grammar, Naomi J. Saggers
Making the invisible visable : an analysis of the Home and Community Care Program : a socialist-feminist perspective, Daniela Anna Stehlik
A comparison of mental strategies used by skilled and unskilled mental calculators, Paul Swan
An analysis and implementation of linear derivation strategies, Winston M. Tabada
Theses from 1990
An examination of the pastoral needs of students and the needs of their teachers as providers of pastoral care, Philip A. Crane
Leadership and Change in Schools : the Case of District High Schools in Western Australia, C S. Elliott
The development and evaluation of a computer-assisted strategy designed to change student misconceptions about chemical equilibrium, Hassan Hameed
The development of an expert system for the diagnosis of diseases in fibre and dairy goats, Tim S. Roberts
Professional development and training needs of school principals in Tonga, Vili Vete
Factors that impinge upon the implementation of a formally structured pastoral care programme in a government school, Eleanor Watson
Theses from 1989
Strategies for increasing community participation in school decision-making processes, Graeme Lock