Australian Journal of Teacher Education

At a regional Australian university, a Learning Circle approach was implemented with a small group of first year education students who identified themselves as “at risk” of failure in the tertiary context. As part of their participation in weekly meetings, the students engaged in discussion, reflection and problem-solving related to their transition to university study. They also participated in a visual research inquiry which included the construction of photographic images and research conversations about being university students and dealing with study demands. Through the privileging of interactions and relationships, the students were able to make connections to other Discourses from their lives outside university and began to develop a sense of agency and a growing capacity to move within and between their multiple identities. This article argues that, in order to address transition and retention issues within teacher education, effective social integration and support should accompany academic preparedness.
Recommended Citation
Noble, K., & Henderson, R. (2008). Engaging with Images and Stories : Using a Learning Approach to Develop Agency of Beginning "At-Risk" Pre-Service Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 33(1).