Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study examined the concerns and experiences of
Malaysian student teachers during their practicum. The 14
student teachers who volunteered were asked to maintain a
reflective journal throughout their practicum to document their
teaching concerns and confidence to teach. Eighteen derived
concerns were identified and placed into four main themes: (a)
classroom management and student discipline; (b) institutional
and personal adjustment; (c) classroom teaching; and (d)
student learning. Specific comments were sought to provide
citations that represented their concerns. This paper has
intended to draw attention to the underlying reasons given by
student teachers about their concerns prior to and during the
practicum in order to integrate areas of concern into future
management and development of teacher education. The value
of the study was in the pursuit of using student teachers’ own
capacity to self-assess and appraise their circumstances as a
research area in teaching; and showed how the understanding
of learning to teach could be enriched through their own selfawareness
of the circumstances surrounding them.
Recommended Citation
Goh, P. S., & Matthews, B. (2011). Listening To the Concerns of Student Teachers In Malaysia During Teaching Practice. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(3).