Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This paper aims to present a small group of pre-service
English teachers’ perceptions towards the overseas field experience
programme jointly organised by a university in Canada and the
teacher trainer institute in Hong Kong. The study involved seven
Canadian Year 3 and 4 B.Ed. TESL students who participated in the
investigated eight-week overseas field experience programme to Hong
Kong. A purely qualitative method was adopted in which a semistructured
interview was conducted and the participants were asked to
keep fieldwork logs to obtain their views of the programme. The
results of the study show that the participants were highly positive
about this overseas field experience because they could understand
more about the nature of Chinese ESL students through their teaching
experience in Hong Kong. The paper concludes by suggesting that an
effective collaboration and communication among the partnership
universities and the linking schools is particularly important because
it can make the participants benefit most from the programme.
Recommended Citation
Yang, C. R. (2011). Pre-service English Teachers’ Perceptions of an Overseas Field Experience Programme. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(3).