Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Encouraging quality teaching staff to apply for and accept teaching placements in rural and remote locations is an ongoing concern internationally. The value of different support mechanisms provided for pre-service teachers attending a rural and remote practicum[1] are investigated through theories of place and the school-community nexus. Qualitative data regarding the experiences of the pre-service teachers were collected through interviews and case study notes. This project adds to our understanding of practicum in rural areas by employing a conceptual understanding of place to propose how the experiences of a four-week practicum may contribute to urban pre-service teachers’ conceptions of work and life in a rural community.
[1] The term practicum is used here but may also be referred to as: prac, field experience, work experience, internship.
Recommended Citation
Adie, L., & Barton, G. (2012). Urban pre-service teachers’ conceptions of teaching in rural communities. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(6).