Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This article explores the intersections between museum learning – in a distinctive Tasmanian setting, the possibilities of a new national History curriculum, and the evolving views and professional practices of pre-service primary teachers at one Australian university. Following a brief overview of the framework for local and Australian history that is embedded in the ACH, the relevant literature around museum education, and the specific museum context, the article draws upon a survey of second year pre-service primary teachers’ views towards history, museums, and a pedagogical planning task and analyses features of students’ work. It concludes with some wider reflections on the value of teacher education engaging in community partnerships with cultural institutions such as museums.
Recommended Citation
Brett, P. (2014). ‘The Sacred Spark of Wonder’: Local Museums, Australian Curriculum History, and Pre-Service Primary Teacher Education: A Tasmanian Case Study. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(6).