Australian Journal of Teacher Education

While it is recognised that a teachers’ mathematical content knowledge (MCK) is crucial for teaching, less is known about when different categories of MCK develop during teacher education. This paper reports on two primary pre-service teachers, whose MCK was investigated during their practicum experiences in first, second and fourth years of a four-year Bachelor of Education program. The results identify when and under what conditions pre-service teachers’ developed different categories of their MCK during practicum. Factors that assisted pre-service teachers to develop their MCK included program structure providing breadth and depth of experiences; sustained engagement for learning MCK; and quality ofpre-service teachers’ learning experiences.
Recommended Citation
Livy, S. L., Vale, C., & Herbert, S. (2016). Developing Primary Pre-service Teachers' Mathematical Content Knowledge During Practicum Teaching. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2).