Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This article aims to report how teacher education may promote active learning which is demanded by the current educational reform of Turkish teacher education (TE). This article also examines the effectiveness of the recent reforms in Turkey from a student’s perspective, and provides an understanding of the concept of active learning, how it is applied and what the obstacles are to achieving it. The data were collected through open-ended questions on an electronic platform. Student teachers (n = 316) in the Faculty of Education at Erciyes University responded to the questions. The data were analysed qualitatively through content analysis. The results clearly indicated a big gap between the formal and applied curricula in the Faculty of Education. Many indicators of active learning can be observed, but there are still many obstacles to be overcome.
Recommended Citation
Aksit, F., Niemi, H., & Nevgi, A. (2016). Why is active learning so difficult to implement: The Turkish case. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(4).