Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study aimed to examine the underlying sources in developing chemistry self-efficacy beliefs of Turkish pre-service chemistry teachers. For this purpose, the College Chemistry Self-efficacy Scale (CCSS) was administered to 20 pre-service chemistry teachers. Then, phenomenological approach was employed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with five pre-service teachers selected based on their scores on the CCSS to identify the underlying sources. The emerging meanings and self-reported sources of participants’ chemistry self-efficacy beliefs were analysed according to Bandura’s sources of self-efficacy. Results indicated that mastery experiences were the major source of self-efficacy beliefs, supporting the tenets of social cognitive theory. Physiological arousal and vicarious experience were also influential but they were not as frequently reported as mastery experiences.
Recommended Citation
Uzuntiryaki, E. (2008). Exploring the Sources of Turkish Pre-service Chemistry Teachers’ Chemistry Self-efficacy Beliefs. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 33(6).