Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Within teacher education, professional standards across Australian jurisdictions consistently note the importance of developing the ability to “engage professionally” with a community (QCT, 2009; AITSL, 2012). Paralleling this however, are calls for more ‘classroom’ time (Australian Government, 2012). This paper explores opportunities to provide students with experiences outside the classroom; both the space made available in professional standards and how this space it taken up in teacher education programs. It will be argued that wider professional experiences are crucial in developing future teachers who are cognisant of and engaged with the complexities of the communities in which they teach.
Recommended Citation
Salter, P., Hill, A., Navin, F., & Knight, C. (2013). Wider Professional Experiences: The value of Pre-service Teachers Learning in Wider Contexts. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(12).