Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2016, v.8.2) acknowledges that gifted and talented students are diverse and require educational provisions that meet their special needs. However, without professional learning in gifted education, teachers are ill-equipped to understand, identify and provide for gifted students. This paper reviews the literature in the field to argue for consideration of a ‘gifted dimension’ as an elaboration of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL, 2011). As all teachers will teach gifted and talented children, it is important to define the elements of quality teaching that are inclusive of high ability students in the Australian context and contribute to a professional learning agenda for all teachers.
Recommended Citation
Henderson, L., & Jarvis, J. (2016). The Gifted Dimension of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: Implications for Professional Learning.. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(8).