Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study explores supervising teachers’ judgements about pre-service teachers during a practicum experience. Making judgements is a complex, subjective process with judgements being conscious and intuitive, influenced by individual beliefs, contextual expectations and personal learning biographies. This research draws on Social Judgement Theory to guide the analysis of data collected from interviews with experienced supervising teachers. Analysis indicated that the supervisors placed most emphasis on ‘personal qualities’ of pre-service teachers. This has implications for the selection of candidates for teaching, the importance of non-academic capabilities in teaching and the development of pre-service teachers’ personal qualities within initial teacher education programs.
Recommended Citation
Sheridan, L., & Tindall-ford, S. K. (2018). “Fitting into the Teaching Profession”: Supervising Teachers’ Judgements During the Practicum. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(8).