Australian Journal of Teacher Education

: The purpose of this article is to report on the strategies of secondary mathematics pre-service teachers (PSTs) as they solved conceptually rich problems. Using the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes by Biggs and C (1982) (SOLO) Taxonomy, 15 PSTs’ solutions (in groups of 3 or 4) were analyzed by a panel of three mathematics educators. In addition, the authors studied questions posed by PSTs during their student teaching experiences through video analysis. Questions were then categorized using Crespo’s criteria of problem posing. Results showed a significant majority of the problems posed were procedural while PSTs own problem solutions showed a lack of conceptual understanding and depth of knowledge. The authors found the SOLO Taxonomy, together with PSTs scores on the state licensure exam and Crespo’s (2003) problem posing practices criteria to be a useful combination of tools to explore connections between PSTs’ mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge.
Recommended Citation
Caniglia, J. C., & Meadows, M. (2018). An Application of The Solo Taxonomy to Classify Strategies Used by Pre-Service Teachers to Solve “One Question Problems”. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(9).