Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study explores the role of the triad relationship in shaping pre-service teachers’ experience during teaching practice. The study is descriptive in nature employing a qualitative approach and data from a sample of five pre-service teachers, five college supervisors, five mentor teachers and three Heads of school. The data were analysed through thematic analysis. The findings revealed that limited triad relationship, limited social and instructional support from mentor teachers and supervisors’ limited assessment and feedback provision, negatively impacted pre-service teachers’ learning during teaching practice. To achieve a functioning triad the paper suggests that it is important to equally engage supervisors, mentor teachers and Heads of school in formulating appropriate support practices for pre-service teachers. Such practice may include implementing a feedback process where all members of the triad come together.
Recommended Citation
Mpate, H. M., Campbell-Evans, G., & Gray, J. (2021). Triad Role in Shaping Tanzanian Pre-service Teachers' Experience of Teaching Practice. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 46(8).