Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Predictors of teacher effectiveness in relation to student achievement are based on the ability to use a range of evidence-based teaching strategies. Australia’s Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group (TEMAG) report that some tertiary providers working with pre-service teachers (PSTs) are using pedagogical practices which are not informed by established research. This paper reports on the impact a student-centred, PBL teaching approach had on third-year Bachelor of Education PSTs’ PCK in a mathematics education subject, compared to a similar group taught using a conventional teacher-directed approach. A quasi-experimental group-by-time design was used to determine the impact of the intervention. Contrary to meta-analyses regarding the efficacy of PBL compared to teacher-directed instruction, findings from this study show the PSTs from the PBL group developed their mathematics PCK as well as those who were taught using a teacher-directed instructional approach, Wilks’ Lambda = .71, F (1, 35) = 14.33, p < .01.
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Recommended Citation
Martin, D. A. (2022). The Impact of Problem-based Learning on Pre-service Teachers’ Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(4).