Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study theoretically aligns with research that purports that nature play positively contributes to sustainability stewardship. Early childhood teachers can plan for and nurture children’s capabilities and dispositions for sustainability stewardship. Initial teacher education programs contribute to the professional learning of preservice early childhood teachers’ perceptions regarding nature play. This article details the findings of content analysis to explore and uncover the existence of nature play in online, publicly available documents representing twenty-two early childhood teacher qualifications. In what ways is nature play evidenced in early childhood initial teacher education programs in Australia? The findings highlight potential discrepancies between the values related to nature play in the early childhood field and the content in initial teacher education programming. The article concludes with implications for teacher education programs and proposed recommendations for ongoing research.
Recommended Citation
Green, N. C., Christopher, V., & Turner, M. (2022). A Content Analysis of Documentation of Nature Play in Early Childhood Teacher Education Programs in Australia. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(5).