Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study intended to investigate pre-service teachers' and teacher educators' perceptions of technological pedagogical knowledge and professional identity development. The research was conducted with 152 English Language Teaching (ELT) pre-service teachers and 73 teacher educators from various universities in Iraqi Kurdistan. Using a mixed-method, the data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews as well as a Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge survey questionnaire. Thematic analysis and SPSS 24 were employed for analyzing the interview responses and survey data, respectively. From this data, both pre-service teachers and teacher educators perceived a high rate of proficiency in their pedagogical content knowledge as well as familiarity with simple traditional technologies, while they lacked some knowledge of professional technologies. Participants also mostly agreed that pedagogical technologies are effective and affect their professional identity development. However, there were a few participants who believed these technologies were not more effective for their teaching practice and professional identity development. The implications of the study are stated, and some suggestions for further studies in this regard are provided.
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Recommended Citation
Mohammadkarimi, E. (2023). Iraqi Kurdish Pre-service Teachers and Teacher Educators’ Perceptions on Technological Pedagogical Knowledge and Professional Identity Development. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 48(1).