Australian Journal of Teacher Education

In Pakistan, it is aimed at both national and international levels to promote and develop critical thinking among students and teachers at all educational levels (sustainable development goals, VISION 2025, national standards for teachers, national educational policies, etc.). However, little research has investigated teachers' critical thinking knowledge. The present study explored critical thinking knowledge of teacher educators from teacher training institutes. The teacher training institutes of the most populous and developed province of Pakistan were taken as the sample of the study. Exploratory survey method was used for data collection. The study found that the majority of teacher educators lack critical thinking knowledge. Teaching experience, qualification, job status, and training attended on critical thinking are significant predictors of critical thinking knowledge. The critical thinking knowledge of prospective teachers and their students is at risk.
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Recommended Citation
Bibi, S., & Hanif, S. (2023). Exploring Teacher Educators’ Knowledge about Critical Thinking: A Case from Pakistan. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 48(6).