Datasets Uploaded in 2018
Latitudinal variation in seagrass herbivory: global patterns and explanatory mechanisms [dataset], Adriana Vergés, Christopher Doropoulos, Robert Czarnik, Kathryn Mcmahon, Nil Llonch, and Alistair G. B. Poore
Managing seagrass resilience under cumulative dredging affecting light: predicting risk using dynamic Bayesian networks [dataset], Paul Pao-Yen Wu, Kathryn McMahon, Michael A. Rasheed, Gary A. Kendrick, Paul H. York, Kathryn Chartrand, M. Julian Carey, and Kerrie Mengerson
Optimal soil carbon sampling designs to achieve cost-effectiveness: a case study in blue carbon ecosystems [dataset], Mary A. Young, Peter I. Macreadie, Clare Duncan, Paul E. Carnell, Emily Nicholson, Oscar Serrano, Carlos M. Duarte, Glenn Shiell, Jeff Baldock, and Daniel Ierodiaconou
Datasets Uploaded in 2017
Riparian vegetation map of the Pilbara region, WA, Masoomeh Alaibakhsh, Irina Emelyanova, and Olga Barron
A marine heat wave drives massive losses from the world’s largest seagrass carbon stocks [dataset], Ariane Arias-Ortiz; Oscar Serrano; Pere Masqué; Paul Lavery; Ute A. Mueller; Gary A, Kendrick; Mohammad Rozaimi; Alba Esteban; James W, Fourqurean; Núrià N. Marbà; Miquel-Angel Mateo; Kathy Murray; Michael Rule; and Carlos M. Duarte
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - Project 1.1.3 - Ecological connectivity of Kimberley marine communities (ECU - AIMS) [dataset], James Gilmour, Kathryn McMahon, Jim Underwood, Oliver Berry, Michael Stat, Jean-Paul Hobbs, Michael Travers, Glenn Moore, and Zoe Richards
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - 2.2.4 - Benthic primary productivity: Production and herbivory of seagrasses, macroalgae and microalgae [dataset], Gary Kendrick, Mat Vanderklift, Christin Sawstrom, Bonnie Laverock, Andrea Z. Perez, James McLaughlin, Lucie Chovrelat, and Doug Bearham
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 5.2 - Genetic variability of seagrass in NW Australia [dataset], Kathryn McMahon, Udhi Hernawan, Kor-Jent van Djik, Michelle Waycott, Edward Biffin, Richard Evans, and Paul Lavery
Applying surrogate species presences to correct sample bias in species distribution models; a case study using the Pilbara population of the Northern Quoll [dataset], Shaun W. Molloy, Robert A. Davis, Judy Dunlop, and Eddie J.B. van Etten
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 5.5.3 - Defining thresholds and indicators of primary producers - Seagrass pressure-response relationships - Experiment 3, John Statton, Gary Kendrick, Paul Lavery, and Kathryn McMahon
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 5.3 - Natural Dynamics [dataset], Mat Vanderklift, Douglas Bearham, Mick Haywood, Paul Lavery, Hector Lozano-Montes, Roisin McCallum, James McLaughlin, Kathryn McMahon, and Nick Mortimer
WAMSI 2 Dredging Science Node: Theme 5 Project 5.4 Recovery mechanisms [dataset], Mathew Vanderklift, Douglas Bearham, Mick Haywood, Paul Lavery, Roisin McCallum, James McLaughlin, Kathryn McMahon, and Nick Mortimer
Datasets Uploaded in 2016
Historical processes and contemporary ocean currents drive genetic structure in the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in the Indo-Australian Archipelago [dataset], Udhi E. Hernawan, Kor-jent van Dijk, Gary A. Kendrick, Ming Feng, Edward Biffin, Paul Lavery, and Kathryn McMahon
Should we sync? Seascape-level genetic and ecological factors determine seagrass flowering patterns [dataset], Marlene Jahnke, Jordi F. Pagès, Teresa Alcoverro, Paul S. Lavery, Kathryn M. Mcmahon, and Gabriele Procaccini
Variability in the carbon storage of seagrass habitats and its implications for global estimates of Blue Carbon ecosystem service [dataset], Paul Lavery, Miguel-Angel Mateo, Oscar Serrano, and Mohammad Rozaimi
Can mud (silt and clay) concentration be used to predict soil organic carbon content within seagrass ecosystems? [dataset], Oscar Serrano, Paul Lavery, Carlos M. Duarte, Gary A. Kendrick, Antoni Calafat, Paul York, Andy Steven, and Peter Macreadie
Seagrass sediments reveal the long-term deterioration of an estuarine ecosystem [dataset], Oscar Serrano, Paul S. Lavery, Pere Masque, Karina Inostroza, James Bongiovanni, and Carlos Duarte
Key Biogeochemical Factors Affecting Soil Carbon Storage In Posidonia Meadows [dataset], Oscar Serrano, Aurora M. Ricart, Paul S. Lavery, Miguel-Angel Mateo, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Pere Masque, Andy Steven, and Carlos M. Duarte
Impact of mooring activities on carbon stocks in seagrass meadows [dataset], Oscar Serrano, Radhiyah Ruhon, Paul S. Lavery, Gary A. Kendrick, Sharyn Hickey, Pere Masque, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Andy Steven, and Carlos M. Duarte
Datasets Uploaded in 2015
Patience Is A Virtue : The Effect Of Students’ Time Preferences On Academic Results, Margaret Giles and Y H. Cheung
Historical Datasets of Dugong (Dugong Dugon) Observations in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia, David K. Holley and R. I.T. Prince
Cruel and Usual, Cat Hope
Genome-wide scans detect adaptation to aridity in a widespread forest tree species [dataset], Dorothy A. Steane, Brad M. Potts, Elizabeth McClean, Suzanne M. Prober, William D. Stock, René E. Vaillancourt, and Margaret Byrne
Genome-wide scans reveal cryptic population structure in a dry-adapted eucalypt [dataset], Dorothy A. Steane, Brad M. Potts, Elizabeth McLean, Lesley Collins, Suzanne M. Prober, William D. Stock, René E. Vaillancourt, and Margaret Byrne
Datasets Uploaded in 2014
Spectral reflectance data of plant green, Kamal Alameh
Supporting information for Predictors of grandparental investment decisions in contemporary Europe: Biological relatedness and beyond, David A. Coall, Sonja Hilbrand, and Ralph Hertwig
Resilience Across the Lifespan data collection, Lynne Cohen and Julie Ann Pooley
Treatment of lymphoedema in breast cancer survivors dataset, Prue Cormie
The Parents and Smoke-Free Kids dataset, Donna Cross
Moral reasoning and traumatic brain injury dataset, Julian Dooley and Vicki Anderson
Data for a randomized controlled trial of men receiving androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer, Daniel Galvao
AU Kids Online dataset, Lelia Green, Danielle Brady, and Donell Holloway
Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System (HWSS), Anthony Gunnell
Child support and perceptions of fairness dataset, Pam Henry
Australian maternal exposure to toxic substances (AMETS) dataset, Andrea Hinwood
Western Australian New Music Archive (WANMA), Cat Hope
Wetlands macroinvertebrate monitoring program of the Gnangara Mound, Pierre Horwitz
Systematics of Andersonia character set, Kristina Lemson
Inquiry-based learning set, Ron Oliver
Skill acquisition in skin cancer detection dataset, Craig Speelman
Engaging Parents in Research dataset, Laura Thomas
Heterogeneity in Parkinson’s disease dataset, Meghan Thomas
Circulating melanoma cells relative to disease stage, Melanie Ziman
Datasets Uploaded in 2013
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 5.5.2 - Defining thresholds and indicators of primary producers - Seagrass pressure-response relationships - Experiment 2, John Statton, Gary Kendrick, Paul Lavery, and Kathryn McMahon
Datasets Uploaded in 2007
Movement patterns and habitat usage of Shark Bay dugongs [dataset], David K. Holley