
Submissions from 2013


Generalized analytical expression for dynamic passive earth pressure from c-phi soil backfills, Sanjay K. Shukla


Seismic active earth pressure from the sloping c-phi soil backfills, Sanjay K. Shukla

An insight into the geotextile-municipal solid waste interface characteristics, Sanjay K. Shukla, A. K. Singh, and J. N. Jha


Load coefficient for ditch conduits covered with geosynthetic-reinforced granular backfill, Sanjay K. Shukla and Nagaratnam Sivakugan


The optimisation of a turbulent swirl nozzle using CFD, Brett K. Thomas, Zahir U. Ahmed, Yasir M. Al-Abdeli, and Miccal T. Matthews


Compositional Block Kriging for Geometallurgical Optimization, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Ute A. Mueller, Karl Gerald van den Boogaart, and Clint Ward

Block cokriging of a whole composition, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Ute A. Mueller, Karl Gerald van den Boogaart, and Clint Ward


Solid particle erosion of alumina ceramics at elevated temperature, Xiaojun Wang, Minghao Fang, Laichang Zhang, Hao Ding, Yangai Liu, Zhaohui Huang, Shaoping Huang, and Jingzhou Yang


Compositions, Log Ratios and Bias - From Grade Control to Resource Definition, Clint Ward and Ute A. Mueller


Numerical modeling of intensity-based optical fiber Bragg grating sensor interrogation systems, Graham Wild and Steven J. Richardson


Position control of electro-hydraulic actuator system using fuzzy logic controller optimized by particle swarm optimization, Daniel M. Wonohadidjojo, Ganesh Kothapalli, and Mohammed Hassan


Extremely hard, damage-tolerant ceramic coatings with functionally graded, periodically varying architecture, P.C. Wo, Xiaoli Zhao, P.R. Munroe, Z.F. Zhou, K.Y. Li, Daryoush Habibi, and Zonghan Xie


Fabrication of titanium-based composites by spark plasma sintering and crystallization of the amorphous phase, Chao Yang, Le-Hua Liu, and Lai-Chang Zhang


High-strength ultrafine-grained titanium-based alloys with large plasticity, Lai-Chang Zhang


Selective laser melting of Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn alloy for biomedical applications, Lai-Chang Zhang, Hooyar Attar, and Chao Yang


Titanium alloys: formation, characteristics and industrial applications, Lai-Chang Zhang and Chao Yang


Roles of compressive residual stress in enhancing the corrosion resistance of nano nitride composite coatings on steel, Xiaoli Zhao, Paul Munroe, Daryoush Habibi, and Zonghan Xie


The origin of remarkable resilience of human tooth enamel, Xiaoli Zhao, Simona O'Brien, Jeremy Shaw, Paul Abbott, Paul Munroe, Daryoush Habibi, and Zonghan Xie


Reaction mechanisms of the TiC/Fe composite fabricated by exothermic dispersion from Fe-Ti-C element system, Heguo Zhu, Kang Dong, Huan Wang, Jiewen Huang, Jiangliang Li, and Zonghan Xie


Experimental evaluation of nitrate reduction from water using synthesis nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) under aerobic conditions, Shima Ziajahromi, Meysam Khanizadeh, Mehdi Khiadani, Ali Daryabeigi Zand, and Morteza Mehrdad


A formal mathematical framework for modeling and simulation of wireless sensor network environments utilizing the hill-building behavior of termites, Adamu M. Zungeru, Li-minn Ang, and Kah P. Seng


Energy efficiency performance improvements for ant-based routing algorithm in wireless sensor networks, A. M. Zungeru, Kah Phooi Seng, Li-Minn Ang, and W.C. Chia

Submissions from 2012


Improving Throughput in WiMAX Communication at Vehicular Speeds, Iftekhar Ahmad and Daryoush Habibi


Resource Management in 4G Wireless Communications at Vehicular Speeds: A Game Theory Solution, Iftekhar Ahmad and Daryoush Habibi


An Improved Architecture for Integrating Fourth Generation Wireless and Passive Optical Networks, Maha Ahmed, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


Corrosion- and damage-resistant nitride coatings for steel, Mohammad Ahmed, Paul Monroe, Zhong-Tao Jiang, Xiaoli Zhao, Magdalena Wajrak, Hua Guo, William Rickard, and Zonghan Xie


High performance magneto-optic garnet materials for integrated optics and photonics, Mohammad Alam


A Comparison of InGaAs and Ge Photonic Power Converters for Long Wavelength Power Over Fibre, Gary Allwood, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley


In-Ground Optical Fibre Bragg Grating Pressure Switch for Security Applications, Gary Allwood, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley


Wavelength Division Multiplexing of a Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor using Transmit-Reflect Detection System, Gary Allwood, Graham WILD, and Steven Hinckley


Power quality enhancement in autonomous microgrid operation using Particle Swarm Optimization, Waleed Al-Saedi, Stefan Lachowicz, Daryoush Habibi, and Octavian Bass


Stability Analysis of an Autonomous Microgrid Operation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization, Waleed Al-Saedi, Stefan Lachowicz, Daryoush Habibi, and Octavian Bass


Identifying smart conducting materials for Wi-Fi electromagnetic interference shielding, Wham Al-Shabib, Daryoush Habibi, Zonghan Xie, and Xiaoli Zhao


An adaptive least-squares collocation radial basis function method for the HJB equation, H Alwardi, S Wang, L Jennings, and Steven Richardson


Gamma Irradiation in Fibre Bragg Gratings, Desmond Baccini, Steven Hinckley, Graham Wild, Connie Banos, and Justin B. Davies


Low-Cost Educational Optical Coherence Tomography System for Thickness MeasurmentsTomography System for Thickness Measurments, Joshua Barr, Paul V. Jansz, Steven Hinckley, and Graham WILD


Bit Error Rate Analysis in WiMAX Communication at Vehicular Speeds Using Nakagami-m Fading Model, Biswojit Bose, Iftekhar Ahmad, and Daryoush Habibi

Sizing of an equivalent fuel cell/hydrogen system matching wind power, Adel Brka, Yasir M. Al-Abdeli, and Ganesh Kothapalli


Low-memory video compression architecture using strip-based processing for implementation in wireless multimedia sensor networks, Li Wern Chew, Wai Chong Chia, Li-minn Ang, and Kah Phooi Seng


Low memory image stitching and compression for WMSN using strip-based processing, Wai Chong Chia, Le Wern Chew, Li-minn Ang, and Kah Phooi Seng


Lips Contour Detection and Tracking Using Watershed Region-Based Active Contour Model and Modified H∞, Siew Wen Chin, Kah Phooi Seng, and Li-minn Ang


Block-based Deep Belief Networks for Face Recognition, Sue Inn Ch'ng, Kah Phooi Seng, and Li-minn Ang


Modular dynamic RBF neural network for face recognition, Sue Inn Ch'Ng, Kah Phooi Seng, and Li-minn Ang


Improvement in CBR of the expansive soil subgrades with a single reinforcement layer, A Choudhary, K Gill, J Jha, and Sanjay Shukla


Geostatistical spatiotemporal modelling with application to the western king prawn of the Shark Bay managed prawn fishery, Ainslie M. Denham


A New WSN Paradigm for Environmental Monitoring and Data Collection, Eric Dines, HASANAIN Al-Majeed, Asanka Fernando, Mutaz Abdalla, and Jaydeepsinh Gohil


An improved medium access control protocol for real-time applications in WLANs and its firmware development, Sushil Dutt


A Low Cost Atheros System-on-Chip and OpenWrt Based Testbed for 802.11 WLAN Research, Sushil Dutt, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


A Bluetooth radio energy consumption model for low-duty-cycle applications, Martin Ekstrom, M Bergblomma, M Linden, M Bjorkman, and Mikael Ekstrom


SolidWorks Secondary Development with Visual Basic 6 for an Automated Modular Fixture Assembly Approach, Uday Farhan, Simona O'Brien, and Majid Tolouei Rad


An automated approach for assembling modular fixture using SolidWorks, Uday Farhan, Majid Tolouei Rad, and Simona O'Brien


The simulation of material types in a Western Australian iron deposit, Jacqueline Ferreira


Load-bearing capacity of a footing resting on the fly ash slope with multi-layer reinforcements, K Gill, A Choudhary, J Jha, and Sanjay Shukla


Graph Theory for Survivability Design in Communication Networks, Daryoush Habibi and Quoc Viet Phung


Interval Type-2 fuzzy position control of electro-hydraulic actuated robotic excavator, Mohammed Hassan and Ganesh Kothapalli


Enhanced UV-Blue Response of Back Illuminated Deep Double Junction CMOS Compatible Photodiode Pixels; a Simulation Study of High Resolution Pixel Arrays, Paul Jansz and Steven Hinckley


Biomedical Image Signal Processing for Reflection-Based Imaging, Paul Jansz, Steven Richardson, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley


Modeling of low coherence interferometry using broadband multi-Gaussian light sources, Paul Jansz, Steven Richardson, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley


Low Coherence Interferometry Modelling using Combined Broadband Gaussian Light Sources, Paul Jansz, Graham Wild, Steven Richardson, and Steven Hinckley


Turbulence measurements in spatially-varied flow with increasing discharge, Mehdi Khiadani, Simon Beecham, and Jaya Kandasamy


An Adaptive Lossless Data Compression Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, Jonathan Gana Kolo, S. Andan Shanmugam, David Wee Gin Lim, Li-minn Ang, and Kah Phooi Seng

Compensation of load variation using fuzzy controller for hydraulic actuated front end loader, Ganesh Kothapalli and Mohammed Hassan


Mechanical characterization of a novel nanocrystalline coating: First-principles calculations and nanoindentation, D Lai, Jiang Xu, Zonghan Xie, Daryoush Habibi, and P Munroe


River flow lane detection and Kalman filtering-based B-spline lane tracking, King Hann Lim, Kah Phooi Seng, and Li-minn Ang


MIMO Lyapunov Theory-Based RBF Neural Classifier for Traffic Sign Recognition, King Hann Lim, Kha Phooi Seng, and Li-minn Ang


Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold drawn steel wires, Ning Liu


Finite element analysis of stress distribution within metal-on-metal joint replacements, Yujing Liu


Designing superhard, self-toughening CrAlN coatings through grain boundary engineering, Zhao Li, Paul Munroe, Zhong-tao Jiang, Xiaoli Zhao, Jiang Xu, Zhi-feng Zhou, Jian-qing Jiang, Feng Fang, and Zonghan Xie


An investigation into the correlations among GNSS observations and their impact on height and zenith wet delay estimation for medium and long baselines, Johnny Lo and Ahmed El-Mowafy


Compact bidirectional polarization splitting antenna, Fan Lu, G Li, Feng Xiao, and A Xu


Fuzzy-Based Adaptive Pricing Rules for a Typical Microgrid Energy Management System, Thair Mahmoud, Daryoush Habibi, and Octavian Bass


Fuzzy Logic for Smart Utilisation of Storage Devices in A Typical Microgrid, Thair Mahmoud, Daryoush Habibi, and Octavian Bass


Fuzzy Interference System in Energy Demand Prediction, Thair Mahmoud, Daryoush Habibi, Octavian Bass, and Stefan Lachowicz


Performance evaluation of 802.15.4 Medium Access Control during network association and synchronization for sensor networks, Mahir Meghji, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


Practical issues in building an embedded sensor network application using 802.15.4: Linking hardware & MAC protocol, Mahir Meghji, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


Sulfated chitosan (SCS)/polysulfone (PS) composite nanofiltration membrane surface cross-linked by epichlorohydrin, Jing Miao and GuoHua Chen


Linear-cavity tunable fibre lasers employing an Opto-VLSI processor and a MEMS-based device, David Daniel Michel


The U-Wedge Transformation Method for Mutlivariate Geostatistical Simulation, Ute Mueller and Jacqueline Ferreira


Variability in the spatial and temporal distribution of the saucer scallop, Amusium balloti, in Shark Bay-management implications, Ute Mueller, Mervi Kangas, Errol Sporer, and Nick Caputi


Low memory visual saliency architecture for data reduction in wireless sensor networks, C. W. H. Ngau, Li-minn Ang, and K. P. Seng


Visual Saliency Based on Fast Nonparametric Multidimensional Entropy Estimation, A. C. Ngo, G. Qiu, G. Underwood, Li-minn Ang, and K. P. Seng


Removal of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) from aqueous solutions by montmorillonite modified with nonionic surfactant: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic study, Heshmatolla Nourmoradia, Mahnaz Nikaeena, and Mehdi Khiadani

Improving engineering students’ skills using a digital storage oscilloscope using multimedia resources, Daniel Oswald, Desmond Baccini, Steven Hinkley, and Graham Wild


Developing an Educational Video for Utilising an Oscilloscope in First Year Physics, Daniel Oswald, Graham WILD, and Steven Hinckley


Understanding the Behavior of Advanced High-Strength Steels Using Atom Probe Tomography, Elena Pereloma, Hussein Beladi, Laichang Zhang, and Ilana Timokhina


Application framework for wireless sensor networks [thesis], Amro Qandour

Application Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: A focus into the impact of WSNs on environmental and social applications, Amro Qandour, Iftekhar Ahmad, and Daryoush Habibi


Application Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks, Amro Qandour, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


Applied Application of Sensor Networks in Underground Mines, Amro Qandour, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


Wireless Sensor Networks for Fire Emergency and Gas Detection, Amro Qandour, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


Measurement and simulation of dissolved oxygen in Zayandehrood river, Ahmad Reza Rahsepar, Mehdi Khiadani, and Mohammad Mehdi Amin


Geostatistical methods for estimating iron, silica and alumina grades within the hardcap of the section seven iron deposit, Tom Price, Philip John Savory


Three-dimensional finite element analysis of laterally loaded piles in sloping ground, V. A. Sawant and Sanjay Shukla


Can finite element and closed-form solutions for laterally loaded piles be identical?, Vishwas Sawant and Sanjay Shukla


Finite element analysis of laterally loaded piles in sloping ground, Vishwas Sawant and Sanjay Shukla


Efficient medium access control protocol for vehicular ad-hoc networks, Niravkumar Shah


Multichannel Cognitive Medium Access Control Protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, Niravkumar Shah, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad


An analytical expression for the seismic passive earth pressure from the c-Φ soil backfills on rigid retaining walls with wall friction and adhesion, Sanjay Shukla


An analytical expression for the dynamic active thrust from c-Φ soil backfill on retaining walls with wall friction and adhesion, Sanjay Shukla and Richard Bathurst


Estimation of field compaction parameters, Sanjay Shukla, J Jha, K Gill, and A Choudhary