Submissions from 2010
Acoustic Transmissions for Wireless Communications and Power Supply in Biomedical Devices, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Optical Fibre Bragg Gratings for Acoustic Sensors, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Pspice simulation of an electro-acoustic communications channel, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Spatial Performance of Acousto-Ultrasonic Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Wireless Acoustic Communications and Power Supply for In-vivo Biomedical Devices, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Analytical Modelling of Interrogation Systems for Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors, Graham Wild and Steven Richardson
Acoustic Education: Experiments for Off-Campus Teaching and Learning, Graham Wild and Geoffrey Swan
AC Electricity Experiments for Off-Campus Teaching and Learning, Graham Wild, Geoffrey Swan, and Steven Hinckley
Effects of TiN sublayers on the response of TiSiN nanocomposite coatings to nanoidentation and scratching contacts, P C. Wo, P R. Munroe, Z F. Zhou, Kazunori Y. Li, and Zonghan H. Xie
Vibration investigation of passive control using rubber bearing, Helen Wu
Mechanics of Active Earth Pressure Under Surcharge and Seismic Loading Conditions, Muhammad Zahid, Sanjay Shukla, and Daryoush Habibi
MAC protocol design considerations for efficient mobility in wireless sensor networks, Kartinah Zen
Theses from 2009
Time series analysis of HIV incidence cases in Ghana : trends, predictions and impact of interventions, Patrick Aboagye-Sarfo
Quality of Service in WiMAX, Iftekhar Ahmad and Daryoush Habibi
Cooperative work supplemented by eGroups: learner perspectives, Yasir Al-Abdeli
Human-Computer Interaction Experiments in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment for e-Learning Applications, Tomasz Bednarz, Con Caris, and Octavian Dranga
Adaptive optics aberrometer and wavefront corrector using a twisted-nematic liquid-crystal on silicon chip, Seow Hwang Eng
A High-Resolution Wavefront Compensating System using a Liquid-Crystal on Silicon Chip, Seow Hwang Eng, Fred Reinholz, and Douglas Chai
Twisted-Nematic Liquid-Crystal-On-Silicon Adaptive Optics Aberrometer and Wavefront Corrector, Seow Hwang Eng, Fred Reinholz, and Douglas Chai
Developing a Career in Digital Forensic Management, Andrew Jones
Novel colour selection scheme for 2D barcode, Hiroko Kato, Keng T. Tan, and Douglas Chai
On Three Simple Experiments to Determine Slip Lengths, Miccal Matthews and James Hill
Geostatistics: A Mathematical youngster, Ute Mueller
Efficient optimization of network protection design with p-cycles, Hoang Nguyen, Daryoush Habibi, and Quoc Phung
Survivable mesh-network design & optimization to support multiple QoP service classes, Hoang N. Nguyen
Performance of mobile camera on colour 2D barcode, Siong K. Ong, Douglas Chai, and Keng T. Tan
Numerically controlled oscillator with spur reduction, Hans-Joerg Pfleiderer and Stefan Lachowicz
Area-to-point Poisson kriging analysis for lung cancer in Perth areas , Changying Shao, Ute Mueller, and James Cross
A simplified extension of the conventional theory of arching in soils, Sanjay Shukla, Gaurav Gaurav, and Nagaratnam Sivakugan
A general expression for geosynthetic strain due to deflection, Sanjay Shukla and Nagaratnam Sivakugan
Fundamental concepts of soil reinforcement - an overview, Sanjay Shukla, Nagaratnam Sivakugan, and Braja Das
Improved expressions for field values of compaction test parameters, Sanjay Shukla, Nagaratnam Sivakugan, Mudit Gandhi, and M Ahmad
Energy Security: An Australian Nuclear Power Industry, Geoffrey Swan
Physics learning and teaching in Australian Universities, Geoffrey Swan, M Sharma, D Mills, J Pollard, and J O'Byrne
JPEG Color Barcode Images Analysis: a Camera Phone Capture Channel Model with Auto-Focus, Keng Tiong Tan, Siong Khai Ong, and Douglas Chai
Modelling of Camera Phone Capture Channel for JPEG Colour Barcode Images, Keng Tiong Tan, Siong Khai Ong, and Douglas Chai
Intelligent Design of Reconfigurable Machines, Majid Tolouei Rad
Productivity improvement using Special-Purpose Modular machine tools, Majid Tolouei Rad and Saeed Zolfaghari
Acoustic communications: A link between SHM and robotic NDE, G Wild and S Hinckley
A Smart Transducer Interface Module for Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Distributed Optical Fibre Smart Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring: A Smart Transducer Interface Module, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Structural integrity of enamel: experimental and modeling, Zonghan Xie, Michael Swain, and Mark Hoffman
Effect of microstructure upon elastic behaviour of human tooth enamel, Zonghan Xie, Michael Swain, Greg Swadener, Paul Munroe, and Mark Hoffman
Design of MAC protocols to support quality of service for multimedia traffic in wireless LANs, Hushairi Zen
Resolving Collisions in IEEE 802.11 by means of Contention Window Reservation Scheduling, Hushairi Zen and Daryoush Habibi
A new algorithm to improve mobile sensor node connectivity based on link quality indicator, Kartinah Zen, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Submissions from 2008
A Novel Mobile WiMAX Solution for Higher Throughput, Iftekhar Ahmad and Daryoush Habibi
A Proactive Forward Error Control Scheme for Mobile WiMAX Communication, Iftekhar Ahmad and Daryoush Habibi
An Improved FEC Scheme for Mobile Wireless Communication at Vehicular Speeds, Iftekhar Ahmad, Daryoush Habibi, and Ziaur Rahman
Rerouting in advance for preempted IR calls in QoS-enabled networks, Iftekhar Ahmad, Joarder Kamruzzaman, and Daryoush Habibi
An Intelligent Model To Control Preemption Rate Of Instantaneous Request Calls In Networks With Book-Ahead Reservation, Iftekhar Ahmad, Joarder Kamruzzaman, Daryoush Habibi, and Farzana Islam
Schlieren Imaging Of Banded Structures In Transitional Jets, Yasir Al-Abdeli and M.R. Davis
Organisational security: A propositional study to map expert knowledge, Adel Alruwaii and David Brooks
Psychometric risk perception: Why some individuals elect not to act on risks?, Jaber Alsuhaimi and David Brooks
Freedom fighters or terrorists by another name?, William J. Bailey and Adam Mcgill
Direct minimum/maximum autocorrelation factors within the framework of a two structure linear model of coregionalisation, Ellen M. Bandarian, Lynette M. Bloom, and Ute A. Mueller
Reformulation of Direct Minimum/Maximum Autocorrelation Factors as a Generalised Eigenvalue Problem, Ellen Bandarian and Ute Mueller
Space-Time Geostatistical Analysis of King Prawn Catch Rate, Ainslie Denham and Ute Mueller
Australia's oil refining industry - Importance, threats and emergency response, Amanda East and William Bailey
Virtual laboratory for DC-DC converters, Janos Hamar, Octavian Dranga, Hirohito Funato, and Satoshi Ogasawara
Double Boundary Trench Isolation Effects on a Stacked Gradient Homojunction Photodiode Array, Paul V. Jansz and Steven Hinckley
Stepped mirrored structures for generating true time delays in stationary optical delay line proof-of-principle experiments for application to optical coherence tomography, Paul V. Jansz, G Wild, and Steven Hinckley
A micro-photonic stationary optical delay line for fibre optic time domain OCT, Paul V. Jansz, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley
A comparison of wet and dry etching to fabricate a micro-photonic structure for use in OCT, Paul Jansz, G Wild, and Steven Hinckley
Optical switching of a proposed stationary optical delay line for OCT, Paul Jansz, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley
Development Of A Novel Finder Pattern For Effective Color 2D-Barcode Detection, Hiroko Kato, Keng T. Tan, and Douglas Chai
A new definition of piracy in South East Asia required?, Paul Kevans and William J. Bailey
Design of a neural network based intelligent PI controller for a pneumatic system, Ganesh Kothapalli and Mohammed Hassan
Fast Evaluation of the Square Root and Other Nonlinear Functions in FPGA, Stefan Lachowicz and Hans-Joerg Pfleiderer
Routing and protection issues in optical WDM mesh networks, Kung-meng Lo
Spatial and temporal distribution of Western King Prawns (penaeus latisulcatus), Brown Tiger Prawns (penaeus esculentus), and Saucer Scallops (amusium balloti) in Shark Bay for fisheries management, Ute A. Mueller, M. Kangas, J. Dickson, A. Denham, N. Caputi, L. Bloom, and E. Sporer
King Prawn Catch by Grade Category from an Economic and a Stock Management Perspective, Ute Mueller, Lynette Bloom, Mervi Kangas, and Nick Caputi
Geostatistical Modelling of the Scallop Density Distribution in Shark Bay, Western Australia from Survey Data, Ute Mueller, John Dickson, Mervi Kangas, and Nick Caputi
The Use of Border in Colour 2D Barcode, Siong Ong, Douglas Chai, and Keng T. Tan
Source Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Optimised Maximum Likelihood, Mohammed Rahman, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Modelling tool to support budgeting and planning decisions for pump overhauls, Steven Richardson, David MacGeehan, Melinda Hodkiewicz, and Chris Traianou
Motionless wide angle laser scanning for object detection and multi-spectral discrimination, Kaveh Sahba
What does a physics undergraduate education give you? A perspective from Australian physics, M Sharma, J Pollard, A Mendez, D Mills, J O'Byrne, D Scott, S Hagon, J Gribble, L Kirkup, M Livett, D Low, A Merchant, A Rayner, Geoff Swan, M Zadnik, and W Zealey
Effect of substrate roughness on the contact damage of DLC coatings, R.K. Singh, Zonghan Xie, A Bendavid, P.J. Martin, Paul Munroe, and Mark Hoffman
Guest Physics Teaching, Geoffrey Swan
Nuclear Radiation: Properties, Characteristics, And Radiological Dispersal Devices, Geoffrey Swan
A jittered-sampling correction technique for ADCs, Jamiil A. Tourabaly
Acousto-Ultrasonic Optical Fiber Sensors: Overview and State-of-the-Art, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
An Intensiometric Detection System for Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
A transmit reflect detection system for fibre bragg grating acoustic emission and transmission sensors, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Fibre bragg grating acoustic emissions and transmission sensor in carbon fibre composites, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Wireless acoustic communications for in-vivo biomedical device monitoring, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
A Transmit Reflect Detection System For Fiber Bragg Grating Photonic Sensors, Graham Wild, Steven Hinckley, and Paul Jansz
Transmission electron microscope characterisation of molar-incisor-hypomineralisation, Zonghan Xie, Nicky Kilpatrick, Michael Swain, Paul Munroe, and Mark Hoffman
On the critical parameters that regulate the deformation behaviour of tooth enamel, Zonghan Xie, Michael Swain, Paul Munroe, and Mark Hoffman
Self-restraint Admission Control for Ad-hoc WLANs, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Node Admission Control For Multimedia Traffic In Ad-Hoc WLANs, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Iftekhar Ahmad, and Alexander Rassau
Optimized WLAN MAC Protocol for Multimedia Applications, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Alexander Rassau, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Converging Voice, Video and Data in WLAN with QoS Support, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Justin Wyatt, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Improving the IEEE802.15.4 Re-Association Process in Mobile Sensor Networks, Kartinah Zen and Daryoush Habibi
Improving Mobile Sensor Connectivity Time in the IEEE 802.15.4 Networks, Kartinah Zen, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 for Mobile Sensor Network, Kartinah Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Alexander Rassau, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Submissions from 2007
Preemption-aware instantaneous request call routing for networks with book-ahead reservation, Iftekhar Ahmad and Joarder Kamruzzaman
Rerouting Technique for Faster Restoration of Preempted Calls, Iftekhar Ahmad, Joarder Kamruzzaman, and Daryoush Habibi
Learning Platforms For Renewable Energy Awareness: Hydrogen Powered Vehicles, Yasir Al-Abdeli, Vishy Karri, Frank Bullen, Phuong Nguyen, John McCullough, and Steven Avery