Submissions from 2008
Reformulation of Direct Minimum/Maximum Autocorrelation Factors as a Generalised Eigenvalue Problem, Ellen Bandarian and Ute Mueller
Space-Time Geostatistical Analysis of King Prawn Catch Rate, Ainslie Denham and Ute Mueller
Australia's oil refining industry - Importance, threats and emergency response, Amanda East and William Bailey
Virtual laboratory for DC-DC converters, Janos Hamar, Octavian Dranga, Hirohito Funato, and Satoshi Ogasawara
Double Boundary Trench Isolation Effects on a Stacked Gradient Homojunction Photodiode Array, Paul V. Jansz and Steven Hinckley
Stepped mirrored structures for generating true time delays in stationary optical delay line proof-of-principle experiments for application to optical coherence tomography, Paul V. Jansz, G Wild, and Steven Hinckley
A micro-photonic stationary optical delay line for fibre optic time domain OCT, Paul V. Jansz, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley
A comparison of wet and dry etching to fabricate a micro-photonic structure for use in OCT, Paul Jansz, G Wild, and Steven Hinckley
Optical switching of a proposed stationary optical delay line for OCT, Paul Jansz, Graham Wild, and Steven Hinckley
Development Of A Novel Finder Pattern For Effective Color 2D-Barcode Detection, Hiroko Kato, Keng T. Tan, and Douglas Chai
A new definition of piracy in South East Asia required?, Paul Kevans and William J. Bailey
Design of a neural network based intelligent PI controller for a pneumatic system, Ganesh Kothapalli and Mohammed Hassan
Fast Evaluation of the Square Root and Other Nonlinear Functions in FPGA, Stefan Lachowicz and Hans-Joerg Pfleiderer
Routing and protection issues in optical WDM mesh networks, Kung-meng Lo
Spatial and temporal distribution of Western King Prawns (penaeus latisulcatus), Brown Tiger Prawns (penaeus esculentus), and Saucer Scallops (amusium balloti) in Shark Bay for fisheries management, Ute A. Mueller, M. Kangas, J. Dickson, A. Denham, N. Caputi, L. Bloom, and E. Sporer
King Prawn Catch by Grade Category from an Economic and a Stock Management Perspective, Ute Mueller, Lynette Bloom, Mervi Kangas, and Nick Caputi
Geostatistical Modelling of the Scallop Density Distribution in Shark Bay, Western Australia from Survey Data, Ute Mueller, John Dickson, Mervi Kangas, and Nick Caputi
The Use of Border in Colour 2D Barcode, Siong Ong, Douglas Chai, and Keng T. Tan
Source Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Optimised Maximum Likelihood, Mohammed Rahman, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Modelling tool to support budgeting and planning decisions for pump overhauls, Steven Richardson, David MacGeehan, Melinda Hodkiewicz, and Chris Traianou
Motionless wide angle laser scanning for object detection and multi-spectral discrimination, Kaveh Sahba
What does a physics undergraduate education give you? A perspective from Australian physics, M Sharma, J Pollard, A Mendez, D Mills, J O'Byrne, D Scott, S Hagon, J Gribble, L Kirkup, M Livett, D Low, A Merchant, A Rayner, Geoff Swan, M Zadnik, and W Zealey
Effect of substrate roughness on the contact damage of DLC coatings, R.K. Singh, Zonghan Xie, A Bendavid, P.J. Martin, Paul Munroe, and Mark Hoffman
Guest Physics Teaching, Geoffrey Swan
Nuclear Radiation: Properties, Characteristics, And Radiological Dispersal Devices, Geoffrey Swan
A jittered-sampling correction technique for ADCs, Jamiil A. Tourabaly
Acousto-Ultrasonic Optical Fiber Sensors: Overview and State-of-the-Art, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
An Intensiometric Detection System for Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
A transmit reflect detection system for fibre bragg grating acoustic emission and transmission sensors, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Fibre bragg grating acoustic emissions and transmission sensor in carbon fibre composites, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Wireless acoustic communications for in-vivo biomedical device monitoring, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
A Transmit Reflect Detection System For Fiber Bragg Grating Photonic Sensors, Graham Wild, Steven Hinckley, and Paul Jansz
Transmission electron microscope characterisation of molar-incisor-hypomineralisation, Zonghan Xie, Nicky Kilpatrick, Michael Swain, Paul Munroe, and Mark Hoffman
On the critical parameters that regulate the deformation behaviour of tooth enamel, Zonghan Xie, Michael Swain, Paul Munroe, and Mark Hoffman
Self-restraint Admission Control for Ad-hoc WLANs, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Node Admission Control For Multimedia Traffic In Ad-Hoc WLANs, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Iftekhar Ahmad, and Alexander Rassau
Optimized WLAN MAC Protocol for Multimedia Applications, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Alexander Rassau, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Converging Voice, Video and Data in WLAN with QoS Support, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Justin Wyatt, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Improving the IEEE802.15.4 Re-Association Process in Mobile Sensor Networks, Kartinah Zen and Daryoush Habibi
Improving Mobile Sensor Connectivity Time in the IEEE 802.15.4 Networks, Kartinah Zen, Daryoush Habibi, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 for Mobile Sensor Network, Kartinah Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Alexander Rassau, and Iftekhar Ahmad
Submissions from 2007
Preemption-aware instantaneous request call routing for networks with book-ahead reservation, Iftekhar Ahmad and Joarder Kamruzzaman
Rerouting Technique for Faster Restoration of Preempted Calls, Iftekhar Ahmad, Joarder Kamruzzaman, and Daryoush Habibi
Learning Platforms For Renewable Energy Awareness: Hydrogen Powered Vehicles, Yasir Al-Abdeli, Vishy Karri, Frank Bullen, Phuong Nguyen, John McCullough, and Steven Avery
Mapping the elements of physical security towards the creation of a holistic physical security model, Zachary J. Alach
Comparison of three survey methods applied to the recreational rock lobster fishery of Western Australia., Tara Baharthah
One Dimensional Barcode Reading Algorithm, Douglas Chai
Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using an Autoregression Technique, Daniel Ioan Curiac, Ovidiu Banias, Florin Dragan, Constantin Volosencu, and Octavian Dranga
Chaos-Based Cryptography: End of the Road?, Daniel Ioan Curiac, Daniel Iercan, Octavian Dranga, Florin Dragan, and Ovidiu Banias
Neural Network Based Approach for Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Daniel Ioan Curiac, Constantin Volosencu, Alex Doboli, Octavian Dranga, and Tomasz Bednarz
Minimizing the Number of Constraints for Shared Backup Path Protection (SBPP) in Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) Optical Mesh Networks, Daryoush Habibi, Viet Quoc Phung, and Hoang N. Nguyen
Virtual Power Electronics: Novel Software Tools for Design, Modeling and Education, Janos Hamar, Istvan Nagy, Hirohito Funato, Satoshi Ogasawara, Octavian Dranga, and Yasuyuki Nishida
The Effect of Inter-Pixel Nested Ridges Incorporated in a stacked Gradient Homojunction Photodiode Architecture, Paul Jansz and Steven Hinckley
First Read Rate Analysis of 2D-Barcodes for Camera Phone Applications as a Ubiquitous Computing Tool, Hiroko Kato and Keng T. Tan
Pervasive 2D Barcodes for Camera Phone Applications, Hiroko Kato and Keng T. Tan
Nano boundary layer equation with nonlinear Navier boundary condition, Miccal Matthews and J.M. Hill
Newtonian flow with nonlinear Navier boundary condition, Miccal Matthews and J.M. Hill
On diverse routing for Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLGs) in Optical Mesh Networks, Quoc Viet Phung, Daryoush Habibi, and Hoang Nguyen
The Evaluation of Security Systems: Testing Biometric and Intelligent Imaging Systems, Clifton Smith
Knowledge Based System for Reliable Perimeter Protection Using Sensor Networks, Constantin Volosencu, Daniel Ioan Curiac, Ovidiu Banias, Alex Doboli, and Octavian Dranga
Malicious Node Detection in Sensor Network Using Autoregression Based on Neural Network, Constantin Volosencu, Daniel Ioan Curiac, Alex Doboli, and Octavian Dranga
The solution of traffic signal timing by using traffic intensity estimation and fuzzy logic, Paothai Vonglao
A Fibre Bragg Grating Acoustic Emission and Transmission Sensor Utilizing a Transmit Reflect Detection System, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
A General Purpose Internet Accesible and Controllable Smart Transducer Interface Module, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Electro-acoustic and acousto-optic communications for robotic agents in smart structures, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors for Acoustic Emission and Transmission Detection Applied to Robotic NDE in Structural Health Monitoring, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Wireless acoustic communications for autonomous agents in structural health monitoring sensor networks, Graham Wild and Steven Hinckley
Providing QoS for Symmetrical Voice/Video Traffic in Wireless Networks, Justin Wyatt, Daryoush Habibi, Iftekhar Ahmad, and Hushairi Zen
Microstructural response of TiN monolithic and multilayer coatings during microscratch testing, Zonghan Xie, M. Hoffman, P. Munroe, R. Singh, A. Bendavid, and P. Martin
On the structure-property relationship of sound and hypomineralized enamel, Zonghan Xie, E.K. Mahoney, N.M. Kilpatrick, M.V. Swain, and M. Hoffman
Contact damage evolution in a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating on a stainless steel substrate, Zonghan Xie, R. Singh, A. Bendavid, P. Martin, P. Munroe, and M. Hoffman
Adaptive Segregation-Based MAC Protocol for Real-Time Multimedia Traffic in WLANs, Hushairi Zen, Daryoush Habibi, Alexander Rassau, and Justin Wyatt
Submissions from 2006
Book-ahead call routing for flexible lifetime, Iftekhar Ahmad and Joarder kamruzzaman
A dynamic approach to reduce preemption in book-ahead reservation in QoS-enabled networks, Iftekhar Ahmad, Joarder Kamruzzaman, and Srinivas Aswathanarayaniah
Connecting Teaching and Research Through Problem Based Learning in Thermal and Automotive Engineering, Yasir Al-Abdeli and Frank Bullen
Time-varying behaviour of turbulent swirling nonpremixed flames, Yasir Al-Abdeli, A. Masri, G. Marquez, and S. Starner
Deposition of nanocomposite thin films by a hybrid cathodic arc and chemical vapour technique, A. Bendavid, P.J. Martin, E. Preston, J. Cairney, Zonghan Xie, and M. Hoffman
Alternative and sustainable fuelling options for two wheeled vehicles, Patrick Burke, Yasir Al-Abdeli, and Vishy Karri
Stability Analysis of Two-Stage PFC Power Supplies, Octavian Dranga, Grace Chu, Chi Kong Tse, and Siu Chung Wong
Methods for the estimation of missing values in time series, David S. Fung
Laser beam induced current studies of Hg1-xCdxTe photodiodes, Edward A. Gluszak
Browser-based Software Tools for Power Converters, Janos Hamar, Hirohito Funato, Satoshi Ogasawara, and Octavian Dranga
Contact deformation of TiN coatings on metallic substrates, V. Jayaram, S. Bhowmick, Zonghan Xie, S. Math, M. Hoffman, and S.K. Biswas
Design of survivable WDM network based on pre-configured protection cycle, Byungkyu Kang
3D-SoftChip: A novel architecture for next-generation adaptive computing systems, Chul Kim, Alexander Rassau, Stefan Lachowicz, Mikel Myung-ok Lee, and Kamran Eshraghian
Efficient p-Cycle Design by Heuristic p-Cycle Selection and Refinement for Servivable WDM Mesh Networks, Kungmang Lo, Daryoush Habibi, Quoc Viet Phung, Alexander Rassau, and Hoang N. Nguyen
A Hybrid p-Cycle Search Algorithm for Protection in WDM Mesh Networks, Kungmang Lo, Daryoush Habibi, Alexander Rassau, Quoc Viet Phung, Hoang Nguyen, and Byung Kang
Influence of upstream versus downstream heat loss on the structure and stability of planar premixed burner-stabilized flames, Miccal Matthews, B.Z. Dlugogorski, and E.M. Kennedy
The asymptotic structure of premixed tubular flames, Miccal Matthews, B.Z. Dlugogorski, and E.M. Kennedy
Flow around nanospheres and nanocylinders, Miccal Matthews and J.M. Hill
Micro/nano sliding plate problem with Navier boundary condition, Miccal Matthews and J.M. Hill
Joint optimization in capacity design of networks with p-cycle using the fundamental cycle set, Hoang Nguyen, Daryoush Habibi, Viet Q Phung, Stefan Lachowicz, Kungmang Lo, and Byung Kang
A segmentation method for shared protection in WDM networks, Quoc Viet Phung, Daryoush Habibi, Hoang Nguyen, and Kungmeng Lo
Numerical solution of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations by an exponentially fitted finite volume method, Steven Richardson and Song Wang
Direct sequential simulation with histogram reproduction: A comparison of algorithms, Robyn Robertson, Ute Mueller, and Lynette Bloom
Locating 1-D Bar Codes in DCT-Domain, Alexander Tropf and Douglas Chai
Fast-Scale Instability of Single-Stage Power-Factor-Correction Power Supplies, Xiaoqun Wu, Chi Kong Tse, Octavian Dranga, and Junan Lu
Deformation of a hard coating on ductile substrate system during nanoindentation: Role of the coating microstructure, Zonghan Xie, M. Hoffman, R.J. Moon, and P.R. Munroe
Sliding wear behaviour of Ca α-sialon ceramics at 600° C in air, Zonghan Xie, M. Hoffman, R.J. Moon, P.R. Munroe, and Y.B. Cheng