Submissions from 2018
Depression and prostate cancer: Examining comorbidity and male-specific symptoms, Simon M Rice, John L Oliffe, Mary T Kelly, Prue Cormie, Suzanne K. Chambers, John S Ogrodniczuk, and David Kealy
Time on androgen deprivation therapy and adaptations to exercise: secondary analysis from a 12-month randomized controlled trial in men with prostate cancer, Dennis R. Taaffe, Laurien M. Buffart, Robert U. Newton, Nigel Spry, James Denham, David Joseph, David Lamb, Suzanne K. Chambers, and Daniel A. Galvao
Randomised controlled trial comparing daily VerSus depot vitamin D3 therapy in 0-16-year-old newly settled refugees in Western Australia over a period of 40 weeks, Ushma D. Wadia, Wayne Soon, Paola T. Chivers, Aesen Thambiran, David P. Burgner, Sarah Cherian, and Aris Siafarikas
Submissions from 2017
Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise prescription for the prevention and management of osteoporosis, Belinda R. Beck, Robin M. Daly, Maria A. Fiatarone Singh, and Dennis R. Taaffe
Effects and moderators of exercise on quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer: An individual patient data meta-analysis of 34 RCTs, Laurien M. Buffart, Joeri Kalter, Maike G. Sweegers, Kerry S. Courneya, Robert U. Newton, Neil K. Aaronson, Paul B. Jacobsen, Anne M. May, Daniel A. Galvao, Mai J. Chinapaw, Karen Steindorf, Melinda L. Irwin, Martjin M. Stuiver, Sandi Hayes, Kathleen A. Griffith, Alejandro Lucia, Ilse Mesters, Ellen van Weert, Hans Knoop, Martine M. Goedendorp, Nanette Mutrie, Amanda J. Daley, Alex McConnachie, Martin Bohus, Lene Thorsen, Karl-Heinz Schulz, Camille E. Short, Erica L. James, Ron C. Plotnikoff, Gill Arbane, Martina E. Schmidt, Karin Potthoff, Marc van Beurden, Hester S. Oldenburg, Gabe S. Sonke, Wim H. van Harten, Rachel Garrod, Kathryn H. Schmitz, Kerri M. Winters-Stone, Miranda J. Velthuis, Dennis Taaffe, Willem van Mechelen, Marie-Jose Kersten, Frans Nollet, Jennifer Wenzel, Joachim Wiskemann, Irma M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, and Johannes Brug
Should resistance training be targeted to a specific subgroup of patients with non-small cell lung cancer?, Vinicious Cavalheri, Daniel A. Galvao, Leon M. Straker, and Kyle Hill
Erectile dysfunction, masculinity, and psychosocial outcomes: A review of the experiences of men after prostate cancer treatment, Suzanne K. Chambers, Eric Chung, Gary Wittert, and Melissa K. Hyde
New challenges in psycho-oncology research III: A systematic review of psychological interventions for prostate cancer survivors and their partners: Clinical and research implications, Suzanne K. Chambers, Melissa K. Hyde, David P. Smith, Suzanne Hughes, Susan Yuill, Sam Egger, Dianne L. O'Connell, Kevin Stein, Mark Frydenberg, Gary Wittert, and Jeff Dunn
Trajectories of quality of life, life satisfaction, and psychological adjustment after prostate cancer, Suzanne K. Chambers, Shu K. Ng, Peter C. Baad, Joanne F. Aitken, and Melissa K. Hyde
The efficacy of periodised resistance training on neuromuscular adaptation in older adults, Jennifer A. Conlon, Robert U. Newton, James J. Tufano, Luis E. Peñailillo, Henry G. Banyard, Amanda J. Hopper, Ashley J. Ridge, and Greg G. Haff
Implementing exercise in cancer care: Study protocol to evaluate a community-based exercise program for people with cancer, Prue Cormie, Stephanie Lamb, Robert Newton, Lani Valentine, Sandy McKiernan, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, Dennis Taaffe, Christopher M. Doran, and Daniel A. Galvão
Exercise preserves physical function in prostate cancer patients with bone metastases, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Prue Cormie, David Joseph, Suzanne K. Chambers, Raphael Chee, Carolyn J. Peddle-Mcintyre, Nicolas H. Hart, Freerk T. Baumann, James Denham, Michael Baker, and Robert U. Newton
Physical activity and survival among long-term cancer survivor and non-cancer cohorts, Anthony Gunnell, Sarah Joyce, Stephania Tomlin, Dennis Taaffe, Prue Cormie, Robert Newton, David Joseph, Nigel Spry, Kristjana Einarsdottir, and Daniel A. Galvao
Can exercise suppress tumour growth in advanced prostate cancer patients with sclerotic bone metastases? A randomised, controlled study protocol examining feasibility, safety and efficacy, Nicolas H. Hart, Robert Newton, Nigel Spry, Dennis Taaffe, Suzanne K. Chambers, Kynan Feeney, David Joseph, Andrew D. Redfern, Tom Ferguson, and Daniel A. Galvao
Mechanical basis of bone strength: Influence of bone material, bone structure and muscle action, Nicolas H. Hart, Sophia Nimphius, T. Rantalainen, Alex Ireland, Aris Siafarikas, and Robert Newton
A systematic review of geographical differences in management and outcomes for colorectal cancer in Australia, Michael J. Ireland, Sonja March, Fiona Crawford-Williams, Joanne F. Aitken, Melissa K. Hyde, Suzanne K. Chambers, jiandong Sun, and Jeff Dunn
Feasibility of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior in patients with malignant pleural effusion, Emily Jeffrey, Yun Chor G. Lee, Joanne A. McVeigh, Troy Wooding, Robert Newton, and Carolyn J. Mcintyre
Needy or resilient? How women with breast cancer think about peer support, Melissa Legg, Stefano Occhipinti, Philippa H. Youl, Jeff C. Dunn, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Muscle mass as a target to reduce fatigue in patients with advanced cancer, Elisabeth C. Neefjes, Renske M. Van Den Hurk, Susanne Blauwhoff-Buskermolen, Maurice Van Der Vorst, Annemarie Becker-Commissaris, Marian A. De Van Der Schueren, Laurien M. Buffart, and Henk M. Verheul
Evaluation of resistance training to improve muscular strength and body composition in cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy: A meta-analysis, Camila S. Padilha, Poliana Camila Marinello, Daniel A. Galvao, Robert U. Newton, Fernando H. Borges, Fernando Frajacomo, and Rafael Deminice
Seminal plasma enables selection and monitoring of active surveillance candidates using nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics: A preliminary investigation, Matthew J. Roberts, Renee S. Richards, Clement W.K. Chow, Marion Buck, John Yaxley, Martin F. Lavin, Horst Joachim Schirra, and Robert A. Gardiner
A physiological profile of ovarian cancer survivors to inform tailored exercise interventions and the development of exercise oncology guidelines, Christelle Schofield, Robert Newton, Daniel A. Galvao, Paul A. Cohen, and Carolyn J. Mcintyre
Feasibility and efficacy of presurgical exercise in survivors of rectal cancer scheduled to receive curative resection, Favil Singh, Robert Newton, Michael K. Baker, Nigel Spry, Dennis Taaffe, and Daniel A. Galvao
Validation and refinement of prediction models to estimate exercise capacity in cancer survivors using the steep ramp test, Martijn M. Stuiver, Caroline S. Kampshoff, Saskia Persoon, Wim Groen, Willem van Mechelen, Mai J.M. Chinapaw, Johannes Brug, Frans Nollet, Marie-Jose´ Kersten, Goof Schep, and Laurien M. Buffart
Which exercise prescriptions improve quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer during and following treatment? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, Maike G. Sweegers, Teatske M. Altenburg, Mai J. Chinapaw, Joeri Kalter, Irma M. Verndonck-de Leeuw, Kerry S. Courneya, Robert U. Newton, Neil K. Aaronson, Paul B. Jacobsen, Johannes Brug, and Laurien M. Buffart
Exercise improves VO2max and body composition in androgen deprivation therapy-treated prostate cancer patients, Bradley A. Wall, Daniel A. Galvão, Naeem N. Fatehee, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel A. Spry, David J. Joseph, Jeffrey J. Herbert, and Robert U. Newton
Associations between aerobic exercise levels and physical and mental health outcomes in men with bone metastatic prostate cancer: A cross-sectional investigation, Eva Zopf, Robert Newton, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, P. Cormie, David Joseph, Suzanne K. Chambers, F. T. Baumann, W. Bloch, and Daniel A. Galvao
Submissions from 2016
Protocol of the Australasian malignant pleural effusion-2 (AMPLE-2) trial: a multicentre randomised study of aggressive versus symptom-guided drainage via indwelling pleural catheters, Maree Azzopardi, Rajesh Thomas, Sanjeevan Muruganandan, David C.L Lam, Luke Garske, Benjamin Kwan, Muhammad Redzwan S Rashid Ali, Phan Nguyen, Elaine Yap, Fiona Horwood, Alexander Ritchie, Michael Bint, Claire Tobin, Ranjan Shrestha, Francesco Piccolo, Christian De Chaneet, Jenette Creaney, Robert Newton, Delia Hendrie, Kevin Murray, Catherine Read, David Feller-Kopman, Nick Maskell, and Y C Gary Lee
The role of mindfulness in distress and quality of life for men with advanced prostate cancer, Suzanne K. Chambers, Elizabeth Foley, Samantha Clutton, Robert McDowall, Stefano Occhipinti, Martin P. Berry, Martin R. Stockler, Stephen J. Lepore, M. Frydenberg, Robert A. Gardiner, Ian D. Davis, and David P. Smith
Acute inflammatory response to low-, moderate-, and high-load resistance exercise in women with breast cancer–related lymphedema, Prue Cormie, Benjamin Singh, Sandi Hayes, Jonathan M. Peake, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Kazunori Nosaka, Bruce Cornish, Kathryn H. Schmitz, and Robert Newton
The influence of high-intensity compared with moderate-intensity exercise training on cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in colorectal cancer survivors: A randomised controlled trial, James Devin, Andrew Sax, Gareth Hughes, David Jenkins, Joanne Aitken, Suzanne K. Chambers, Jeffrey Dunn, Kate Bolam, and Tina Skinner
Systematic review of motives for episodic volunteering, Jeff Dunn, Suzanne K. Chambers, and Melissa K. Hyde
Enhancing active surveillance of prostate cancer: The potential of exercise medicine, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Robert Gardiner, Renea Taylor, Gail Risbridger, Mark Frydenberg, Michelle Hill, Suzanne K. Chambers, Phillip Stricker, Tom Shannon, Dickon Hayne, Eva Zopf, and Robert Newton
Effects of continuous and interval training on running economy, maximal aerobic speed and gait kinematics in recreational runners, Fernando González-Mohíno, José González-Ravé, Daniel Juárez, Francisco A. Fernández, Rubén Barragán Castellanos, and Robert U. Newton
Musculoskeletal asymmetry in football athletes: A product of limb function over time, Nicolas H. Hart, Sophia Nimphius, Jason Weber, Tania Spiteri, Timo Rantalainen, Michael Dobbin, and Robert Newton
Episodic volunteering and retention: An integrated theoretical approach, Melissa K. Hyde, Jeff Dunn, Caitlin Bax, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Medical help-seeking for sexual concerns in prostate cancer survivors, Melissa K. Hyde, Leah Zajdlewicz, Addie C. Wootten, Christian J. Nelson, Anthony Lowe, Jeff Dunn, and Suzanne K. Chambers
The economic impact of psychological distress in the Australian coal mining industry, Rod Ling, Brian Kelly, Robyn Considine, Ross Tynan, Andrew Searles, and Christopher Doran
Electromyographical and perceptual responses to different resistance intensities in a squat protocol: Does performing performance sets to failure with light loads produce the same activity?, David P. Looney, William J. Kraemer, Michael F. Joseph, Brett A. Comstock, Craig R. Denegar, Shawn D. Flanagan, Robert U. Newton, Tunde K. Szivak, William H. DuPont, David R. Hooper, Keijo Häkkinen, and Carl M. Maresh
Impact of physical inactivity on the multifactorial process of developing cancer-related cognitive impairments, L. M. Pesendorfer, P. Zimmer, D. A. Galvao, E. M. Zopf, W. Bloch, and F. T. Baumann
Associations between step duration variability and inertial measurement unit derived gait characteristics, Timo Rantalainen, Nicolas H. Hart, Sophia Nimphius, and Daniel W. Wunderswitz
Association of the microRNA-single nucleotide polymorphism rs2910164 in miR146a with sporadic breast cancer susceptibility: A case control study, Akanksha Upadhyaya, Robert A. Smith, Diego Chacon-Cortes, Gwladys Revêchon, Claire Bellis, Rod A. Lea, Larisa M. Haupt, Suzanne K. Chambers, Phillipa H. Youl, and Lyn R. Griffiths
Effects of exercise interventions and physical activity behavior on cancer related cognitive impairments: A systematic review, Philipp Zimmer, Freerk Baumann, Max Oberste, Peter Wright, Alexander Garthe, Alexander Schenk, Thomas Elter, Daniel A. Galvao, Wilhelm Bloch, Sven Hübner, and Florian Wolf
Submissions from 2015
Evidence and recommendations for oncologic clinical exercise - A personalized treatment concept for cancer patients [Onkologische Trainings- und Bewegungstherapie (OTT): Ein personalisiertes Behandlungskonzept für Krebspatienten], F. T. Baumann, M. Hallek, J. Meyer, Daniel A. Galvao, W. Bloch, and T. Elter
The effect, moderators, and mediators of resistance and aerobic exercise on health-related quality of life in older long-term survivors of prostate cancer, Laurien M. Buffart, Robert U. Newton, Mai J. Chinapaw, Dennis R. Taafe, Nigel A. Spry, James W. Denham, David J. Joseph, David S. Lamb, Johannes Brug, and Daniel A. Galvao
Supervised physical exercise improves VO2max, quality of life, and health in early stage breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial, Soraya Casla, Sara Lopez-Tarruella, Yolanda Jevez, Ivan Masquez-Rodas, Daniel A. Galvao, Robert U. Newton, Ricardo Cubedo, Isabel Calvo, Javier Sampedro, Ruben Barakat, and Miguel Martin
Underserved Groups and Barriers to Cancer Care, S. K. Chambers and M. K. Hyde
Psychological distress and quality of life in lung cancer: The role of health-related stigma, illness appraisals and social constraints, Suzanne Chambers, P. Baade, P. Youl, J. Aitken, S. Occhipinti, S. Vinod, P.C. Valery, G. Garvey, K.M. Fong, D. Ball, H. Zorbas, J. Dunn, and D.L. O'Connell
Integrating psychosocial care into neuro-oncology: Challenges and strategies, Suzanne K. Chambers, L. Grassi, M.K. Hyde, J. Holland, and J. Dunn
Psychological wellness and health-related stigma: A pilot study of an acceptance-focused cognitive behavioural intervention for people with lung cancer, Suzanne K. Chambers, B A. Morris, S Clutton, E Foley, L Giles, P Schofield, D O'Connell, and J Dunn
Defining Young in the Context of Prostate Cancer, Suzanne Chambers, Anthony Lowe, Melissa Hyde, Leah Zajdlewicz, Robert F. Gardiner, David Sandoe, and Jeff Dunn
A randomised controlled trial of a couples-based sexuality intervention for men with localised prostate cancer and their female partners, Suzanne Chambers, Stefano Occhipinti, Leslie Schover, Lisa Nielsen, Leah Zajdlewicz, Samantha Clutton, Kim Halford, Robert Gardiner, and Jeff Dunn
Cost-effectiveness of counselling as a treatment option for methamphetamine dependence, Sadmir Ciketic, Reza Hayatbakhsh, Rebecca McKetin, Christopher M. Doran, and Jake M. Najman
Can supervised exercise prevent treatment toxicity in patients with prostate cancer initiating androgen-deprivation therapy: A randomised controlled trial, Prue Cormie, Daniel A. Galvão, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, Raphael Chee, Dennis R. Taaffe, Suzanne K. Chambers, and Robert U. Newton
The potential role of exercise in neuro-oncology, Prue Cormie, A.K. Nowak, Suzanne K. Chambers, Daniel A. Galvao, and Robert U. Newton
Exercise and cancer survivorship, Prue Cormie, Carolyn Peddle-McIntyre, Sandra C. Hayes, Fiona Naumann, Jane Turner, Andrew Murnane, and Michael K. Baker
A qualitative exploration of the experience of men with prostate cancer involved in supervised exercise programs, Prue Cormie, Brooke Turner, Elizabeth Kaczmerak, Dierdre Drake, and Suzanne K. Chambers
High-intensity interval training for improving health-related fitness in adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis, S. A. Costigan, N. Eather, R. C. Plotnikoff, D. R. Taaffe, and D. R. Lubans
Effectiveness of dual-task functional power training for preventing falls in older people: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial, R.M. Daly, R.L. Duckham, J.L. Tait, T. Rantalainen, C.A. Nowson, D.R. Taaffe, K. Sanders, K.D. Hill, D.J. Kidgell, and L. Busija
Compliance to exercise-oncology guidelines in prostate cancer survivors and associations with psychological distress, unmet supportive care needs, and quality of life, Daniel A. Galvao, Robert U. Newton, Robert A. Gardiner, Afaf Grigis, Steven J. Lepore, Anna Stiller, Cathrine Mihalopolous, Steven Occhipinti, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Sexuality and exercise in men undergoing androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer, K Hamilton, S K. Chambers, M Legg, J L. Oliffe, and P Cormie
Maintaining bone health in men with prostate cancer, Nicolas Hart, Daniel A. Galvao, Favil Singh, and Robert U. Newton
Segmental musculoskeletal examinations using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA): Positioning and analysis considerations, Nicolas H. Hart, Sophia Nimphius, Tania Spiteri, Jodie L. Cochrane, and Robert U. Newton
Musculoskeletal comparison of patients with localised versus metastatic prostate cancer, Nicolas Hart, Robert U. Newton, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, Prue Cormie, Suzanne K. Chambers, Robert A. Gardiner, and Daniel A. Galvao
Assessing the effectiveness of decision AIDS for decision making in prostate cancer testing: A systematic review, Dragan Ilic, Walid Jammal, Pauline Chiarelli, Robert A. Gardiner, Suzanne Hughes, Dana Stefanovic, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Sleep disturbance in cancer patients and caregivers who contact telephone-based help services, B A. Morris, F P. Thorndike, L M. Ritterband, N Glozier, J Dunn, and Suzanne K. Chambers
A Longitudinal Study Of Post-traumatic Growth And Psychological Distress In Colorectal Cancer Survivors, Stefano Occhipinti, Suzanne K. Chambers, Stephen J. Lepore, Joanne F. Aitken, and Jeff C. Dunn
Association of heparan sulfate proteoglycans SDC1 and SDC4 polymorphisms with breast cancer in an Australian Caucasian population, Rachel K. Okolicsanyi, Anne Buffiere, Jose M. Jacinto, Diego Chacon-Cortes, Suzanne K. Chambers, Phillippa H. Youl, Larisa M. Haupt, and Lyn R. Griffiths
Evaluation of the making sense of brain tumor program: a randomized controlled trial of a home-based psychosocial intervention, Tamara Ownsworth, Suzanne Chambers, Ea Damborg, Leanne Casey, David Walker, and David Shum
Support after brain tumor means different things: Family caregivers' experiences of support and relationship changes, T. Ownsworth, E. Goadby, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Effective, clinically feasible and sustainable: Key design features of psycho-educational and supportive care interventions to promote individualised self-management in cancer care, P. Schofield and Suzanne Chambers
Effects of compression on lymphedema during resistance exercise in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema: A randomized cross-over trial, B. Singh, R. U. Newton, P. Cormie, D. A. Galvao, B. Cornish, H. Reul-Hirche, C. Smith, K. Nosaka, and S. C. Hayes
Reduced cardiovascular capacity and resting metabolic rate in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation: A comprehensive cross-sectional investigation, Bradley Wall, Daniel A. Galvao, Naeem Fatehee, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert Newton
Assessment and monitoring of ballistic and maximal upper-body strength qualities in athletes, K.P. Young, G. Gregory Haff, Robert U. Newton, T.J. Gabbett, and Jeremy M. Sheppard
Submissions from 2014
The importance of maximal leg strength for female athletes when performing drop jumps, Matthew J. Barr and Volker W. Nolte
Prospective study of exercise intervention in prostate cancer patients on androgen deprivation therapy, Nadine Beydoun, Joseph A. Bucci, Yaw S. Chin, Nigel A. Spry, Robert Newton, and Daniel A. Galvao
Evidence-based physical activity guidelines for cancer survivors: Current guidelines, knowledge gaps and future research directions, L M. Buffart, Daniel A. Galvão, J Brug, M J. Chinapaw, and Robert U. Newton
Intervening to improve psychological outcomes after cancer: What is known and where next?, Suzanne K. Chambers, Sandy Hutchison, Samantha Clutton, and Jeff Dunn
Effect of androgen deprivation therapy on muscle attenuation in men with prostate cancer, David Chang, David J. Joseph, Martin Ebert, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, James Denham, Robert U. Newton, and Nigel A. Spry
Resistance training and cancer survival, Jesper F. Christensen, Nigel A. Spry, and Daniel A. Galvão
Can exercise prevent treatment toxicity in prostate cancer patients initiating androgen deprivation therapy: A randomised controlled, P. Cormie, D. A. Galvao, N. Spry, D. Joseph, R. Chee, D. R. Taaffe, S. K. Chambers, and R. U. Newton
Treatment of lymphoedema in breast cancer survivors dataset, Prue Cormie
Improving sexual health in men with prostate cancer: Randomised controlled trial of exercise and psychosexual therapies, Prue Cormie, Suzanne K. Chambers, Robert U. Newton, Robert A. Gardiner, Nigel Spry, Dennis R. Taaffe, David Joseph, M Akhlil Hamid, Peter Chong, David Hughes, Kyra Hamilton, and Daniel A. Galvão
Functional benefits are sustained after a program of supervised resistance exercise in cancer patients with bone metastases: Longitudinal results of a pilot study, Prue Cormie, Daniel A. Galvão, N Spry, D Joseph, Dennis R. Taaffe, and Robert U. Newton
Effectiveness trial of a community based supervised exercise program in cancer survivors, Prue Cormie, Robert Usher Newton, Lani Valentine, Sandy McKiernan, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Dennis R. Taaffe
Exercise as medicine in the management of pancreatic cancer: A case study, Prue Cormie, Nigel Spry, Kevin Jasas, Mikael Johansson, Ian F. Yusoff, Robert U. Newton, and Daniel A. Galvão
Impact of androgen suppression and zoledronic acid on bone mineral density and fractures in the Trans‐Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) 03.04 Randomised Androgen Deprivation and Radiotherapy (RADAR) randomized controlled trial for locally advanced prostate cancer, James W. Denham, Michael Nowitz, David Joseph, Gillian Duchesne, Nigel A. Spry, David S. Lamb, John Matthews, Sandra Turner, Chris Atkinson, Keen-Hun Tai, Nirdosh Kumar Gogna, Lizbeth Kenny, Terry Diamond, Richard Smart, David Rowan, Pablo Moscato, Renato Vimieiro, Richard Woodfield, Kevin Lynch, Brett Delahunt, Judy Murray, Cate D'Este, Patrick McEldruff, Allison Steigler, Allison Kautto, and Jean Ball
Data for a randomized controlled trial of men receiving androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer, Daniel Galvao
A multicenter yearlong randomized controlled trial of different exercise modalities in prostate cancer survivors on androgen deprivation therapy, Daniel Abido Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, Prue Cormie, Nigel Spry, David John Joseph, Suzanne K. Chambers, Robert Alexander Gardiner, Kate Bolam, Bradley Alan Wall, and Robert Usher Newton
A multicentre year-long randomised controlled trial of exercise training targeting physical functioning in men with prostate cancer previously treated with androgen suppression and radiation from TROG 03.04 radar, Daniel A. Galvão, Nigel Spry, James Denham, Dennis R. Taaffe, Prue Cormie, David Joseph, David S. Lamb, Suzanne K. Chambers, and Robert U. Newton
A progress report on a prospective randomised trial of open and robotic prostatectomy, Robert A. Gardiner, Geoffrey D. Coughlin, John W. Yaxley, Nigel T. Dunglison, Stefano Occhipinti, Sandra J. Younie, Rob C. Carter, Scott G. Williams, Robyn J. Medcraft, Hema M. Samaratunga, Joanna L. Perry-Keene, Dianne J. Payton, Martin F. Lavin, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System (HWSS), Anthony Gunnell
Leisure time physical activity and long-term cardiovascular and cancer outcomes: the Busselton Health Study, Anthony S. Gunnell, Matthew W. Knuiman, Mark L. Divitini, and Prue Cormie
A systematic review of episodic volunteering in public health and other contexts, Melissa K. Hyde, Jeff Dunn, Paul A. Scuffham, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Influence of HMB supplementation and resistance training on cytokine responses to resistance exercise, W J. Kraemer, D L. Hatfield, B A. Comstock, M S. Fragala, P M. Davitt, C Cortis, J M. Wilson, E C. Lee, Robert U. Newton, C DunnLewis, K Häkkinen, T K. Szivak, D R. Hooper, S D. Flanagan, D P. Looney, M T. White, J S. Volek, and C M. Maresh
Adopting a survivor identity after cancer in a peer support context, B A. Morris, S J. Lepore, B Wilson, M A. Lieberman, J Dunn, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Serum procollagen 1 amino-terminal propeptide (P1NP) in prostate cancer: Pitfalls of its use as an early surrogate marker for bone metastasis, Eka Moseshvili, David J. Joseph, Nigel A. Spry, Ronald J. Cohen, Alberta Abreu, Allison Kautto, and James W. Denham
Association of the SNP rs2623047 in the HSPG modification enzyme SULF1 with an Australian Caucasian Breast Cancer Cohort, Rachel K. Okolicsanyi, Marion Faure, Jose M. Jacinto, Diego Chacon-Cortes, Suzanne Chambers, Philippa H. Youl, Larisa M. Haupt, and Lyn R. Griffiths
The moderating effect of estimated pre-morbid IQ on the relationship between neuropsychological status and subjective well-being after brain tumour, Tamara Ownsworth, Toni Dwan, Suzanne Chambers, David G. Walker, and David H. Shum
Older people's perceived causes of and strategies for dealing with social isolation, Simone Pettigrew, Robert Donovan, Duncan Boldy, and Robert Newton