Submissions from 2014
Comparison of running characteristics and heart rate response of international and national female rugby sevens players during competitive matches, Javier Portillo, José M. González-Ravé, Daniel Juárez, José M. García, Luis Suárez-Arrones, and Robert U. Newton
Fitness and lean mass increases during combined training independent of loading order, Moritz Schumann, Maria Küüsmaa, Robert U. Newton, Aina-Ilona I. Sirparanta, Henna Syväoja, Arja Häkkinen, and Keijo Häkkinen
The order effect of combined endurance and strength loadings on force and hormone responses: Effects of prolonged training, M Schumann, S Walker, M Izquierdo, R U. Newton, W J. Kraemer, and K Häkkinen
Factors influencing serum caffeine concentrations following caffeine ingestion, Tina L. Skinner, David G. Jenkins, Michael D. Leveritt, Alastair McGorm, Kate A. Bolam, Jeff S. Coombes, and Dennis R. Taaffe
Heterogeneity in Parkinson’s disease dataset, Meghan Thomas
Maximal exercise testing of men with prostate cancer being treated with androgen deprivation therapy, Bradley A. Wall, Daniel A. Galvão, Naeem Fatehee, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert U. Newton
A structural equation model of posttraumatic growth after prostate cancer, Bridget Wilson, Bronwyn A. Morris, and Suzanne Chambers
The SHED-IT Weight Loss Maintenance trial protocol: A randomised controlled trial of a weight loss maintenance program for overweight and obese men, Myles David Young, Clare E. Collins, Robin Callister, Ronald C. Plotnikoff, Christopher M. Doran, and Philip J. Morgan
Submissions from 2013
The effect of an 8-week bilateral or unilateral lower body resistance training program on 20m sprint speed, Brendyn B. Appleby, Prue Cormie, Stuart Cormack, and Robert U. Newton
The effect of physical exercise on bone density in middle-aged and older men: A systematic review, K Bolam, J van Uffelen, and Dennis Taaffe
Mediators of the resistance and aerobic exercise intervention effect on physical and general health in men Undergoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy for prostate cancer, Laurien Buffart, Daniel A. Galvao, Mai Chinapaw, Johannes Brug, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel A. Spry, David J. Joseph, and Robert Newton
Predicting OptimaL cAncer RehabIlitation and Supportive care (POLARIS): rationale and design for meta-analyses of individual patient data of randomized controlled trials that evaluate the effect of physical activity and psychosocial interventions on health-related quality of life in cancer survivors, Laurien M. Buffart, Joeri Kalter, Mai JM Chinapaw, Martijn W. Heymans, Neil K. Aaronson, Kerry S. Courneya, Paul B. Jacobsen, Robert Newton, Irma m. Verdonck-de Leeuw, and Johannes Brug
A systematic review of psycho-oncology research in Chinese populations: emerging trends, Suzanne Chambers, M.K. Hyde, A.M.L Au, D. IP, D Shum, and J Dunn
Systematic review of research into the psychological aspects of prostate cancer in Asia: What do we know?, Suzanne Kathleen Chambers, Melissa Karen Hyde, David Fu-Keung Ip, Jeffrey Charles Dunn, and Robert Alexander Gardiner
The validity of the distress thermometer in prostate cancer populations, Suzanne Chambers, Leah Zajdlewicz, Danny R. Youlden, Jimmie C. Holland, and Jeff Dunn
Adults' past-day recall of sedentary time: Reliability, validity, and responsiveness, Bronwyn Clark, Elisabeth Winkler, Genevieve Healy, Paul Gardiner, David Dunstan, Neville Owen, and Marina Reeves
Neither heavy nor light load resistance exercise acutely exacerbates lymphedema in breast cancer survivor, Prue Cormie, Daniel A. Galvao, Nigel A. Spry, and Robert Newton
Safety and efficacy of resistance exercise in prostate cancer patients with bone metastases, Prue Cormie, Robert Newton, Nigel A. Spry, David J. Joseph, Dennis Taaffe, and Daniel A. Galvao
Exercise therapy for sexual dysfunction after prostate cancer, Prue Cormie, Robert Newton, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel A. Spry, and Daniel A. Galvao
Exercise maintains sexual activity in men undergoing androgen suppression for prostate cancer: a randomized controlled trial, Prue Cormie, Robert Newton, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel A. Spry, David J. Joseph, M Akhlil Hamid, and Daniel A. Galvao
Is it safe and efficacious for women with lymphedema secondary to breast cancer to lift heavy weights during exercise: a randomised controlled trial, Prue Cormie, Kate Pumpa, Daniel A. Galvao, Elizabeth Turner, Nigel A. Spry, Christobel Saunders, Yvonne Zissiadis, and Robert U. Newton
Estimated impacts of alternative Australian alcohol taxation structures on consumption, public health and government revenues , Christopher M. Doran, Joshua Byrnes, Linda Cobiac, Brian Vandenberg, and Theo Vos
Health-related quality of life and life satisfaction in colorectal cancer survivors: Trajectories of adjustment, Jeff Dunn, Shu Kay Ng, William Breitbart, Joanne Aitken, Pip Youl, Peter D. Baade, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Trajectories of psychological distress after colorectal cancer, Jeff Dunn, Shu Kay Ng, Jimmie Holland, Joanne Aitken, Pip Youl, Peter Baade, and Suzanne Chambers
The influence of loading intensity on muscle-tendon unit behaviour during maximal knee extensor stretch shortening cycle exercise, Jacob E. Earp, Robert L. Newton, Prue Cormie, and Anthony J. Blazevich
Assisted Vaginal Deliveries in Mothers Admitted as Public or Private Patients in Western Australia, Kristjana Einarsdottir, Fatima Haggar, Sarah Stock, Anthony Gunnell, and Fiona Stanley
Improved long-term survival in patients on combination therapies following an incident acute myocardial infarction: A longitudinal population-based study, Anthony Gunnell, Kristjana Einarsdóttir, Frank Sanfilippo, Danny Liew, C D'Arcy J Holman, and Tom Briffa
Lifestyle factors, medication use and risk for ischaemic heart disease hospitalisation: a longitudinal population-based study, Anthony S. Gunnell, K Einarsdottir, Daniel A. Galvao, S Joyce, S Tomlin, Vicki J. Graham, Caroline McIntyre, Robert U. Newton, and T Briffa
Lower body bone mass characteristics of elite, sub-elite and amateur Australian footballers, Nicolas H. Hart, Sophia Nimphius, Jason Weber, Michael Dobbin, and Robert U. Newton
Rationale, design and methods for a community-based study of clustering and cumulative effects of chronic disease processes and their effects on ageing: the Busselton healthy ageing study, A James, M Hunter, L Straker, J Beilby, R Bucks, T Davis, R H. Eikelboom, D Hillman, J Hui, J Hung, M Knuiman, D A. Mackey, Robert U. Newton, L J. Palmer, A W. Musk, and Investigator Group Busselton Healthy Ageing Study
Acute effects of two resisted exercises on 25m swimming performance, Daniel Juarez Santos-Garcia, Jose Maria Gonzalez-Rave, Alejandro Legaz Arrese, Luis Javier Portillo Yabar, Vincente Javier Clemente Suarez, and Robert U. Newton
Changes in motivational outcomes after a supervised resistance exercise training intervention in lung cancer survivors, Carolyn J. Mcintyre, G Bell, D Fenton, L McCargar, and Kerry Courneya
Latest research and professional practice in athlete conditioning, Robert U. Newton
Exercise medicine for prostate cancer, Robert U. Newton and Daniel A. Galvao
A systematic review of pre-surgical exercise intervention studies with cancer patients, Favil Singh, Robert Newton, Daniel A. Galvao, Nigel A. Spry, and Michael Baker
Long-term effects of intermittent androgen suppression therapy on lean and fat mass: a 33-month prospective study, Nigel A. Spry, Dennis Taaffe, PJ England, JS Judge, DA Stephens, Carolyn J. Mcintyre, Michael Baker, Robert Newton, and Daniel A. Galvao
Physical activity and exercise in the maintenance of the adult skeleton and the prevention of osteoporotic fractures, Dennis R. Taaffe, Robin M. Daly, Harri Suominen, Daniel A. Galvao, and Kate A. Bolam
Neutral spine control exercises in rehabilitation after lumbar spine fusion, S Tarnanen, MH Neva, K Häkkinen, M Kankaanpää, J Ylinen, WJ Kraemer, Robert Newton, and A Häkkinen
Submissions from 2012
Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players, Brendyn Appleby, Robert Newton, and Prue Cormie
Factors associated with treatment received by men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Queensland, Australia, P D Baade, D R Youlden, Robert Gardiner, M Ferguson, J F Aitken, J Yaxley, and Suzanne Chambers
AST-induced Bone Loss in Men with Prostate Cancer: Exercise as a Potential Countermeasure, Kate Bolam, Daniel Galvao, Nigel Spry, Robert Newton, and Dennis Taaffe
Too much sitting - A health hazard, David Dunstan, B Howard, G N Healy, and N Owen
Breaking up prolonged sitting reduces postprandial glucose and insulin responses, David Dunstan, B A Kingwell, R Larsen, G N Healy, E Cerin, M T Hamilton, S Shaw, D A Bertovic, P Z Zimmet, J Salmon, and N Owen
Increase in Caesarean Deliveries after the Australian Private Health Insurance Incentive Policy Reforms, Kristjana Einarsdottir, Anna Kemp, Fatima Haggar, Rachael Moorin, Anthony Gunnell, David Preen, Fiona Stanley, and C. D'Arcy Holman
The Australian Baby Bonus Maternity Payment and Birth Characteristics in Western Australia, Kristjana Einarsdottir, Amanda Langridge, Geoffrey Hammond, Anthony Gunnell, Fatima Haggar, and Fiona Stanley
Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is associated with increased risk of the development of the metabolic syndrome at five years: Results from a national, population-based prospective study (The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study: AusDiab), C Gagnon, Z X Lu, D J Magliano, and David Dunstan
A randomised trial of robotic and open prostatectomy in men with localised prostate cancer, Robert Gardiner, J Yaxley, G Coughlin, N Dunglison, S Occhipinti, S Younie, R Carter, S Williams, R J Medcraft, Bennett Nigel, M F Lavin, and Suzanne Chambers
Prospective individual and social predictors of changes in adjustment for patients attending a regional cancer service, H J Green, M Ferguson, D H Shum, and Suzanne Chambers
Adverse associations of increases in television viewing time with 5-year changes in glucose homoeostasis markers: The AusDiab study, A Hansen, K Wijndaele, N Owen, D J Magliano, A A Thorp, J Shaw, and David Dunstan
Combined strength and power training for optimal performance gains: a biomechanical approach, Robert Newton, Jacob Earp, and Prue Cormie
Can exercise ameliorate treatment toxicity during the initial phase of testosterone deprivation in prostate cancer patients? Is this more effective than delayed rehabilitation?, Robert Newton, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Prue Cormie, Suzanne Chambers, Robert Gardiner, David Shum, David Joseph, and Daniel Galvao
Changes in muscle architecture and performance during a competitive season in female softball players, Sophia Nimphius, Michael Mcguigan, and Robert Newton
Changes in strength and power qualities over two years in volleyball players transitioning from junior to senior national team, Jeremy Sheppard, Emily Nolan, and Robert Newton
Prolonged sedentary time and physical activity in workplace and non-work contexts: A cross-sectional study of office, customer service and call centre employees, A A Thorp, G N Healy, E Winkler, B K Clark, P A Gardiner, N Owen, and David Dunstan
Submissions from 2011
Physical Activity, Television Viewing Time, and Retinal Vascular Caliber, Satyamurthy Anuradha, David W. Dunstan, Genevieve N. Healy, Jonathan E. Shaw, Paul Z. Zimmet, Tien Y. Wong, and Neville Owen
Coping processes and health-related quality of life in Parkinson's disease, R Bucks, Kate Cruise, T Skinner, A Loftus., R Barker, and Meghan Thomas
Validity of Self-Reported Measures of Workplace Sitting Time and Breaks in Sitting Time, Bronwyn Clark, Alicia Thorpe, Elisabeth Winkler, Paul Gardiner, Genevieve Healy, Neville Owen, and David Dunstan
Relationship of television time with accelerometer-derived sedentary time: NHANES, Brownwyn Clark, Genevieve Healy, Elisabeth Winkler, Paul Gardiner, Takemi Sugiyama, David Dunstan, Charles Matthews, and Neville Owen
Developing maximal neuromuscular power: Part 1 - Biological basis of maximal power production, Prue Cormie, Michael Mcguigan, and Robert Newton
Developing maximal neuromuscular power: Part 2 training considerations for improving maximal power production, Prue Cormie, Michael Mcguigan, and Robert Newton
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, calcium intake, and risk of type 2 diabetes after 5 years: Results from a national, population-based prospective study (the Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle study), Claudia Gagnon, Zhong X. Lu, Dianna J. Magliano, David Dunstan, Jonathan E. Shaw, Paul Z. Zimmet, Ken Sikaris, Narelle Grantham, Peter R. Ebeling, Robin M. Daly, and University of Melbourne
Acute versus chronic exposure to androgen suppression for prostate cancer: Impact on the exercise response, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert Newton
Physical Activity and Genitourinary Cancer Survivorship, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, and Robert U. Newton
Efficacy and Safety of a Modular Multi-modal Exercise Program in Prostate Cancer Patients with Bone Metastases: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Daniel Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, Prue Cormie, Nigel Spry, Susan K. Chambers, Carolyn Peddle-McIntyre, Michael Baker, James Denham, David Joseph, Geoff Groom, and Robert Newton
Associations between television viewing time and overall sitting time with the metabolic syndrome in older men and women: The Australian diabetes obesity and lifestyle study, Paul Gardiner, Genevieve Healy, Elizabeth Eakin, Bronwyn Clark, David Dunstan, Jonathan Shaw, Paul Zimmet, and Neville Owen
Exercise prescription for patients with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes: A position statement from exercise and sport science Australia, Matthew Hordern, David Dunstan, Joannes Prins, Michael Baker, Maria Singh, and Jeff Coombes
Relationship between Strength, Power and Sprint Performance in Professional Cricketers, Matt Inness, Prue Cormie, and Robert Newton
Abdominal obesity, TV-viewing time and prospective declines in physical activity, Jeroen Lakerveld, David Dunstan, Sandra Bot, Jo Salmon, Jacquelinhe Dekker, Giel Nijpels, and Neville Owen
Conservative and Dietary Interventions for Cancer-Related Lymphedema: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Margaret L. McNeely, Carolyn Mcintyre, Janice L. Yurick, Ian S. Dayes, and John R. Mackey
Evaluation of a resistance training program for adults with or at risk of developing diabetes: An effectiveness study in a community setting, Karl Minges, Glen Cormick, Edna Unglik, and David Dunstan
Diabetes prevalence and determinants in Indigenous Australian populations: A systematic review, K E Minges, P Zimmet, D J Magliano, David Dunstan, A Brown, and J E Shaw
Principles of Athlete Testing, Robert Newton, Prue Cormie, and Marco Cardinale
Screen-Based Entertainment Time, All-Cause Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events: Population-Based Study with Ongoing Mortality and Hospital Events Follow-Up, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Mark Hamer, and David W. Dunstan
Sedentary behaviors and subsequent health outcomes in adults: A systematic review of longitudinal studies, 1996-2011, Alice Thorp, Neville Owen, Maike Neuhaus, and David Dunstan
Submissions from 2010
Environmental correlates of physical activity in Australian workplaces, Jason Bennie, Anna Timperio, David Dunstan, David Crawford, and Jo Salmon
Hamstring antagonist torque generated in vivo following ACL rupture and ACL reconstruction, Adam Laguna Bryant, Mark W. Creaby, Robert U. Newton, and Julie R. Steele
Living Well with Diabetes: a randomized controlled trial of a telephone-delivered intervention for maintenance of weight loss, physical activity and glycaemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes, Elizabteh Eakin, Marina Reeves, Alison Marshall, David Dunstan, Nicholas Graves, Genevieve Healy, Jonathan Bleier, Adrian Barnett, Trisha O'Moore-Sullivan, Anthony Russell, and Ken Wilkie
Combined resistance and aerobic exercise program reverses muscle loss in men undergoing androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer without bone metastases: a randomized controlled trial, Daniel Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert Newton
Sedentary Behavior: Emerging Evidence for a New Health Risk, Neville Owen, Phillip Sparling, Genevieve Healy, David Dunstan, and Charles Matthews
Factors influencing overweight children's commencement of and continuation in a resistance training program, Melanie Pescud, Simone Pettigrew, Michael R. McGuigan, and Robert Newton
Role of Transcription Factors in Cell Replacement Therapies for Neurodegenerative Conditions, Meghan Thomas
Deleterious associations of sitting time and television viewing time with cardiometabolic risk biomarkers: Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle (AusDiab) study 2004-2005, Alicia Thorp, Genevieve Healy, Neville Owen, Jo Salmon, Kylie Ball, Jonathan Shaw, Paul Zimmet, and David Dunstan
Submissions from 2009
Lower Limb Maximal Dynamic Strength and Agility Determinants in Elite Basketball Players, Anis Chaouachi, Matt Brughelli, Karim Chamari, Gregory Levin, Nidhal Ben Abdelkrim, Louis Laurencelle, and Carlo Castagna
Anthropometric, physiological and performance characteristics of elite team-handball players, Anis Chaouachi, Matt Brughelli, Gregory Levin, Nahla Ben Brahim Boudhina, John Cronin, and Karim Chamari
A randomized controlled trial of an exercise intervention targeting cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors for prostate cancer patients from the RADAR trial, Daniel Galvao, Nigel Spry, Dennis Taaffe, James Denham, David Joseph, David Lamb, Gregory Levin, Gillian Duchesne, and Robert U. Newton
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Complications During Androgen Deprivation: Exercise as a Potential Countermeasure, Daniel Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert Newton
Australian association for exercise and sport science position stand: Optimising cancer outcomes through exercise, Sandra Hayes, Rosalind Spence, Daniel Galvao, and Robert Newton
Effect of Concurrent Resistance and Endurance Training on Physiologic and Performance parameters of Well-Trained Endurance Cyclists, Gregory Levin, Michael Mcguigan, and Paul Laursen
A Phase III Clinical Trial of Exercise Modalities on Treatment Side-Effects in Men Receiving Therapy for Prostate Cancer, Robert Newton, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Robert Gardiner, Gregory Levin, Bradley Wall, David Joseph, Suzanne K. Chambers, and Daniel Galvao
Power in Resistance Exercise, James Nuzzo, Prue Cormie, and Jeffrey McBride
Submissions from 2008
Training repeated effort ability in national team male volleyball players, Jeremy Sheppard, T Gabbett, and Russell Borgeaud
Submissions from 2007
Change in Power Output Across a High-Repetition Set of Bench Throws and Jump Squats in Highly Trained Athletes, Daniel G. Baker and Robert U. Newton