Submissions from 2023
The effect of high-speed power training on physical frailty in older adults: Effect of a visual-guided exercise program in South Korean rural areas, Dong H. Yoon, Jin-Soo Kim, Su S. Hwang, Dong W. Lee, and Wook Song
Submissions from 2022
Self-management support for cancer-related fatigue: A systematic review, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Nicolas H. Hart, Stuart Ekberg, Megan Crichton, and Raymond Javan Chan
Supervised pelvic floor muscle exercise is more effective than unsupervised pelvic floor muscle exercise at improving urinary incontinence in prostate cancer patients following radical prostatectomy – A systematic review and meta-analysis, Freerk T. Baumann, Nadine Reimer, Theresa Gockeln, Alexandra Reike, Michael Hallek, Christian Ricci, Eva M. Zopf, Daniela Schmid, Dennis Taaffe, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvao, and Michael Leitzmann
Exploring moderators of the effect of high vs. low-to-moderate Intensity exercise on cardiorespiratory fitness during breast cancer treatment – Analyses of a subsample from the phys-can RCT, Ann Christin Helgesen Bjørke, Laurien M. Buffart, Truls Raastad, Ingrid Demmelmaier, Andreas Stenling, Karin Nordin, and Sveinung Berntsen
Living with mesothelioma: A systematic review of patient and caregiver psychosocial support needs, Lauren J. Breen, Taha Huseini, Anne Same, Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre, and Y. C. Gary Lee
Acute floatation-REST improves perceived recovery after a high-intensity resistance exercise stress in trained men, Lydia K. Caldwell, William J. Kraemer, Emily M. Post, Jeff S. Volek, Brian C. Focht, Robert U. Newton, Keijo Häkkinen, and Carl M. Maresh
Exercise recommendations for people with bone metastases: Expert consensus for healthcare providers and clinical exercise professionals, Kristin L. Campbell, Prue Cormie, Sarah Weller, Shabbir M. H. Alibhai, Kate A. Bolam, Anna Campbell, Andrea L. Cheville, Mary-Ann Dalzell, Nicolas H. Hart, Celestia S. Higano, Kirstin Lane, Sami Mansfield, Margaret L. McNeely, Robert U. Newton, Morten Quist, Jennifer Rauw, Friederike Rosenberger, Daniel Santa Mina, Kathryn H. Schmitz, Kerri M. Winters-Stone, Joachim Wiskemann, and Jennifer Goulart
Prevalence of suspected poor bone health in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - A cross-sectional exploratory study, Erin Cecins, Vinicius Cavalheri, Dennis R. Taaffe, Anne Marie Hill, Sarah Hug, and Kylie Hill
Barriers and facilitators to exercise among adult cancer survivors in Singapore, Alexandre Chan, Kayleen Ports, Patricia Neo, Mothi Babu Ramalingam, Ang Tee Lim, Benedict Tan, Nicolas H. Hart, Raymond J. Chan, and Kiley Loh
Sedentary behaviour, physical activity, and their associations with health outcomes at the time of diagnosis in people with inoperable lung cancer, Shu Ning Ch’ng, Joanne A. McVeigh, David Manners, Terry Boyle, Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre, Rajesh Thomas, Jeanie Leong, Samantha Bowyer, Kirsten Mooney, Leon Straker, Daniel A. Galvão, and Vinicius Cavalheri
Quantifying the effect of monitor wear time and monitor type on the estimate of sedentary time in people with COPD: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Fiona Coll, Vinicius Cavalheri, Daniel F. Gucciardi, Sheldon Wulff, and Kylie Hill
Non-pharmacological self-management strategies for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in people with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Megan Crichton, Patsy M. Yates, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Amy Spooner, Raymond J. Chan, and Nicolas H. Hart
The effects of resistance exercise on obstructive sleep apnea severity and body water content in older adults: A randomized controlled trial, Roberto Pacheco da Silva, Denis Martinez, Jhoana Mercedes Uribe Ramos, Emerson Ferreira Martins, Leticia Maria Tedesco-Silva, Pedro Lopez, and Eduardo Lusa Cadore
Wellbeing and nature connectedness for emerging adult undergraduates after a short expedition: A small pilot study, Michael J.A. Down, Paola Chivers, Prudence Kirsch, and Duncan Picknoll
Designing organisational management frameworks to empower episodic volunteering, Jeff Dunn, Paul Scuffham, Melissa K. Hyde, Kevin Stein, Leah Zajdlewicz, Anne Savage, Nicole Heneka, Shu-Kay Ng, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Exercise in preventing falls for men with prostate cancer: A modelled cost-utility analysis, Kim Edmunds, Paul Scuffham, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvão, and Haitham Tuffaha
Walking improvement in chronic incomplete spinal cord injury with exoskeleton robotic training (WISE): A randomized controlled trial, Dylan J. Edwards, Gail Forrest, Mar Cortes, Margaret M. Weightman, Cristina Sadowsky, Shuo-Hsiu Chang, Kimberly Furman, Amy Bialek, Sara Prokup, John Carlow, Leslie VanHiel, Laura Kemp, Darrell Musick, Marc Campo, and Arun Jayaraman
Study protocol: Investigating the feasibility of a hybrid delivery of home-based cluster set resistance training for individuals previously treated for lung cancer, C. M. Fairman, O. L. Owens, Kristina L. Kendall, J. Steele, Christopher Latella, M. T. Jones, L. Marcotte, Carolyn M. J. Peddle-McIntyre, and K. K. McDonnell
High definition tDCS effect on postural control in healthy individuals: Entropy analysis of a crossover clinical trial, Diandra B. Favoretto, Eduardo Bergonzoni, Diego Carvalho Nascimento, Francisco Louzada, Tenysson W. Lemos, Rosangela A. Batistela, Renato Moraes, João P. Leite, Brunna P. Rimoli, Dylan J. Edwards, and Taiza G.S. Edwards
Ipsilateral and contralateral hemidiaphragm dynamics in symptomatic pleural effusion: The 2nd PLeural Effusion And Symptom Evaluation (PLEASE-2) Study, Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, Sanjeevan Muruganandan, Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre, Y. C. Gary Lee, and Bhajan Singh
Steroid therapy and outcome of parapneumonic pleural effusions (STOPPE): A pilot randomized clinical trial, Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, Grant W. Waterer, Charley Budgeon, Ranjan Shrestha, Edward T. Fysh, Sanjeevan Muruganandan, Christopher Stanley, Tajalli Saghaie, Arash Badiei, Calvin Sidhu, Hilman Harryanto, Victor Duong, Maree Azzopardi, David Manners, Norris S. H. Lan, Natalia D. Popowicz, Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre, Najib M. Rahman, Catherine A. Read, Ai Ling Tan, Seng Khee Gan, Kevin Murray, and Gary Y. C. Lee
Reflections from the peer-supported writing and wellbeing program, write smarter feel better, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Melanie Carew, and Karra Harrington
Difficulties recruiting voluntary participation in exercise for mental health: A Western Australian perspective, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Tegan Richards, Eimear Quigley, and Joanne Dickson
Case analysis of sprint interval training for adolescents with severe mental illness, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Jean Starling, and Stephen Cobley
Cancer survivorship care and general practice: A qualitative study of roles of general practice team members in Australia, Jennifer Fox, Carla Thamm, Geoff Mitchell, Jon Emery, Joel Rhee, Nicolas H. Hart, Patsy Yates, Michael Jefford, Bogda Koczwara, Elizabeth Halcomb, Raylene Steinhardt, Roslyn O’Reilly, and Raymond J. Chan
Exercise intervention and sexual function in advanced prostate cancer: A randomised controlled trial, Daniel A. Galvão, Dennis R. Taaffe, Suzanne K. Chambers, Ciaran M. Fairman, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert U. Newton
Weight loss for overweight and obese patients with prostate cancer: A study protocol of a randomised trial comparing clinic-based versus telehealth delivered exercise and nutrition intervention (the TelEX trial), Daniel A. Galvão, Dennis R. Taaffe, Dickon Hayne, Pedro Lopez, Philippa Lyons-Wall, Colin I. Tang, Suzanne K. Chambers, Amanda Devine, Nigel Spry, Emily Jeffery, Christine Kudiarasu, David Joseph, and Robert U. Newton
Global positioning system activity profile in male para footballers with cerebral palsy: Does training meet the match-play intensity in a three-day national tournament?, Alvin M. Goh, Fadi Ma'Ayah, Craig A. Harms, Robert U. Newton, and Eric J. Drinkwater
The quality of life of regional and remote cancer caregivers in Australia, Belinda C. Goodwin, Fiona Crawford-Williams, Michael Ireland, Sonja March, Suzanne K. Chambers, Joanne F. Aitken, and Jeff Dunn
Identifying modifiable features of home bowel cancer screening kits to facilitate use: Consumer perspectives, Belinda C. Goodwin, Bianca Viljoen, Larry Myers, Michael J. Ireland, Jeff Dunn, Suzanne K. Chambers, Nicholas Ralph, and Joanne F. Aitken
Experiences of female partners of prostate cancer survivors: A systematic review and thematic synthesis, Anna Green, Natalie Winter, Michelle DiGiacomo, John L. Oliffe, Nicholas Ralph, Jeff Dunn, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Effects of upper body eccentric versus concentric strength training and detraining on maximal force, muscle activation, hypertrophy and serum hormones in women, Keijo Häkkinen, Robert U. Newton, Simon Walker, Arja Häkkinen, Sonja Krapi, Rebekka Rekola, Päivi Koponen, William J. Kraemer, G. Gregory Haff, Anthony Blazevich, Kazunori Nosaka, and Juha Ahtiainen
Unmet supportive care needs of people with advanced cancer and their caregivers: A systematic scoping review, Nicolas H. Hart, Fiona Crawford-Williams, Megan Crichton, Jasmine Yee, Thomas J. Smith, Bogda Koczwara, Margaret I. Fitch, Gregory B. Crawford, Sandip Mukhopadhyay, Jane Mahony, Chan Cheah, James Townsend, Olivia Cook, Meera R. Agar, and Raymond J. Chan
Exercise for people with bone metastases: MASCC endorsed clinical recommendations developed by the International Bone Metastases Exercise Working Group, Nicolas H. Hart, Dagmara M. Poprawski, Fred Ashbury, Margaret I. Fitch, Raymond J. Chan, Robert U. Newton, and Kristin L. Campbell
An evaluation of factors that influence referral to pulmonary rehabilitation programs among people with COPD, Sarah Hug, Vinicius Cavalheri, Daniel F. Gucciardi, and Kylie Hill
Effects of eccentric vs concentric cycling training on patients with moderate COPD, Mauricio Inostroza, Omar Valdés, German Tapia, Oscar Núñez, Maria Jose Kompen, Kazunori Nosaka, and Luis Peñailillo
Genetic variants within NOGGIN, COL1A1, COL5A1, and IGF2 are associated with musculoskeletal injuries in elite male Australian football league players: A preliminary study, Ysabel Jacob, Ryan S. Anderton, Jodie L. Cochrane Wilkie, Brent Rogalski, Simon M. Laws, Anthony Jones, Tania Spiteri, Dana Hince, and Nicolas H. Hart
ACTN3 (R577X) genotype is associated with Australian football league players, Ysabel Jacob, Nicolas H. Hart, Jodie L. Cochrane Wilkie, Tania Spiteri, Simon M. Laws, Anthony Jones, Brent Rogalski, Jade Kenna, and Ryan S. Anderton
Changes in body composition in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma and the relationship with activity levels and dietary intake, Emily Jeffery, Y. C. Gary Lee, Robert U. Newton, Philippa Lyons-Wall, Joanne McVeigh, Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, Leon Straker, and Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre
Dietary supplements in people with metastatic cancer who are experiencing malnutrition, cachexia, sarcopenia, and frailty: A scoping review, Jolyn Johal, Chad Yixian Han, Ria Joseph, Zachary Munn, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Fiona Crawford‐Williams, Matthew P. Wallen, Raymond J. Chan, and Nicolas H. Hart
Support-seeking by cancer caregivers living in rural Australia, Elizabeth A. Johnston, Belinda C. Goodwin, Larry Myers, Sonja March, Joanne F. Aitken, Suzanne K. Chambers, and Jeff Dunn
Aspects of formal volunteering that contribute to favourable psychological outcomes in older adults, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Jennifer Warburton, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew
Diet and exercise advice and referrals for cancer survivors: An integrative review of medical and nursing perspectives, Ria Joseph, Nicolas H. Hart, Natalie Bradford, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Bogda Koczwara, Alexandre Chan, Matthew P. Wallen, and Raymond J. Chan
Hamstrings force-length relationships and their implications for angle-specific joint torques: a narrative review, Eleftherios Kellis and Anthony J. Blazevich
Building the plane while it’s flying: Implementation lessons from integrating a co-located exercise clinic into oncology care, Mary A. Kennedy, Sara Bayes, Robert U. Newton, Yvonne Zissiadis, Nigel A. Spry, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nicolas H. Hart, and Daniel A. Galvão
Correction to: Implementation barriers to integrating exercise as medicine in oncology: An ecological scoping review, Mary A. Kennedy, Sara Bayes, Robert U. Newton, Yvonne Zissiadis, Nigel A. Spry, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nicolas H. Hart, and Daniel A. Galvão
Implementation barriers to integrating exercise as medicine in oncology: An ecological scoping review, Mary A. Kennedy, Sara Bayes, Robert U. Newton, Yvonne Zissiadis, Nigel Spry, Dennis Taaffe, Nicolas H. Hart, and Daniel A. Galvao
Acute effect of high-intensity interval aerobic exercise on serum myokine levels and resulting tumour-suppressive effect in trained patients with advanced prostate cancer, Jin-Soo Kim, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvão, Timothy D. Clay, Andrew D. Redfern, Nicolas H. Hart, Elin S. Gray, Charles J. Ryan, Stacey A. Kenfield, Fred Saad, and Robert U. Newton
Exercise in advanced prostate cancer elevates myokine levels and suppresses in-vitro cell growth, Jin Soo Kim, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvão, Nicolas H. Hart, Elin Gray, Charles J. Ryan, Stacey A. Kenfield, Fred Saad, and Robert U. Newton
Myokine expression and tumor-suppressive effect of serum following 12 weeks of exercise in prostate cancer patients on ADT, Jin-Soo Kim, Rebekah Louise Wilson, Dennis Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvao, Elin S. Gray, and Robert Newton
Arousal/stress effects of "Overwatch" eSports game competition in Collegiate Gamers, William J. Kraemer, Lydia K. Caldwell, Emily M. Post, Matthew K. Beeler, Angela Emerson, Jeff S. Volek, Carl M. Maresh, Jennifer S. Fogt, Nick Fogt, Keijo Häkkinen, Robert U. Newton, Pedro Lopez, Barbara N. Sanchez, and James A. Onate
The Aussie-FIT process evaluation: Feasibility and acceptability of a weight loss intervention for men, delivered in Australian football league settings, Dominika Kwasnicka, Craig Donnachie, Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Kate Hunt, Cindy M. Gray, Nikos Ntoumanis, Hannah McBride, Matthew D. McDonald, Robert U. Newton, Daniel F. Gucciardi, Jenny L. Olson, Sally Wyke, Philip J. Morgan, Deborah A. Kerr, Suzanne Robinson, and Eleanor Quested
Telehealth cancer-related fatigue clinic model for cancer survivors: A pilot randomised controlled trial protocol (the T-CRF trial), Rahul Ladwa, Elizabeth P. Pinkham, Laisa Teleni, Brigid Hanley, Gemma Lock, Jodie Nixon, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Fiona Crawford-Williams, Lee Jones, Mark B. Pinkham, Jane Turner, Patsy Yates, Steven M. McPhail, Joanne F. Aitken, Carmen P. Escalante, Nicolas H. Hart, and Raymond J. Chan
Retaining volunteers for the cause: Hope and pride associated with cause-related charity events in cancer control, Melissa Legg, Melissa K. Hyde, Suzanne K. Chambers, Shu-Kay Ng, Paul Scuffham, Kevin Stein, and Jeff Dunn
Interventions for improving body composition in men with prostate Cancer: A systematic review and network meta-analysis, Pedro Lopez Da Cruz, Robert U. Newton, Dennis R. Taaffe, Favil Singh, Philippa Lyons-Wall, Laurien M. Buffart, Colin Tang, Dickon Hayne, and Daniel A. Galvao
Associations of fat and muscle mass with overall survival in men with prostate cancer: A systematic review with meta-analysis, Pedro Lopez, Robert U. Newton, Dennis R. Taaffe, Favil Singh, Laurien M. Buffart, Nigel Spry, Colin Tang, Fred Saad, and Daniel A. Galvao
Moderators of resistance training effects in overweight and obese adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Pedro Lopez, Régis Radaelli, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvaõ, Robert U. Newton, Elisa R. Nonemacher, Victória M. Wendt, Renata N. Bassanesi, Douglas J. P. Turella, and Anderson Rech
Resistance training effectiveness on body composition and body weight outcomes in individuals with overweight and obesity across the lifespan: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Pedro Lopez, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvão, Robert U. Newton, Elisa R. Nonemacher, Victória M. Wendt, Renata N. Bassanesi, Douglas J. P. Turella, and Anderson Rech
Adverse events reporting of clinical trials in exercise oncology research (ADVANCE): Protocol for a scoping review, Hao Luo, Oliver Schumacher, Daniel A. Galvão, Robert U. Newton, and Dennis R. Taaffe
Elastic tubes: The ideal equipment for telehealth exercise medicine in the management of prostate cancer?, Georgios Mavropalias
The effects of home-based exercise therapy for breast cancer-related fatigue induced by radical radiotherapy, Georgios Mavropalias, Prue Cormie, Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre, Daniel A. Galvão, Dennis R. Taaffe, Christelle Schofield, Sharon Ray, Yvonne Zissiadis, and Robert U. Newton
Exercise medicine for cancer cachexia: Targeted exercise to counteract mechanisms and treatment side-effects, Georgios Mavropalias, Marc Sim, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvao, Nigel Spry, William Kraemer, Keijo Häkkinen, and Robert U. Newton
Increases in integrin-ILK-RICTOR-Akt proteins, muscle mass, and strength after eccentric cycling training, Georgios Mavropalias, Yu-Fu Wu, Marni D. Boppart, Anthony J. Blazevich, and Kazunori Nosaka
Impact of different unconditional monetary incentives on survey response rates in men with prostate cancer: A 2-arm randomised trial, Megan McIntosh, Melissa J. Opozda, Michael O’Callaghan, Andrew D. Vincent, Daniel A. Galvão, and Camille E. Short
Why do men with prostate cancer discontinue active surveillance for definitive treatment? A mixed methods investigation, Megan McIntosh, Melissa J. Opozda, Michael O’Callaghan, Andrew D. Vincent, Daniel A. Galvão, and Camille E. Short
Social ecological influences on treatment decision-making in men diagnosed with low risk, localised prostate cancer, Megan McIntosh, Melissa J. Opozda, Camille E. Short, Daniel A. Galvão, Rebecca Tutino, Michael Diefenbach, Behfar Ehdaie, and Christian Nelson
How does brief guided mindfulness meditation enhance empathic concern in novice meditators?: A pilot test of the suggestion hypothesis vs. the mindfulness hypothesis, Motohide Miyahara, Rebekah Wilson, Tessa Pocock, Tomoko Kano, and Hiroyuki Fukuhara
Cardiorespiratory fitness is a risk factor for lower-limb and back injury in law enforcement officers commencing their basic training: A prospective cohort study, Myles C. Murphy, Nicole Merrick, Andrea B. Mosler, Garth Allen, Paola Chivers, and Nicolas H. Hart
Prostate cancer treatment with exercise medicine, Robert U. Newton, Nicolas H. Hart, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, and Fred Saad
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity behaviours of older adults who participated in a community-based exercise program prior to the lockdown, Kaoru Nosaka, Caitlin Fox-Harding, and Kazunori Nosaka
Conventional supportive cancer care services in Australia: A national service mapping study (The CIA study), Elizabeth P. Pinkham, Laisa Teleni, Jodie L. Nixon, Emma McKinnel, Bena Brown, Ria Joseph, Laurelie R. Wishart, Elizabeth Miller, Elizabeth C. Ward, Nicolas H. Hart, Gemma Lock, Brigid Hanley, and Raymond J. Chan
Exercise counselling and referral in cancer care: An international scoping survey of health care practitioners’ knowledge, practices, barriers, and facilitators, Imogen Ramsey, Alexandre Chan, Andreas Charalambous, Yin Ting Cheung, H. S. Darling, Lawson Eng, Lisa Grech, Nicolas H. Hart, Deborah Kirk, Sandra A. Mitchell, Dagmara Poprawski, Elke Rammant, Margaret I. Fitch, and Raymond J. Chan
How a 7-week food literacy cooking program affects cooking confidence and mental health: Findings of a quasi-experimental controlled intervention trial, Joanna Rees, Shih Ching Fu, Johnny Lo, Ros Sambell, Joshua R. Lewis, Claus T. Christophersen, Matthew F. Byrne, Robert U. Newton, Siobhan Boyle, and Amanda Devine
Nationwide industry-led community exercise program for men with locally advanced, relapsed, or metastatic prostate cancer on androgen-deprivation therapy, Oliver Schumacher, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Dickon Hayne, Colin Tang, Raphael Chee, and Robert U. Newton
In reply to Carpenter et al., Oliver Schumacher, Hao Luo, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvão, Colin Tang, Raphael Chee, Nigel Spry, and Robert U. Newton
Preoperative aerobic exercise therapy prior to abdominal surgery: What is the evidence? what dose?, Amanda T. Y. Siu, Favil Singh, Hilmy Ismail, and Robert U. Newton
Middle cerebral artery blood flow stability in response to high-definition transcranial electrical stimulation: A randomized sham-controlled clinical trial, Luiz H. S. Stefano, Diandra B. Favoretto, Diego C. Nascimento, Luan R. A. Santos, Francisco Louzada, Marom Bikson, Joao P. Leite, Octavio M. Pontes-Neto, Dylan J. Edwards, and Taiza G. S. Edwards
Association between energy balance-related factors and clinical outcomes in patients with ovarian cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Stephanie Stelten, Christelle Schofield, Yvonne A. W. Hartman, Pedro Lopez, Gemma G. Kenter, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvão, Meeke Hoedjes, Dennis R. Taaffe, Luc R. C. W. van Lonkhuijzen, Carolyn McIntyre, and Laurien M. Buffart
Effect of childhood developmental coordination disorder on adulthood physical activity; Arvo Ylppö longitudinal study, Jocelyn L. K. Tan, Anna Mari Mari Ylä-Kojola, Johan G. Eriksson, Minna K. Salonen, Niko Wasenius, Nicolas H. Hart, Paola Chivers, Timo Rantalainen, Aulikki Lano, and Harri Piitulainen
Profiling social cognition in premanifest Huntington's disease, Kate Turner, Danielle Bartlett, Sarah A. Grainger, Clare Eddy, Alvaro Reyes, Catarina Kordsachia, Mitchell Turner, Julie C. Stout, Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis, Julie D. Henry, Mel Ziman, and Travis Cruickshank
Construct validity of the steep ramp test for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with breast cancer and the effect of chemotherapy-related symptom burden, Hester J. Van de Wiel, Wim G. Groen, Caroline S. Kampshoff, Laurien M. Buffart, Willem van Mechelen, Goof Schep, Gabe S. Sonke, Rosalie Huijsmans, Wim H. van Harten, Neil K. Aaronson, and Martijn M. Stuiver
Dissociation between fatigued power output and traditional peak torque for isokinetic hamstring: Quadriceps ratios in professional soccer players, Filipe Veeck, Pedro Lopez, Rafael Grazioli, Carlos Leonardo Figueiredo Machado, Eurico Nestor Wilhelm, Eduardo Lusa Cadore, and Ronei Silveira Pinto
Experiences of participants in a clinical trial of a novel radioactive treatment for advanced prostate cancer: A nested, qualitative longitudinal study, Bianca Viljoen, Michael S. Hofman, Suzanne K. Chambers, Jeff Dunn, Haryana M. Dhillon, Ian D. Davis, and Nicholas Ralph
Physical and technical demands of offence, defence, and contested phases of play in Australian Football, Christopher Wing, Nicolas H. Hart, Fadi Ma’ayah, and Kazunori Nosaka
Comparison of physical demands between matches and small-sided games in Australian football, Christopher Wing, Nicolas H. Hart, Fadi Ma’ayah, and Kazunori Nosaka
Impact of sudden rule changes on player injuries and performance: Insights from Australian football, Christopher Wing, Nicolas H. Hart, Fadi Ma’ayah, and Kazunori Nosaka
Submissions from 2021
Bridging the research to practice gap: A systematic scoping review of implementation of interventions for cancer-related fatigue management, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Nicolas H. Hart, Stuart Ekberg, Koczwara Bogda, Rahul Ladwa, Camilla Simonsen, Elizabeth P. Pinkham, and Raymond Javan Chan
Acute effects of high-intensity resistance exercise on cognitive function, John Paul V. Anders, William J. Kraemer, Robert U. Newton, Emily M. Post, Lydia K. Caldwell, Matthew K. Beeler, William H. Dupont, Emily R. Martini, Jeff S. Volek, Keijo Häkkinen, Carl M. Maresh, and Scott M. Hayes
Differential effects of sex on longitudinal patterns of cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease, Megan C. Bakeberg, Anastazja M. Gorecki, Jade E. Kenna, Alexa Jefferson, Michelle Byrnes, Soumya Ghosh, Malcolm K. Horne, Sarah McGregor, Rick Stell, Sue Walters, Paola Chivers, Samantha J. Winter, Frank L. Mastaglia, and Ryan S. Anderton
Feasibility, tolerance and effects of adding impact loading exercise to pulmonary rehabilitation in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial, Erin Cecins, Kylie Hill, Dennis R. Taaffe, David Manners, Anne-Marie Hill, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvão, and Vinicius Cavalheri
Effect of leg eccentric exercise on muscle damage of the elbow flexors after maximal eccentric exercise, Trevor C. Chen, Hsin-Lian Chen, Li-Fu Cheng, Tai-Ying Chou, and Kazunori Nosaka
Changes in plasma C1q, apelin and adropin concentrations in older adults after descending and ascending stair walking intervention, Trevor C. Chen, Tsang-Hai Huang, Wei-Chin Tseng, Kuo-Wei Tseng, Chung-Chan Hsieh, Mei-Yen Chen, Tai-Ying Chou, Yuh-Chuan Huang, Hsin-Lian Chen, and Kazunori Nosaka
Relationships between different internal and external training load variables and elite international women’s basketball performance, Joseph Coyne, Aaron J. Coutts, Robert Newton, and Greg Haff
Training load, heart rate variability, direct current potential and elite long jump performance prior and during the 2016 Olympic Games, Joseph Coyne, Aaron Coutts, Robert Newton, and Greg Haff
Associations of physical activity and exercise with health-related outcomes in patients with melanoma during and after treatment: A systematic review, Brendan J. Crosby, Pedro Lopez, Daniel A. Galvao, Robert U. Newton, Dennis Taaffe, Tarek M. Meniawy, Lydia Warburton, Muhammad A. Khattak, Elin S. Gray, and Favil Singh
Development of a scale assessing retired older adults’ attitudes to volunteering, Liyuwork Mitiku Dana, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew
High-intensity interval training shock microcycle improves running performance but not economy in female soccer players, Filippo Dolci, Andrew E. Kilding, Tania Spiteri, Paola Chivers, Benjamin Piggott, Andrew Maiorana, and Nicolas Hart
Are national cancer control indicators for patient experiences being met in regional and remote Australia? A cross-sectional study of cancer survivors who travelled for treatment, Jeff Dunn, Belinda Goodwin, Joanne F. Aitken, Sonja March, Fiona Crawford-Williams, Michael Ireland, Nicholas Ralph, Leah Zajdlewicz, Arlen Rowe, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Prostate cancer survivorship care: If not now, when?, Jeffrey Dunn, Peter Heathcote, and Suzanne K. Chambers
Demonstrating the value of early economic evaluation alongside clinical trials: Exercise medicine for men with metastatic prostate cancer, Kim Edmunds, Paul Scuffham, Penny Reeves, Daniel A. Galvão, Dennis R. Taaffe, Robert U. Newton, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Haitham Tuffaha