
Submissions from 2008


Wisdom in student assignments: Its operationalisation and manifestation, Dieter Fink and Stuart K. Garner


Wine tourism experiences in New Zealand: an exploration of male and female winery visitors, Rick.A Fraser, Abel Alonso, and David.A Cohen

A case study of online situated learning - educating using an enterprise resource planning application, Richard Fulford


Towards a theory of management and evaluation of operational enterprise resource planning applications, Richard Fulford


Creating new instruments to advance research into virtual organisations, Peter Gall


Cultural Factors Affecting Smoking intentions in Sri Lankan Immigrant Adolescents: An Exploratory Study, Raguragavan Ganeshasundaram and Nadine Henley


Econometric modelling in finance and risk management: An overview, Jiti Gao, Michael McAleer, and David E. Allen


Supporting student learning with digital audio: A low-tech approach, Stuart K. Garner


The impact of a software tool that supports a part-complete solution method on the learning outcomes of novice programmers, Stuart K. Garner

The teaching and learning of programming : The use of a technology supported part-complete solution method, Stuart K. Garner


The use of screencasting and audio to support student learning, Stuart K. Garner

Government sponsored online platforms for SMEs: Assessing success and evaluating benefits, Denise Gengatharen


Interpreting the success and failure of regional internet community portals in promoting e-commerce adoption by SME's: A cultural perspective, Denise E. Gengatharen


Retirement savings investment strategy : member choices and performance, Paul Gerrans, Marilyn Clark-Murphy, and Craig P. Speelman

Projecting the Home Support Needs of Adults with Neurodegenerative Disorders in Western Australia to 2050: Policy Implications, Margaret Giles and Gill Lewin

How are the characteristics of Guanxi in SOE evolving under the Chinese market economy: Tracking the roaring dragon hotel, South-West China, 1999-2007, Stephen Grainger


Corporate Social Disclosures By Indonesian Listed Companies, Juniati Gunawan


An examination of corporate social disclosures in the annual reports of Indonesian listed companies, Juniati Gunawan, Geri Djajadikerta, and George Smith


The role of lawfulness attitudes and product characteristics toward willingness to buy non-deceptive counterfeit branded products : the case study of Indonesian consumers, Anas Hidayat


Willingness to buy non-deceptive counterfeit products: A case study of Indonesian consumers, Anas Hidayat, Katherine Mizerski, and Madeleine Ogilvie

Making strategic decisions in an emerging economy: Evidence from Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises, Xueli Huang

Strategic decision-making in the Australian SMEs: Process, characteristics, and their influencing factors, Xueli Huang


Building knowledge in projects: A practical application of social constructivism to information systems development, Paul Jackson and Jane Klobas


Transactive memory systems in organizations: Implications for knowledge directories, Paul Jackson and Jane Klobas


Linking ontological conceptions and mapping business life worlds, Paul Jackson and Raymond Webster


Voluntary formation of audit committees and their practices : an Australian study, Amish Jari


Factors affecting Finnish consumers' intention to receive SMS marketing: A conceptual model and an empirical study, Heikki Karjaluoto, Craig Standing, Michael Becker, and Matti Leppaniemi

Theory And Practice: The Response Of People With Neurodegenerative Disorders To Home Design In Western Australia, Elizabeth Karol and Margaret Giles

To stay or to move: Factors influencing housing choices by people with neurodegenerative disorders who want to continue living in the community, Elizabeth Karol and Margaret Giles


The whistleblower in the workplace: The influence of the personal characteristics of individuals who have blown the whistle in one Australian context, Sharan Kraemer


Corporate social performance and financial performance, Inge Kristoffersen, Paul Gerrans, and Marilyn Clark-Murphy


An empirical study of the impact of human resource configurations and intellectual capital on organisational performance in the Australian biotechnology industry, Chao-Ying Lee


A cointegration analysis of price transmission between ADRs and dually listed South Korean stocks, Lee Lim


Web-based commerce applications: Adoption and evaluation, Chad Lin, Helen Cripps, and Yu-An Huang


A model to develop effective virtual teams, Chad Lin, Craig Standing, and Ying-Chieh Liu


An examination of the relationships between strategic management and organisational performance in the Chinese hotel industry : a multiple-perspective approach, Jamie Y. Lo


Shooters : culture and consumption in Australian gun clubs, Martin MacCarthy

The Relationship Of Destination Preference, Satisfaction And Loyalty: An Empirical Study Of Chinese Tourists To Australia, Yue Mao and Hanqin Qui

Textbooks: Fast Food or Dine-In? Preliminary Views, Gary Marchioro and Maria Ryan

The Constructs Mediating Religions' Influence On Buyers And Consumers, Nazlida Muhamad, Dick Mizerski, and Katherine Mizerski


Discovering critical success factors for implementing an automated performance measurement system : a case study approach, John F. Myles


The hotel guest questionnaire: an assessment of its role as a service encounter interface, Alfred W. Ogle


Luxury purchases by working class, middle aged males in regional Western Australia, Brad Orr, Kate Mizerski, Natalie Collins, and Jamie Murphy


Intervention Strategies to Engage Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Environmental Good Practice, Craig Parker, Janice Redmond, and Mike Simpson


Managing older workers: What can we learn from managers of older volunteers?, Megan Jane Paull


Work environment and retention: An exploratory case study, Megan Jane Paull, Maryam Omari, and April Beeton

Comparing Aggregate And Individual Measures Of Habit - A Study Of Grocery Buying Behaviour, Thang Pham, Richard Mizerski, James Wiley, and Katherine Mizerski


Stock Prices and Accounting Information: A Review of the State of Play, Scott Pirie and George Smith


Stock prices and accounting information: evidence from Malaysia, Scott Pirie and George Smith


Systemic Problems in Information Technology Adoption and Use: A Systems Thinking Perspective, Syed Arshad Raza and Craig Standing


A New Approach to Small Business Training: Community Based Education, Janice Redmond and Elizabeth Walker


Issues for Small Businesses With Waste Management, Janice Redmond, Elizabeth Walker, and Calvin Wang


The Impact Of Small Business On The Environment, Janice Redmond, Elizabeth Walker, Calvin Wang, Mike Simpson, and Craig Parker

A Model for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement in Marketing Research , Maria Ryan and Gary Marchioro

Community Engagement as a Teaching and Learning Tool, Maria Ryan and Gary Marchioro

Teaching Marketing Research: Using a Bridging Vehicle to Increase Deep Learning , Maria Ryan, Madeleine Ogilvie, and Angelia Bevilaqua

Developing Industry-Ready Graduates: Encouraging Student Learning That Matches Industry Expectations Of Graduate Skills, Knowledge And Experience, Lynnaire Sheridan


Exploring the Myth of Customer Relationship Management: Evidence From UK Retail Banking, George Smith and Sangeeta Lakhani


The diffusion of technological and management accounting innovation: Malaysian evidence, Malcolm Smith, Zaharah Abdullah, and Rafizan Abdul Razak


Bullying in the public sector: An emprirical investigation, Peter Standen and Maryam Omari


Psychological warfare at work: The destructive cycle of reciprocal bullying, Peter Standen and Maryam Omari


An Analysis of E-Marketplace Literature, Craig Standing, Susan Standing, and Peter Love


Mobile technology and healthcare: The adoption issues and systemic problems, Susan Standing and Craig Standing


A framework for managing knowledge in strategic alliances in the biotechnology sector, Susan Standing, Craig Standing, and Chad Lin


A Review of Research on E-Marketplaces 1997-2007, Susan Standing, Craig Standing, and Peter Love


Sustainability in Urban Water Futures, Geoffrey Syme


Urban Water: Is Efficiency Enough?, Geoffrey Syme


Changing Attitudes to Urban Water Use and Consumption, Geoffrey Syme and Blair Nancarrow


Justice and the Allocation of Benefits from Water, Geoffrey Syme and Blair Nancarrow


The Social and Cultural Aspects of Sustainable Water Use, Geoffrey Syme and Blair E Nancarrow


Integrating social well being into assessments of water policy: meeting the challenge for decision makers, Geoffrey Syme, Natasha B. Porter, Ute Goeft, and Elizabeth A. Kington


Exploring the relationship between organisational culture and planning processes in selected Western Australian sport associations, Sooyoung Sul Tcha


Is body shape of varanid lizards linked with retreat choice?, Graham G. Thompson, Christofer Clemente, Philip Withers, Bryan Fry, and Janette Norman


Abundance and spatial distribution of five small mammals at a local scale, Graham G. Thompson and Scott Thompson


Greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) burrows, diggings and scats in the Pilbara, Graham G. Thompson and Scott Thompson


Spatial variability in terrestrial fauna surveys; A case study from the goldfields of Western Australia, Graham G. Thompson and Scott Thompson


Range extension for the black-headed worm-lizard, Aprasia picturata (Squamata: Pygopodidae), Scott Thompson and Graham G. Thompson


Vertebrate by-catch in invertebrate wet pitfall traps, Scott Thompson and Graham G. Thompson


Range extension of the Western Heath Dragon, Rankinia adelaidensis adelaidensis (Squamata: Agamidae), Scott Thompson, Graham G. Thompson, and Jessica Oates


Rehabilitation index for evaluating restoration of terrestrial ecosystems using the reptile assemblage as the bio-indicator, Scott Thompson, Graham G. Thompson, and Philip Withers


It's Time: Women and Affirmative Action in the Liberal Party, Ainslie Van Onselen


The law of copyright: recovering the rationale, Ainslie Van Onselen


Quality management practices of small and medium enterprises in Thailand, Pornpimol Viriyakul


Waste Recycling: Local Methods for Successful Interaction With Small Business, Elizabeth Walker, Janice Redmond, and Calvin Wang


Women and work-life balance: Is home-based business ownership the solution?, Elizabeth Walker, Calvin Wang, and Janice Redmond

Young people's concepts of smoking addiction, Calvin Wang


Who Gets The Nod? Gender Issues In Successor Selection, Calvin Wang, Rowena Barrett, Elizabeth Walker, and Janice Redmond


Gender as a Predictor of Planning in Small Business, Calvin Wang, Elizabeth Walker, and Janice Redmond


Making plans - Home-based businesses, Calvin Wang, Elizabeth Walker, Janice Redmond, and John Breen


Website Quality and Corporate Financial Performance, Paul Watkins and George Smith


The third generation ACD model : a semiparametric approach, Pipat Wongsaart, Jiti Gao, and David E. Allen


Whither a currency union in greater China?, Zhaoyong Zhang and Kiyotaka Sato


Is Greater China a currency union? A tale of the Chinese trio, Zhaoyong Zhang, Kiyotaka Sato, and Michael McAleer

Submissions from 2007


The impact of undisclosed versus disclosed limit orders: Evidence from inter-day returns, signalling, information effects on the ASX, David E. Allen, Alexander S. Cheng, and Wenling Joey Yang


Thoughts on VaR and CVaR, David E. Allen and Robert J. Powell


The Performance of Seasoned Equity Issues in a Risk-Adjusted Environment, David E. Allen and V Soucik

Consumption patterns among New Zealand winery visitors - an exploratory study, Abel Alonso, David A. Cohen, and Rick Fraser


Does age matter? How Age Influences the Winery Experience, Abel Duarte Alonso, Rick A Fraser, and David Cohen


Investigating differences between domestic and international winery visitors in New Zealand, Abel Alonso, Rick A. Fraser, and David A. Cohen


Attributes of innovation and the implementation of managerial tools: An activity based management technique, D. Askarany, Malcolm Smith, and H. Yazdifar