Submissions from 2006
Intention to e-Collaborate: Propagation of research propositions, Eddie Cheng, Peter Love, Craig Standing, and Hosein Gharavi
Business adaptation strategies used by small and medium retailers in an increasingly competitve environment: A study of Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, Kittima Cheungsuvadee
Cluster Computing for Financial Engineering, Shirish Chinchalkar, Thomas Coleman, and Peter Mansfield
Overseas accounting students in Australia and performance in literary work : an empirical test, Theo Christopher and Colleen Hayes
Building restaurant wine lists: A study in conflict, Nicole Davis and Stephen Charters
The impact on mental health in others of those in a position of authority: A perspective of parents, teachers, trainers and supervisors, Robert Donovan, Nadine Henley, Geoffery Jalleh, Sven Silburn, Steve Zubrick, and Anwen Williams
The Cruising Industry, Ross Dowling
The Antarctic Cruise Industry, Ross Dowling and Thomas Bauer
Looking Ahead: The Future of Cruising, Ross K. Dowling
Geotourism's Issues and Challenges, Ross Dowling and David Newsome
Sustainability and Company Annual Financial Reporting, Mirela Filipovic
Research and teaching in a new generation university: Emerging dimensions and academics' attitudes, Dieter Fink
The professional doctorate: Its relativity to the PhD and relevance for the knowledge economy, Dieter Fink
Value decomposition of e-commerce performance, Dieter Fink
International case studies: To what extent is ICT infused into the operations of SMEs?, Dieter Fink and Georg Disterer
A model of information security governance for e-business, Dieter Fink, Tobias Huegle, and Martin Dortschy
A Modified Mystery Shopping Approach to the Winery Cellar Door Experience, Joanna Fountain and Stephen Charters
Propagation of an initial model for evaluating operational enterprise systems, Richard Fulford
Creating a virtual culture through eCollaboration, Peter Gall and Janice Burn
Playing out movie smoking scenes in peer groups: A cautionary tale from Sri Lankan immigrant adolescents, Raguragavan Ganeshasundaram and Nadine Henley
The prevalence and usefulness of market research: An empirical investigation into 'background' versus 'decision' research, Raguragavan Ganeshasundaram and Nadine Henley
An architecture to aid students manage their personal knowledge, Stuart K. Garner
Supporting the teaching and learning of business systems development with technology, Stuart K. Garner
Assessing the success and evaluating the benefits of government-sponsored regional internet-trading platforms for small and medium enterprises: A Western Australian perspective, Denise E. Gengatharen
Morningstar Ratings and Future Performance, Paul Gerrans
Asset Allocation and Age Effects in Superannuation Investment Choice, Paul Gerrans, Marilyn Clark-Murphy, and Craig Speelman
How Much Investment Choice is Enough for Members?, Paul Gerrans, Marilyn Clark-Murphy, and Craig Speelman
An Investigation of Home Bias in Superannuation Investment Choices, Paul Gerrans, Deborah Gardner, Marilyn Clark-Murphy, and Craig Speelman
Infusion of information systems in the stockbroking sector, Hosein Gharavi
The interplay between structural rigidity and uptake of innovation- A critical examination of infusion of innovation in the stockbroking sector, Hosein Gharavi, Peter E D Love, and Paul Jackson
The Shrimp Game: Engaging Students in the Classroom, Margaret Giles and Jo Voola
Policing performance management systems: Identifying key design elements within a `new' public management context, John Gillespie
Free to be obese in a 'super nanny state'?, Nadine Henley
Is it 'too bloody late'? Older people's response to the national physical activity guidelines, Nadine Henley and Joan Jackson
Discrepancies in intimate violence reporting for men and women's violence: A meta-analysis, James L. Herbert
The influences of lawfulness attitudes on consumers' willingness to purchase counterfeit goods, Anas Hidayat and Katherine Mizerski
How do Chinese SMEs make their strategic decisions?, Xueli Huang and Dong Bin
The development of websites: Objectives of Australian SMEs, Xueli Huang and Kum-Foong Leong
Evaluating and realising the B2BEC benefits, Yu-An Huang, Chad Lin, and Richard Fulford
Evaluation cost taxonomies for information systems management, Zahir Irani, Ahmad Ghoneim, and Peter Love
Technologies of the self: Virtual work and the inner panopticon, Paul Jackson, Hosein Gharavi, and Jane Klobas
Transactive memory in distributed organizations, Paul Jackson and Jane Klobas
The role of uncertainty in the relationship between fairness evaluations and willingness to pay, B.S. Jorgensen, Geoffrey Syme, and Blair Nancarrow
Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Australian Media, 2001-2005, Nahid Kabir
The impact of demographics on mobile service usage: Empirical evidence from Finland, Heikki Karjaluoto, Matti Leppaniemi, Craig Standing, Sami Kajalo, Marko Merisavo, Ville Virtanen, and Sami Salmenkivi
An empirical study of resource contribution in SMEs alliance, Wen-Liang Kuo, Chad Lin, Gaudi Hsu, and Yu-An Huang
Exploring the adoption and evaluaton of E-commerce in SMEs: Planning and implementation stages, Chad Lin and Yu-An Huang
The impact of IT maturity on the adoption of IS/IT investment evaluation and benefits realization methodologies, Chad Lin and Yu-An Huang
The critical success factors and evaluation issues for eCRM implementation, Chad Lin, Yu-An Huang, Hsien-Jui Chung, and Ying-Chieh Liu
Evaluation of electronic customer relationship management: The critical success factors, Chad Lin, Koong Lin, Yu-An Huang, and Wen-Liang Kuo
Low-cost RFID identification variation, Koong Lin, Tzu-Chang Yeh, Yao-Yuan Liu, and Chad Lin
On Singapore's taxation system, J H Liu and Zhaoyong Zhang
An exploratory study of indirect ICT costs using the structured case study method, Peter Love, Zahir Irani, Ahmad Ghoneim, and Marinos Themistocleous
Customer Satisfaction and Scuba-diving: Some Insights from the Deep, Martin Maccarthy, Martin O'Neill, and Paul Williams
Establishing destination loyalty through image building: A Conceptual Framework, Yue Mao and Hanqin Qiu Zhang
Factors affecting tourists' destination preference and future behavior intention: a study of mainland Chinese tourists' travel behavior, Yue Mao and Hanqin Qiu Zhang
The impact of audit risk, materiality and severity on ethical decision making: An analysis of the perceptions of tax agents in Australia, Rex Marshall, Malcolm Smith, and Robert Armstrong
Education and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Australia, Sawami Matsushita, Abu Siddique, and Margaret Giles
Understanding sustainable tourism development from a complex systems perspective: A case study of the Swan River, Western Australia, Janine R. McDonald
The `Good Oil': The role olive oil plays in the lives of Western Australian consumers, Trudie Michels
Differences in importance and relevance ratings among older consumers, Katherine Mizerski and Simone Pettigrew
The application of TQM: Organic or mechanistic?, Bradley Moore and Alan Brown
The Scope and Nature of Geotourism, David Newsome and Ross Dowling
Breaking the Isolation Cycle: The Experience of Muslim Refugee Women in Australia, Jeremy Northcote, Peter Hancock, and Suzy Casimiro
Survey Timing and Visitor Perceptions of Cellar Door Quality, Martin O'Neill and Stephen Charters
Creating an Authentic Learning Environment in Economics for MBA Students, Gregory Parry and Clive Reynoldson
Analysis and applications of autoregressive moving average models with stochastic variance, Shelton Peiris, Ramprasad Bhar, and David E. Allen
Consumers' expectations of food and alcohol pairing, Simone Pettigrew and Stephen Charters
Where are the active citizens of tomorrow? We need them now..., Margaret E. Piasecka
Approaches to adopting quality in SMEs and the impact on quality management practices and performance, Daniel Prajogo and Alan Brown
Small business environmental management:: Rhetoric or reality?, Janice Redmond, Elizabeth Walker, and Calvin Wang
Monastic Traditions: Developing a 'Typical' Brand, Maria Ryan and Katherine Mizerski
Dynamics of corporate profitability: A study of the UK market (1981-2000), Heazry M. Salim
Real output co-movements in East Asia: Any evidence for a monetary union?, Kiyotaka Sato and Zhaoyong Zhang
Recovery of Alpine Herbfield on a Closed Walking Track in the Kosciuszko Alpine Zone, Australia, Pascal Scherrer and Pickering Catherine Marina
Fantasy and Reality: Tourist and Local Experience of Cruise Ship Tourism in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, Lynnaire Sheridan and Gregory Teal
Alumina plc: A case study of the post-audit of capital investment expenditure, Malcolm Smith
The Chairman's Statement in Malaysian Companies: A Test of the Obfuscation Hypothesis, Malcolm Smith, Anita Jamil, Yang Chik Johari, and Syahrul Ahmad
How intra-industry trade is related to income difference and foreign direct investment in east Asia, Chan-Hyun Sohn and Zhaoyong Zhang
Benchmarking Australian Fixed Interest Fund Performance: Finding the Optimal Factors, Victor Soucik and David E. Allen
Decision Making Clusters and Gender Issues in Retirement Savings, Craig Speelman, Marilyn Clark-Murphy, and Paul Gerrans
Information systems in Western Australian universities, Craig Standing, Janice Burn, and Chad Lin
The attribution of success and failure in IT projects, Craig Standing, Andrew Guilfoyle, Chad Lin, and Peter Love
Examining the relationship between electronic marketplace strategy and structure, Craig Standing, Peter Love, Rosemary Stockdale, and Denise Gengatharen
Values and m-services adoption, Craig Standing, Patricia Mcmanus, Susan Standing, and Heikki Karjaluoto
Sources and use of business assistance by women owned business: A comparison of generations and business location context, Leonie Still, Geoff Soutar, and Elizabeth Walker
The self-employed woman owner and her business: An Australian profile, Leonie Still and Elizabeth Walker
The perception of website effectiveness by West Australian small business owners in a B2B context, Rosemary Stockdale, Chad Lin, and Ying-Chieh Liu
A classification model to support SME e-commerce adoption initiatives, Rosemary Stockdale and Craig Standing
An interpretive approach to evaluating information systems: A content, context, process framework, Rosemary Stockdale and Craig Standing
Propagation of a parsimonious framework for evaluating information systems in construction, Rosemary Stockdale, Craig Standing, and Peter Love
Developing a positive experience of introductory information systems for women at two Australasian universities, Rosemary Stockdale and Susan Stoney
Achieving sustainability and fairness in water reform, Geoffrey Syme and Blair Nancarrow
Social psychological considerations in the acceptance of reclaimed water for horticultural irrigation, Geoffrey Syme and Blair Nancarrow
Professional perceptions of domestic violence: The relationship between causal explanations and views on prevention and intervention, Rachel A. Taylor
Small vertebrate colonisers of mine site rehabilitated waste dumps in the Goldfields of Western Australia, Graham Thompson and Scott Thompson
Quantification of rehabilitation success on mine site waste dumps, Scott Thompson and Graham Thompson
On-line training for small business: Creating a model of best practice, Elizabeth Walker, Rowena Barrett, Beverley Webster, and Susan Stoney
Managerial competences in the Australian wine industry, Elizabeth Walker, Stephen Charters, Alan Brown, Marilyn Clark-Murphy, and Nicole Davis