
Theses from 2025


Internally recruited franchisees: Preconditions, decision processes, and outcomes, Peter Balsarini


The mediating and moderating roles of entrepreneurship education in the perceived acquisition of entrepreneurial learning and knowledge, Frances Y.M. Chang, Muhammad Aftab Alam, and Murray Taylor


The impact of online health misinformation on the public, Chung Fu Chen, Cheuk Hang Au, and Kevin K.W. Ho


The influence of institutional void and socio-cultural factors on the internationalization of emerging multinationals, Nouhaila Ettalibi, Murugesh Arunachalam, Thao Nguyen, and Kashif ur Rehman


Factors affecting the use of ChatGPT for obtaining shopping information, Behzad Foroughi, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Elaheh Yadegaridehkordi, Jun Wen, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, and Nagaletchimee Annamalai


The influence of project managing capability, IT integration, supply coordination, and process innovation to improve organizational performance of educational institutions, Ellysa Sri Hartati, Hotlan Siagian, Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan, and Ferry Jie


The impact of dark side personality on consumer online brand defending: A study on Apple vs Android, Chen Chia Huang and Cheuk Hang Au

A comprehensive science mapping of tourism and hospitality research: Tribes, territories and networks, Songshan (Sam) Huang


A comprehensive science mapping of tourism and hospitality research: Tribes, territories and networks, Songshan (Sam) Huang


What drives citations in tourism research?, Songshan (Sam) Huang, Yuhong Shao, and Di Zhang


Bridging travel medicine and tourism: A call for collaboration, Fangli Hu, Jun Wen, Haifeng Hou, and Wei Wang


Rethinking perceived constraints for people with chronic diseases: Developing and validating a scale for tourists with mild dementia, Fangli Hu, Jun Wen, Danni Zheng, Yangyang Jiang, Haifeng Hou, and Wei Wang


CEO characteristics and capital structure dynamics: Evidence from a transitional economy, Ha Trang Le, Thao Nguyen, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Cameron Truong, and Collins Ntim


Drivers of perceived value of cryptocurrency: Comparing stablecoins and non-stable cryptocurrency, Gerrard Li, Cheuk Hang Au, Kevin K.W. Ho, and Kris M.Y. Law


Trump, Putin and Musk all share a leadership style – we’ve figured out what it is, Andrei Alexander Lux and Kevin Brian Lowe


Dismantling pervasive gender stereotypes in healthcare leadership contexts with an ecological systems theory approach, Andrei A. Lux, Nasim Salehi, Diarmuid Hurley, and Elizabeth Emanuel


Impact of multidimensional presence on user well-being in metaverse communities, Arslan Rafi, Sanjit K. Roy, Mohsin Abdur Rehman, and Muhammad Junaid Shahid Hasni

Impact of multidimensional presence on user well-being in metaverse communities, Arslan Rafi, Sanjit K. Roy, Mohsin Abdur Rehman, and Muhammad Junaid Shahid Hasni


The effect of perceived brand betrayal on brand hate, avoidance-like and attack-like strategies: A comparative study of customers with/without past negative experiences, Nasrin Rasouli, S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Mohammad Alimohammadirokni, and Ayatollah Momayez


Tips from management editors: Managing your academic reputation, post-publication promotion and building your network, Vanessa Ratten, Andrei Alexander Lux, and Thorsten Merkle


Exploring self-employed and salaried worker retirement plans, Janice Redmond and Margaret Giles

Examining consumer adoption of social commerce: An extended META-UTAUT model, Prianka Sarker, Laurie Hughes, Tegwen Malik, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi


Examining consumer adoption of social commerce: An extended META-UTAUT model, Prianka Sarker, Laurie Hughes, Tegwen Malik, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi


What constitutes a theoretical contribution, Noel Scott

Identifying the metaverse value recipe(s) affecting customer engagement and well-being in retailing, Gaganpreet Singh, Sanjit K. Roy, Chrysostomos Apostolidis, Mohammed Quaddus, and Saalem Sadeque


Identifying the metaverse value recipe(s) affecting customer engagement and well-being in retailing, Gaganpreet Singh, Sanjit K. Roy, Chrysostomos Apostolidis, Mohammed Quaddus, and Saalem Sadeque


Green human resource management practices in the hospitality and tourism industry: An integrative multilevel systematic review, Abdul Razak Suleman, Mehran Nejati, Azadeh Shafaei, and Janice Redmond


Fresh perspectives in our understanding of induced awe in tourism contexts: A response to Ralf Buckley and colleagues, Lujun Su, Mengyuan Li, Jun Wen, and Xuehuan He


How do tourism activities and induced awe affect tourists’ pro-environmental behavior?, Lujun Su, Mengyuan Li, Jun Wen, and Xuehuan He


The tourist metasafety framework (TMF): Toward a holistic understanding of tourist safety, Chaowu Xie, Mengting Wang, Jiangchi Zhang, Songshan Sam Huang, and Jun Yu

Submissions from 2024


Contextual factors and human resource development: Implications for workforce nationalization in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, Hossein Ali Abadi, Desmond Tutu Ayentimi, and Janice Redmond


Developing indicators for measuring the sustainability of hotels, Reem Mohamed Abdalla Eltoum, S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Joaquim Dias Soeiro, and Mohsen Marjani


Tackling grand societal challenges: Understanding when and how reverse engineering fosters frugal product innovation in an emerging market, Samuel Adomako, Michael Asiedu Gyensare, Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Pervaiz Akhtar, and Nazim Hussain


Tourism planning and development @ 20 years: New editorial board 2024, Emmanuel Akwasi Adu-Ampong and Songshan Huang

Examining the effects of sensory visitor experience and expectation confirmation on visitor emotions: The moderating role of mood, Mohammadamin Afsharifar


The protection of ai-generated work by patent and copyright laws: Present laws and potential reforms, Pratik Agarwal and Joshua Aston


Systematic exploration of sustainability in higher education: A tertiary perspective, Masoud Aghajani, Ashkan Memari, Roksana Jahan Tumpa, and Gesa Ruge


The legal framework for the protection of victims of the worst forms of child labour in agriculture in Ghana: A human rights based approach, Ruby Akua Aglagoh


Impact of leadership on unethical pro-organizational behavior: A systematic literature review and future research directions, Rahatulaain Ahmad, Mehran Nejati, Ben Farr-Wharton, and Tim Bentley


Adaptive crisis management at the operational level: Responses to COVID-19 in the Australian resources sector, Michael M. Ajith, Andrei A. Lux, Tim Bentley, and Michelle Striepe


Are we talking about the same thing? The case for stronger connections between graduate and worker employability research, Jos Akkermans, William E. Donald, Denise Jackson, and Anneleen Forrier


Redefining boundaries in innovation and knowledge domains: Investigating the impact of generative artificial intelligence on copyright and intellectual property rights, Adil S. Al-Busaidi, Raghu Raman, Laurie Hughes, Mousa Ahmed Albashrawi, Tegwen Malik, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Thuraiya Al- Alawi, Mohammed AlRizeiqi, Gareth Davies, Mark Fenwick, Parul Gupta, Shashikala Gurpur, Apeksha Hooda, Paulius Jurcys, Daryl Lim, Nicola Lucchi, Tanvi Misra, Ramakrishnan Raman, Anuragini Shirish, and Paul Walton


Determinants of using AI-based chatbots for knowledge sharing: Evidence from PLS-SEM and fuzzy sets (FsQCA), Mostafa Al-Emran, Adi Ahmad AlQudah, Ghazanfar Ali Abbasi, Mohammed A. Al-Sharafi, and Mohammad Iranmanesh


GANs and synthetic financial data: Calculating VaR*, David E. Allen, Leonard Mushunje, and Shelton Peiris


Renewable energy supply chain in Malaysia: Fostering energy management practices and ecological performance, Mohammed H. M. Al-Madani, Yudi Fernando, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Ming K. Lim, and Ming L. Tseng


Examining the social sustainability strategies of multinational mining companies in a developing country, Prince Amoah and Gabriel Eweje


Drug abuse and suicidal thoughts among employees: An emerging economy perspective, Kwesi Amponsah-Tawiah, Joshua King Safo Lartey, and Abdul-Razak Suleman


Trust dynamics in sharing economy services during a crisis: A comparison between Airbnb and Uber, Alireza Amrollahi, Tyge F. Kummer, Mehdi Rajaeian, and Arghavan Hadinejad


Monetary policy, macroprudential policy, and bank risk-taking behaviour in the Indonesian banking industry, Cep J. Anwar, Nicholas Okot, Indra Suhendra, Dwi Indriyani, and Ferry Jie


From a role-playing game (RPG) to a brand: Strategic implications from an over-two-decade case, Cheuk Hang Au, Chih Yuan Chou, and Kevin K.W. Ho


Critical success factors of users’ continuous intention of adopting cryptocurrency exchanges: LAS-VICT principle, Cheuk Hang Au, Kevin K.W. Ho, Kris M.Y. Law, and Dickson K.W. Chiu


Characteristics of proliferating cryptocurrencies: A comparative study between stable and non-stable cryptocurrencies, Cheuk Hang Au, Gerrard Li, Wen Shou Hsu, Po Hsu Shieh, and Kris M.Y. Law


Use of an expert system to diagnose and provide solutions for pests and diseases in hydroponic mustard plants using certainty factor and forward chaining methods, Mahesa Bayu Baihaqi, Aris Puji Widodo, and Ferry Jie


The dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation in franchise networks: Exploring the role of franchisee associations, Peter Balsarini and Claire Lambert


Business models of multisided platforms for in-destination tours and activities: A morphological analysis approach, Jafar Bapiri, Kourosh Esfandiar, and Peter O’Connor


Can immigration moderate the adverse effects of political instability on international tourism? A case study of Australia, Charbel Bassil and Ghialy Yap


Technology adoption and use in not-for-profit sport: A case study of an Australian state sporting association, Alexander Best, Ruth Sibson, and Ashlee Morgan


Exploring the international humanitarian law status of foreign fighters in the Ukrainian international legion of territorial defence, S. Bosch


The link between organizational support, wellbeing and engagement for emergency service employees: A comparative analysis, Yvonne Brunetto, Matthew Xerri, and Benjamin Farr-Wharton


Sequential investment decisions for mining projects using compound multiple volatility real options approach, Atul Chandra and Peter R. Hartley


Entrepreneurs’ network bricolage: Reconfiguring social ties for resource creation, Frances Y.M. Chang, Cynthia M. Webster, Muhammad Aftab Alam, and Francesco Chirico


Gastronomy tourism destinations: Developing a scale to measure tourists’ perceived attributes, Ganghua Chen, Jingmei Xu, and Songshan (Sam) Huang


How does spatial distance to travel companions transform to temporal distance in travel purchase decisions?, Jin Cheng, Xuehuan He, Jun Wen, and Lujun Su


Resting heart rate and risk of dementia: A Mendelian randomization study in the international genomics of Alzheimer’s project and UK Biobank, Xingxing Chen, Yi Zheng, Jun Wang, Blake Yue, Xian Zhang, Kenta Nakai, and Lijing L. Yan


Social capital and cost of debt: Evidence from Chinese CEO network centrality, Yiping Chen, Yuan G. Shan, Jimin Wang, Xinxin Yang, and Junru Zhang


Female chairmen, gender turnover, and corporate tax aggression, Wenxin Che, Yanlin Li, Ziyang Li, and Yuying Chen

Employees’ perception of corporate social responsibility, ethical leadership, scepticism toward CSR and meaningfulness at work: An empirical study of companies in Bhutan, Deki Choden


Generation Z’s meaning of hospitality from a gender perspective, Kijung Choi, Eunjung Kim, Ngaire Griggs, and Amin Afsharifar


Stakeholders' perception on sustainability indicators for urban heritage sites in Kuala Lumpur and George Town, Malaysia, Ken Ying Cho, Camelia Kusumo, Keith Kay Hin Tan, and S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh


The influence of supply chain integration on firm performance through lean manufacturing, green supply chain management and risk management, Lydia Christian, Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan, Hotlan Siagian, Sautma Ronni Basana, and Ferry Jie


Discretionary tone in reward-based crowdfunding: Do project owners talk their way to success?, Douglas Cumming, Yihui Lan, Yuan George Shan, and Junru Zhang


The use of experimental designs to examine causality in authentic leadership: A scoping review, Ann Dadich, Ling Abbott, Andrei A. Lux, and Kevin B. Lowe


Incivility, Irene E. De Pater and Le Yi Toh


Critical labour shortages in the Nepalese tourism and hospitality sector: Strategic implications, Subas P. Dhakal and Kerry Brown


Food and wine presence and pairing within traditional restaurants’ menus as regional heritage promotional behaviour: Gemeinschaft or gesellschaft?, Darko Dimitrovski, Veronika Joukes, and Noel Scott


Welcoming volunteers: A case study on supporting hospitable behaviours in hospitals, Geesje Duursma, Erwin Losekoot, and Gjalt De Jong


Artificial intelligence (AI) futures: India-UK collaborations emerging from the 4th royal society Yusuf Hamied workshop, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Laurie Hughes, Harshad K. D. H. Bhadeshia, Sophia Ananiadou, Anthony G. Cohn, Jacqueline M. Cole, Gareth J. Conduit, Maunendra S. Desarkar, and Xinwei Wang


“Real impact”: Challenges and opportunities in bridging the gap between research and practice – Making a difference in industry, policy, and society, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Anand Jeyaraj, Laurie Hughes, Gareth H. Davies, Manju Ahuja, Mousa Ahmed Albashrawi, Adil S. Al-Busaidi, Salah Al-Sharhan, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Sulaiti, Levent Altinay, Shem Amalaya, Sunil Archak, María Teresa Ballestar, Shonil A. Bhagwat, Anandhi Bharadwaj, Amit Bhushan, Indranil Bose, Pawan Budhwar, Deborah Bunker, Alexandru Capatina, Lemuria Carter, Ioanna Constantiou, Crispin Coombs, Tom Crick, Csaba Csáki, and Yves Darnige


Scholarly discourse on GenAI’s impact on academic publishing, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Tegwen Malik, Laurie Hughes, and Mousa Ahmed Albashrawi


Boardroom dissent: An integrative review and future research agenda, Aira Eirola, Pieter Jan Bezemer, and Stephan Reinhold


The impact of the sharing economy on tourism microentrepreneurship, Kourosh Esfandiar, Jafar Bapiri, and Salar Kuhzady


Toward biodefence: A framework for the mitigation of malicious threats to livestock production enterprises in Australia, Deborah Evans, Michael Coole, and David J. Brooks


A confidence-based knowledge integration framework for cross-domain table question answering, Yuankai Fan, Tonghui Ren, Can Huang, Beini Zheng, Yinan Jing, Zhenying He, Jinbao Li, and Jianxin Li

A confidence-based knowledge integration framework for cross-domain table question answering, Yuankai Fan, Tonghui Ren, Can Huang, Beini Zheng, Yinan Jing, Zhenying He, Jinbao Li, and Jianxin Li


Forward-looking information: Does IIRC framework adoption matter?, Muhammad Bilal Farooq, Rashid Zaman, Stephen Bahadar, and Fawad Rauf


Mitigating the risk of heat-related injury, Caroline F. Finch, Songshan Huang, and Prasanna Gamage


Determinants of ChatGPT adoption among students in higher education: The moderating effect of trust, Behzad Foroughi, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, Nagaletchimee Annamalai, Bita Naghmeh-Abbaspour, and Abderahman Rejeb


Determinants of followers' purchase intentions toward brands endorsed by social media influencers: Findings from PLS and fsQCA, Behzad Foroughi, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Shahla Asadi, and Mana Khoshkam


Determinants of travel apps continuance usage intention: Extension of technology continuance theory, Behzad Foroughi, Siriwaree Sitthisirinan, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Davoud Nikbin, and Morteza Ghobakhloo


Seeing the forest for the trees: The role of growth-oriented leadership in shaping public servants’ work experiences in the post-NPM environment, Esme Franken, Aglae Hernandez Grande, Ben Farr-Wharton, Fleur Sharafizad, and Tim Bentley


Improving volatility forecasting: A study through hybrid deep Learning methods with WGAN, Adel Hassan A. Gadhi, Shelton Peiris, and David E. Allen


Automatic vehicles and legal/insurance risks. A new British “quasi-legislative” point of observation and glimpses of liability in tort in Italy, Camilla Della Giustina and Pierre de Gioia Carabellese


Showcasing Leximancer in tourism and hospitality research: A review of Leximancer-based research published in tourism and hospitality journals during 2014–2020, Edmund Goh and Violetta Wilk


Teacher wellbeing and teaching excellence in higher education: Exploring the interplay through the lens of the PERMA framework, Anna Golab, Tom Barratt, Jaime Yong, and Tanzim Afroz


An exploration of artists’ and consumers’ online art storytelling: A narrative transportation theory perspective, Mohsen Golshiripour Esfahani


The role of supplier-buyer relationship in enhancing business performance through supply chain management practice, total quality management implementation and product innovation, Ronaldo Richard Gunawan, Hotlan Siagian, Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan, and Ferry Jie


Can effective internal control inhibit greenwashing behaviors? - Based on the moderating effect of military experience of senior executives and CSR report assurance, Ruining Guo, Tao Luo, Ziyang Li, Yanlin Li, and Yuying Chen

Spatial structure and influencing factors of an emerging wine tourism network: A case study of the Ningxia wine region, Qiushi Gu, Ben H. Ye, Songshan Huang, Man S. Wong, and Lei Wang


Levels of unrelated diversification and firm performance: A conceptual description of an s-shaped hypothesis, Kwaku Alex Gyan


Visitor attitude to tourism destinations: A critical review and future research agenda, Arghavan Hadinejad, Brent D. Moyle, Anna Kralj, Nick Noghan, Noel Scott, and Sarah Gardiner