Submissions from 2008
Supporting Component Selection with a Suite of Classifiers, Valerie Maxville, Chiou Peng Lam, and J Armarego
Field-Scale Demonstration of the Potential for Sewage to Remediate Acidic Mine Waters, Clinton Mccullough, Mark Lund, and Joel May
Current Challenges Facing Information and Communications Technology: A Manifesto For Change, Donald McDermid
Design Concerns in Creating New Diagrams, Donald Mcdermid
Australian Defense Force Policy and the use of WPA2 as a security option for deployment of 802.11 wireless devices in the field, Drew Mceniery and Andrew Woodward
The impact of implementation of VOIP in call centres : A Western Australia perspective, Syed Moniruzzoha
Local polysaccharide-producing soil cyanobacteria as potential soil conditioners in Nakhonsawan Province, Thailand, Sumitra Moopayak
State Model Diagrams and Learning Strategy for Computer Networks, Chompu Nuangjamnong, Yuwanuch Gulatee, Stanislaw Maj, and Barbara Combes
The OSI Network Management Model - Capacity and performance management, Chompu Nuangjamnong, Stanislaw P. Maj, and David Veal
Resource redundancy - A staffing factor using SFIA, C Nuangjamnong, S P. Maj, and D Veal
Data Recovery from PalmmsgV001, Satheesaan Pasupatheswaran
Email 'Message-IDs' helpful for forensic analysis?, Satheesaan Pasupatheswaran
The erosive effect of tourism at an Aboriginal rock art site on the western edge of the arid zone in south-western Australia, Alana Rossi and Esmee Webb
Abundance, distribution and habitat requirements of the tree-stem trapdoor spider, Aganippe castellum (Arachnida : Idiopidae) in the eastern West Australian wheatbelt, Monica G. Russell
Interactions between bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (L.) and coastal sea-cage farms in the Mediterranean Sea, Pablo Sanchez-Jerez, Damian Fernandez-Jover, Just Bayle-Sempere, Carlos Valle, Tim Dempster, Fernando Tuya, and Francis Juanes
Maintaining momentum: The challenge of a workplace physical activity program to sustain motivation and activity, Pascal Scherrer, Nadine Henley, Lynnaire Sheridan, Ruth Sibson, and Marie Ryan
Sea-level changes and palaeo-ranges: reconstruction of ancient shorelines and river drainages and the phylogeography of the Australian land crayfish Engaeus sericatus Clark (Decapoda: Parastacidae), Mark B. Schultz, Daniel A. Ierdiaconou, Sarah A. Smith, Pierre Horwitz, Alastair MM Richardson, Keith A. Crandall, and Christopher M. Austin
Information seeking behaviour of Electronic Document and Records Management Systems (EDRMS) Users: Implications for Records Management Practices. Part 2, Pauline Singh, Jane E Klobas, and Karen Anderson
Subverting national internet censorship-an investigation into existing tools and techniques, Jason Smart, Kyle Tedeschi, Daniel Meakins, Peter Hannay, and Christopher Bolan
Bots Trained to Play Like a Human are More Fun, Bhuman Soni and Philip Hingston
Industrial espionage from residual data: Risks and countermeasures, Ian Sutherland and Andy Jones
Malware, viruses and log visualisation, Iain Swanson
Virtual Environments Support Insider Security Violations, Iain Swanson and Patricia Williams
Malware Detection and Removal: An Examination of Personal Anti-Virus Software, Patryk Szewczyk and Murray Brand
The impact of U3 devices on forensic analysis, Ravi Tank and Patricia Williams
Decision support systems to support international students: Potential for practice?, Khumphicha Tantisantisom and Judith Clayden
Introducing a new technology to enhance community sustainability: An investigation of the possibilities of sun spots, Suppachart Tantisureeporn and Leisa J. Armstrong
Annual changes in abundance of non-indigenous marine benthos on a very large spatial scale, Mads S. Thomsen, Thomas Wernberg, Peter Staehr, Brian Silliman, Alf Josefson, Dorte Krause-Jensen, and Nils Riisgaard-Petersen
The 2007 IEEE CEC simulated car racing competition, Julian Togelius, Simon Lucas, Ho Duc Thang, Jonathan M. Garibaldi, Tomoharu Nakashima, Chin Hiong Tan, Itamar Elhanany, Shay Berant, Philip Hingston, Robert M. MacCallum, Thomas Haferlach, Aravind Gowrisankar, and Pete Burrow
Network security isn’t all fun and games: An analysis of information transmitted while playing Team Fortress 2, Brett Turner and Andrew Woodward
Securing a Wireless Network With EAP-TLS: Perception and Realities of its Implementation, Brett Turner and Andrew Woodward
Testing the 'abundant centre' hypothesis on endemic reef fishes in south-western Australia, Fernando Tuya, Thomas Wernberg, and Mads S. Thomsen
The spatial arrangement of reefs alters the ecological patterns of fauna between interspersed algal habitats, Fernando Tuya, Thomas Wernberg, and Mads S. Thomsen
Ichnological Studies of the Western Australian Soldier Crab Myctyris Occidentalis Unno 2008: Correlations of Field and Aquarium Observations, Joyleen Unno and V. Semeniuk
Food Resources of Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) in the Gnangara Sustainability Strategy study area, Leonie E. Valentine and William Stock
The Malware Analysis Body of Knowledge (MABOK), Craig Valli and Murray William Brand
A Study into the Forensic Recoverability of Data from 2nd Hand Blackberry Devices: World-Class Security, Foiled by Humans, Craig Valli and Andrew Jones
The 2008 Australian Study of Remnant Data Contained on 2nd Hand Hard Disks: The Saga Continues, Craig Valli and Andrew Woodward
Detached kelps from distant sources are a food subsidy for sea urchins, Mathew Vanderklift and Thomas Wernberg
Ecological Engineering by a Mega-Grazer: White Rhino Impacts on a South African Savanna, Matthew S Waldram, William J Bond, and William Stock
How was Mulka’s Cave, an Aboriginal rock art site near Hyden, in south-central Western Australia, used by the people who decorated its walls, when the present entrance was much smaller?, Esmee Webb and Alana Rossi
Physical disturbance and subtidal habitat structure on open rocky coasts: Effects of wave exposure, extent and intensity, Thomas Wernberg and Sean Connell
Short-term temporal dynamics of algal species in a subtidal kelp bed in relation to changes in environmental conditions and canopy biomass, Thomas Wernberg and Nisse Goldberg
Population structure of turbinid gastropods on wave-exposed subtidal reefs: Effects of density, body size and algae on grazing behaviour, Thomas Wernberg, Melissa White, and Mathew Vanderklift
A Practical Application of CMM to Medical Security Capability, Patricia Williams
Can an Adapted Clinical Governance Model be used to Improve Medical Information Security?, Patricia Williams
How addressing implementation issues can assist in medical information security governance, Patricia Williams
In a "trusting" environment, everyone is responsible for information security, Patricia Williams
Is There an Ideal Forensic Process?, Patricia Williams
Can Intrusion Detection Implementation be Adapted to End-User Capabilities?, Patricia Williams and Renji Mathew
Trust me. I am a Doctor. Your Records Are Safe..., Patricia Williams and Craig Valli
Nutrient requirements of in vitro cultured Halophila ovalis and Posidoniq coriacea: nitrogen source, Julia G. Wilson and Ian J. Bennett
Using NEAT for Continuous Adaptation and Teamwork Formation in Pacman, Markus Wittkamp, Luigi Barone, and Philip Hingston
What Artefacts do Current BitTorrent Clients Leave Behind? , Andrew Woodward
Forensic implications of using the firewire memory exploit with Microsoft Windows XP, Andrew Woodward and Peter Hannay
Issues common to Australian critical infrastructure providers scada networks discovered through computer and network vulnerability analysis, Andrew Woodward and Craig Valli
Mining evolving web sessions and clustering dynamic web documents for similarity-aware web content management, Jitian Xiao
A Type of Variation of Hamilton Path Problem with Applications, Jitian Xiao and Jun Wang
A Preliminary Investigation of Decision Tree Models for Classification Accuracy Rates and Extracting Interpretable Rules in the Credit Scoring Task: A Case of the German Data Set, Jozef Zurada and Chiou Peng Lam
Submissions from 2007
The Effect of Light Intensity on Seed Production and Quality in a Number of Australian Wild Oat (Avena fatua L.) Lines, Steve W. Adkins and Leisa Armstrong
The effectiveness of investigative tools for Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card forensics, Haitham Al Hajri and Patricia Williams
Introduction to mobile phone flasher devices and considerations for their use in mobile phone forensics, Marwan Al-Zarouni
A proof-of-concept project for utilizing U3 technology in incident response, Marwan Al-Zarouni and Haitham Al Hajri
Taxonomy of iPhone activation and SIM unlocking methods, Marwan Al-Zarouni and Haitham Al Hajri
The need for a security/privacy model for the health sector in Ghana, James Tetteh Ami-Narh and Patricia Williams
Education and training for records professionals, Karen Anderson
Global Archive and Record-keeping research agendas: Encouraging participation and getting over the hurdles, Karen Anderson
The Application of Data Mining Techniques to Characterize Agricultural Soil Profiles, Leisa Armstrong, D Diepeveen, and R Maddern
Data mining can empower grower's crop decision making, L. Armstrong, Y. Vaugh, and D. Diepeveen
Teaching PHP with security in mind, Greg Baatard
Capturing and Utilising Participation Awareness Data in a Groupware Environment, Gregory Baatard
Identifying Criteria which Influence the Effectiveness of Public Profiles in Online Learning Environments, Gregory Baatard
Reportal - Assessing an Online Collaborative Document Authoring Environment, Gregory Baatard
Light-emitting diode-compatible probes for indirect detection of anions in CE, Peter Balding, Mary Boyce, MC Breadmore, and M Macka
Managing digital forensic knowledge an applied approach, David P. Biros, Mark Weiser, and John Whitfield
A single channel attack on 915MHz radio frequency identification systems, Christopher Bolan
KILL features of RFID tags in a medical environment: Boon or burden?, Christopher Bolan
Radio Frequency Identification: a review of low cost tag security proposals, Christopher Bolan
Determination of additives and organic contaminants in food by CE and CEC, Mary Boyce
Use of the WFG Toolkit and PISA for Comparison of MOEAs, Lucas Bradstreet, Luigi Barone, Lyndon While, Simon Huband, and Philip Hingston
Forensic Analysis Avoidance Techniques of Malware, Murray Brand
Knowledge networking for innovation: Social network analysis (SNA) and heuristics for knowledge diffusion, Mark Brogan
Network engineering for C-Commerce innovation: the role of trust, Mark Brogan and Leisa Armstrong
Theory, classroom practice and ICT: Exploring the connections, Christopher Brook and Barnard Clarkson
Evolution of a database security course: Using non-enterprise teaching tools, Justin Brown
Teaching XML and XSLT in an Introduction to Markup Languages: Course and Content Design, Justin Brown
The Western Australian regional forest agreement: Economic rationalism and the normalisation of political closure, Martin Brueckner
Retrospective analysis of epiphyte assemblages in relation to seagrass loss in a eutrophic coastal embayment, ML Cambridge, JR How, Paul Lavery, and MA Vanderklift
Dealing with Concurrent Regions during Scenario Generation from Activity Diagrams, Robert Chandler, Chiou Peng Lam, and Huaizhong Li
Mediation-based Data Integration System, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree
The Use of Context-free Grammars in Isolated Word Recognition, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree
Advanced User Authentication for Mobile Devices, NL Clarke and Steven Furnell
Authenticating mobile phone users using keystroke analysis, NL Clarke and Steven Furnell
Morphological, growth and meadow characteristics of the seagrass Posidonia sinuosa along a depth-related gradient of light availability, CJ Collier, Paul Lavery, RJ Masini, and PJ Ralph
The importance of human factors when assessing outsourcing security risks, Carl Colwill and Andy Jones
The search for information and the Net Generation, Barbara Combes