Submissions from 2007
An examination of the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 as a nepenthes malware collector, Patryk Szewczyk
Success? The impact of involving customers in E-commerce development, Julian Terry and Craig Standing
Alien macroalgae in Denmark - a broad-scale national perspective, Mads S. Thomsen, Thomas Wernberg, Peter Stææhr, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Nils Risgaard-Petersen, and Brian R. Silliman
An investigation of network management methods, Bao Tran
A New Taxonomy for Comparing Intrusion Detection Systems, CJ Tucker, Steven Furnell, BV Ghita, and PJ Brooke
Bathymetric segregation of sea urchins on reefs of the Canarian Archipelago: Role of flow-induced forces, Fernando Tuya, J. Cisneros-Aguirre, L. Ortega-Borges, and R. J. Haroun
The use of the internet as a bibliotherapeutic tool for parents with children with disabilities or special needs : an exploratory study, Lynsey Uridge
Food web interactions along seagrass–coral reef boundaries: Effects of piscivore reductions on cross-habitat energy exchange, J. F. Valentine, K. L. Heck Jr., D. Blackmon, M. E. Goecker, J. Christian, R. M. Kroutil, K. D. Kirsch, B. J. Peterson, M. Beck, and Mathew A. Vanderklift
Honeypot Technologies and Their Applicability as a Strategic Internal Countermeasure, Craig Valli
IT Sharps: Issues Relating to Securely Disposing of Hard Disks From Medical Information Systems, Craig Valli
Oops they did it again: The 2007 Australian study of remnant data contained on 2nd hand hard disks, Craig Valli and Andrew Woodward
An overview of ADSL homed nepenthes honeypots in Western Australia, Craig Valli and Aaron Wooten
Defunking Dewey: Taking fiction out of the equation, Robyn Valli and Barbara Combes
Proximity to reef influences density of small predatory fishes, while type of seagrass influences intensity of their predation on crabs, Mathew A. Vanderklift, Jason How, Thomas Wernberg, Lachlan D. MacArthur, K. L. Heck Jr., and J. F. Valentine
A GUI for the Deaf-Blind: An additional concepts paper, David Veal
Improving security for vision impaired ATM access via dynamic patterns, David Veal
IT Devices and Energy Consumption, David Veal
Some problems in Network and Data Centre Management, David Veal and Gurpreet Kohli
State model diagrams and home security system control , David Veal and Stanislaw Maj
A Bipartite Graph Matching Approach to Generate Optimal Test Sequences for Protocol Conformance Testing, Jun Wang, Huaizhong Li, Jitian Xiao, and Chiou Peng Lam
Vulnerability of seagrasses in the Great Barrier Reef to climate change, M Waycott, C Collier, Kathryn Mcmahon, P Ralph, Len McKenzie, J Udy, and A Grech
Description of grinding patches found on granite bedrock near Cue, in central Western Australia, and a discussion of their significance, R. Esmee Webb
A holistic perspective on models for medical information security, Patricia Williams
Information Governance: A Model for Security in Medical Practice, Patricia Williams
Medical data security: Are you informed or afraid?, Patricia Williams
Medical insecurity: when one size does not fit all, Patricia Williams
The effects of IT on information culture in general medical practice, Patricia Williams
An investigation into information security in general medical practice, Patricia A. Williams
Do Current Erasure Programs Remove Evidence of BitTorrent Activity?, Andrew Woodward and Craig Valli
Wireless Rx - Risk assessment and recommendations for securing a wireless network in a medical practice, Andrew Woodward and Patricia Williams
A similarity-aware web content caching scheme and agent-based web document pre-fetching, Jitian Xiao
Sequencing Clusters of Spatial Join Operations Using Weighted Match, Jitian Xiao
A Systematic Approach to Automatically Generate Test Scenarios from UML Activity Diagrams, Dong Xu, Huaizhong Li, and Chiou Peng Lam
Profiling Through a Digital Mobile Device, Lee Fueng Yap and Andrew Jones
Functional group identity does not predict invader impacts: differential effects of nitrogen-fixing exotic plants on ecosystem function, Stephanie Yelenik, William Stock, and David M Rickhardson
Submissions from 2006
The AtmosFear of terror: Australian Muslims as Objects of Fear and Othering, Anne Aly
Mobile handset forensic evidence: a challenge for law enforcement, Marwan Al-Zarouni
Developing recordkeeping: Australians working together, Karen Anderson
Using online Discussion to Provide an Authentic Learning Experience for Professional Recordkeepers, Karen Anderson
Empowering International and Culturally Diverse Honours and Project Students Through Mentoring Activities, Leisa J. Armstrong and Sundrakanthi Singh
Fixture-scheduling for the Australian Football League using a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Luigi Barone, Lyndon While, Paul Hughes, and Philip Hingston
The effects of light reduction treatments on mobile Epifaunain an Amphibolis Griffithii (black) den Hartog seagrass ecosystem, Helen Barwick
Security risk assessment: Group approach to a consensual outcome, Benjamin Beard and David J. Brooks
The effect of nitrogen source and concentration, medium pH and buffering on in vitro shoot growth and rooting in Eucalyptus marginata, Ian Bennett, Andrew Woodward, and Surachai Pusswonge
Strategies for the blocking of RFID tags, C Bolan
Do no harm: The use of RFID tags in a medical environment, Christopher Bolan
The Lazarus Effect: Resurrecting Killed RFID Tags, Christopher Bolan
Application of electrokinetic chromatography to food and beverages, Mary Boyce
Managing information security complexity, Murray Brand
Transformation theory and e-commerce adoption, Mark P. Brogan
Mapping the consensual knowledge of security risk management experts, David Brooks
Teaching Web Applications Development in a Fully Online Environment: Challenges, Approaches and Implementation, Justin Brown
What are they taking us for? The Participatory Nature of Western Australia's Regional Forest Agreement Process, Martin Brueckner, John Duff, Richard Mckenna, and Pierre Horwitz
Emus as non-standard seed dispersers and their potential for long-distance dispersal, Maria Calvino-Cancela, Robert Dunn, Eddie Van Etten, and Byron Lamont
Water stress vulnerability of four Banksia species in contrasting Ecohydrological habitats on the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia, Caroline Canham
Modelling layer 2 and layer 3 device bandwidth using B-Node theory, Steven Cikara, Stanislaw Maj, and David Thomas Shaw
A Composite User Authentication Architecture for Mobile Devices, Nathan Clarke and Steven Furnell
An automated sampling soil reduction-oxygenation RF sensor network for cereal crop management, Michael Collins, Christopher C. Holme, Keng T. Tan, and Leisa Armstrong
Opening Pandora's box: Teacher librarianship in the twenty-first century, Barbara Combes
Techno savvy and all-knowing or techno-oriented? Information seeking behaviour and the Net Generation, Barbara Combes
Techno savvy or techno oriented: Who are the Net Generation?, Barbara Combes
Visions of learning (ASLA Online II Conference Preceedings), Barbara Combes
Supporting first year e-learners in courses for the information professions, Barbara Combes and Karen Anderson
Influence of different volumes and types of detached macrophytes on fish community structure in surf zones of sandy beaches, Karen Crawley, Glenn Hyndes, and Susanne Ayvazian
Detached macrophyte accumulations in surf zones: Significance of macrophyte type and volume in supporting secondary production, Karen Ruth Crawley
Does your wireless LAN have criminal intent?, Michael Crowley and Andrew Woodward
Coastal aquaculture and conservation can work together, Tim Dempster, Pablo Sanchez-Jerez, Fernando Tuya, Damian Fernandez-Jover, Just Bayle-Sempere, Arturo Boyra, and Ricardo Haroun
Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems: The Where, What and Why of GDEs, Derek Eamus and Raymond Froend
A Functional Methodology for Determining the Groundwater Regime Needed to Maintain the Health of Groundwater-Dependent Vegetation, Derek Eamus, Raymond Froend, Robyn Loomes, Grant Hose, and Brad Murray
Guia visual de Especies Marinas de Canarias, Fernando Espino, Arturo Boyra, Fernando Tuya, and Ricardo J Haroun
Security-relevant semantic patterns of BPEL in cross-organisational business processes, K P Fischer, U Bleimann, W Fuhrmann, and S M. Furnell
Differences in kelp morphology between wave sheltered and exposed localities: Morphologically plastic or fixed traits?, Meegan Fowler-Walker, Thomas Wernberg, and Sean Connell
Defining Phreatophyte Response to Reduced Water Availability: Preliminary Investigations on the Use of Xylem Cavitation Vulnerability in Banksia Woodland Species, Raymond Froend and Paul Drake
The challenges of understanding and using security: A survey of end-users, Steven Furnell, A Jusoh, and D Katsabas
Determining carbon and nitrogen stable isotope discrimination for marine consumers, Emily N. Gates
Assessing the usability of WLAN security for SOHO users, Bogdan Ghita and Steven Furnell
The challenges of ITIL implementations, Jason Gray
A Study of the Impact of the Affect Heuristic on the Risk Perception of Security Experts, Zack A. Gurdon
A methodology for the examination of the effectiveness of secure erasure tools running on Windows XP - research in progress, Anthony Hadfield, Michael Ahern, Leo Sell, and Andrew Woodward
The implementation of E-mail content management in a large corporation, Keir Hansen and Craig Valli
Reintroduction ecology of mala (Lagorchestes hirsutus) and merrnine (Lagostrophus fasciatus) at Shark Bay, Western Australia, Blair Hardman
Importance of diurnal refugia to a hare-wallaby reintroduction in Western Australia, Blair Hardman and Dorian Moro
The influence of seabird-derived nutrients on island ecosystems in the oligotrophic marine waters of south-western Australia, Sofie A. Harrison
Security issues of IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX), Jamshed Hasan
Living on the edge of two changing worlds: forecasting the responses of rocky intertidal ecosystems to climate change, Brian Helmuth, Nova Mieszkowska, Philippa Moore, and Stephen Hawkins
Learning and capacity building for irrigators in Western Australia's East Wanneroo Area: A theoretical framework for educational provision and a sketch of the socioecological context, Nan Hewitt and Pierre Horwitz
Organisational barriers and their relationship to the effective use of information system audit trails, Michael Hicks
Multi-level ranking for constrained multi-objective evolutionary optimisation, Philip Hingston, Luigi Barone, Simon Huband, and Lyndon While
Teaching an Undergraduate AI Course with Games and Simulation, Philip Hingston, Barbara Combes, and Martin Masek
Volatile Organic Compounds in Selected Micro-Environments, Andrea Hinwood, Henry Berko, Drew Farrar, Ian Galbally, and Ian Weeks
The relationship between changes in daily air pollution and hospitalizations in Perth, Australia 1992-1998: A case-cross over study, Andrea L. Hinwood, Nick de Klerk, Clemencia Rodriguez, Peter Jacoby, Tina Runnion, Peter Rye, Louis Landau, Frank Murray, Mark Feldwick, and Jeff Spickett
Acid Sulphate Soil Disturbance and metals in groundwater: Implications for human exposure through home grown produce, Andrea L. Hinwood, Pierre Horwitz, Stephen J. Appleyard, Caroline Barton, and Magda Wajrak
Movement patterns and habitat usage of Shark Bay dugongs, David K. Holley
Personal Monitoring of Benzene in Perth, Western Australia: The Contribution of Sources to Non-Industrial Personal Exposure, Anthony Horton, Frank Murray, Max Bulsara, Andrea Hinwood, and Drew Farrar
A Review of Multi-objective Test Problems and a Scalable Test Problem Toolkit, Simon Huband, Philip Hingston, Luigi Barone, and Lyndon While
Maximising overall value in plant design, Simon Huband, David Tuppurainen, Lyndon While, Luigi Barone, Philip Hingston, and Ted Bearman
Economic Optimisation of an Ore Processing Plant with a Constrained Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Simon Huband, Lyndon While, David Tupperainen, Philip Hingston, Luigi Barone, and Ted Bearman
Use of a weighted matching algorithm to sequence clusters in spatial join processing, Husen Husen
Information Terrorism: networked influence, William Hutchinson