Submissions from 2006
Information Warfare and Deception, William Hutchinson
Laughter and Humour as a Influence Agent in Contenporary Information, William Hutchinson
Enterprise Computer Forensics: A defensive and offensive strategy to fight computer crime, Fahmid Imitaz
Honeypots: How do you know when you are inside one?, Simon Innes and Craig Valli
The 2006 Analysis of Information Remaining on Disks Offered for Sale on the Second Hand Market, Andrew Jones, Craig Valli, Iain Sutherland, and Paula Thomas
A global review of information remaining on disks disposed of by organisations, Andy Jones
A review of landholder motivations and determinants for participation in conservation covenanting programmes, Thomas Kabii and Pierre Horwitz
Evaluation of end-user application security from a usability perspective, Dimitris Katsabas, Steven Furnell, and Paul Dowland
Electronic surveillance in hospitals: A review, Sue Kennedy
Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in stormwater drainage from established residential areas and options for improved management, Surasithe Khwanboonbumpen
Risks and responsibilities in establishing a wireless network for an educational institution, Leigh Knights, Matt Fonceca, Georgina Mack, and Andrew Woodward
An authentic on-line learning environment in university introductory biology, Annette Koenders
Risk and Restitution: Assessing how users establish online trust, Hazel Lacohee, Andy Phippen, and Steven Furnell
A Rough-Fuzzy Controller for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation, Chang Su Lee, Thomas Braunl, and Anthony Zaknich
Teamwork and Simulation in Hybrid Cognitive Architecture, Jinsong Leng, Colin Fyfe, and Lakhmi Jain
A new approach for firearm identification with hierarchical neural networks based on cartridge case images, Dongguang Li
Development of solar concentrator for photo-voltaic energy system, Dongguang Li
Optical thin-film design system with DGL global optimization algorithms, Dongguang Li
Wound measurement application, Dongguang Li
Websites Recommended by Australian Healthcare Practitioners' for Use by Overweight and Obese Adolescents, Rachel Mahncke and Leisa Armstrong
Secure transmission of shared electronic health records: A review, Rachel Mahncke and Patricia Williams
The ecology and behaviour of Varanus mertensi (Reptilia: Varanidae), Phillip J. Mayes
Validated age and growth of the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo 1827) in the waters off Western Australia, Rory Brian Mcauley, Colin Simpfendorfer, Glenn Hyndes, Richard Allison, Justin Chidlow, Stephen Newman, and Rod C Lenanton
Pit Lake Sustainability in Australia: What is it and How do I Get it?, Clint McCullough and Mark Lund
Microcosm testing of municipal sewage and green waste for full-scale remediation of an acid coal pit lake, in semi-arid tropical Australia, Clint McCullough, Mark Lund, and Joel May
Opportunities For Sustainable Mining Pit Lakes in Australia, Clinton Mccullough and Mark Lund
A study of the compliance of alarm installations in Perth, Western Australia: Are security alarm systems being installed to Australian Standard AS2201.1 – “systems installed in a client's premises.”, Robert Mclaughlin and David J. Brooks
Species richness, density and cover of sponge assemblages on temperate reefs off Perth, Western Australia, Lea McQuillan
Enhancing the forensic ICQ logfile extraction tool, Kim Morfitt
Structural analysis of the log files of the ICQ client version 2003b, Kim Morfitt
A Forensic Log File Extraction Tool for ICQ Instant Messaging Clients, Kim Morfitt and Craig Valli
Achieving Automated Intrusion Response: A Prototype Implementation, Maria Papadaki and Steven Furnell
Pollen characteristics of grevillea species determined by in vitro germination, Rebecca Parsons
Nearshore sea temperature variability off Rottnest Island (Western Australia) derived from satellite data, Alan Pearce, Fabienne Faskel, and Glenn Hyndes
The Hillarys Transect (1): Seasonal and cross-shelf variability of physical and chemical water properties off Perth, Western Australia, 1996-98, Alan Pearce, Mervyn Lynch, and Christine Hanson
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in world biodiversity hotspots: the need for a greater global perspective in assessing N deposition impacts, Gareth H Phoenix, W Kevin Hicks, Steve Cinderby, Johan Kuylenstierna, William Stock, Frank Dentener, Ken Giller, Amy Austin, Rod Lefroy, Ben Gimeno, Mike Ashmore, and Philip Ineson
Designing and explaining programs with a literate pseudocode, Geoffrey Roy
An assessment of threats of the Physical and MAC Address Layers in WiMAX/802.16, Krishnun Sansurooah
Taxonomy of computer forensics methodologies and procedures for digital evidence seizure, Krishnun Sansurooah
The Courage of their Convictions: Creating Cultural Landscapes in 1930s Western Australia, Joanna Sassoon
Managing visitor impacts in the Australian Alps: a case study in informal track development and track recovery, Pascal Scherrer and Andrew Growcock
Managing Visitor Impacts Along Australia's Remote Kimberley Coast - The Forgotten Dimension of Balancing Country, Pascal Scherrer, Amanda J. Smith, and Ross Dowling
Mediated identification, David Thomas Shaw
A Digital forensic practitioner's guide to giving evidence in a court of law, Shayne Sherman
Hunt warm, rest cool: Bioenergetic efficiency underlying diel vertical migration of a benthic shark, David Sims, Victoria Wearmouth, Emily Southall, Jackie Hill, Philippa Moore, Kate Rawlinson, Neil Hutchinson, Georgina Budd, David Righton, Julian Metcalfe, J Nash, and David Morritt
Trends in the Development of Security Technology, Clifton Smith
Drying and re-wetting of organic wetland sediments: Biogeochemistry and implications for wetland management, Beate Sommer
Genetic diversity and gene flow in fragmented populations of the rare shrub, Calothamnus sp. Whicher, Sean Stankowski
Effects of water availability, nitrogen supply and atmospheric CO2 concentrations on plant nitrogen natural abundance values, William Stock and John Evans
Soil community structure and litter decomposition under irrigated Eucalyptus Globulus in South Western Australia, Derek J. Swarts
An attitude and perception study of wireless network usage in home environments, Patryk Szewczyk
Personal Firewalls - Testing Robustness, Patryk Szewczyk and Craig Valli
Preceptions of Problem Solving through a Pair Programming Technique, Julian Terry, Patricia Williams, and Rachel Mahncke
Spatio-temporal distribution patterns of the invasive macroalga Sargassum muticum within a Danish Sargassum-bed, Mads Thomsen, Thomas Wernberg, Peter Staehr, and Morten Pedersen
Spatial patterns and response to wave exposure of shallow water algal assemblages across the Canarian Archipelago: A multi-scaled approach, Fernando Tuya and Ricardo J Haroun
Is there a link between the type of habitat and the patterns of abundance of holothurians in shallow rocky reefs?, Fernando Tuya, Jose Hernandez, and Sabrina Clemente
Spatio-temporal variability in a key herbivore, the long-spined black sea urchin (Diadema antillarum, Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in the Canary Islands, Fernando Tuya, Leonor Ortega-Borges, Armando Rosario-Pinilla, and Ricardo J Haroun
Changes in demersal wild fish aggregations beneath a sea-cage fish farm after the cessation of farming, Fernando Tuya, Pablo Sanchez-Jerez, Tim Dempster, Arturo Boyra, and R Haroun
Assessment of the effectiveness of two marine reserves in the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic), F. Tuya, C. Garcia-Diez, F. Espino, and R. J. Haroun
Tags at war: A review of the United States Department of Defence RFID tag data standard, Nadezda Urosevic and Christopher Bolan
An investigation into the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by senior educators in Thailand, Nattavee Utakrit
SQL Injection - Threats to Medical Systems: The Issues and Countermeasures, Craig Valli
The Insider Threat to Medical Records: Has the network Age Changed anything?, Craig Valli
Use of bootable Linux CDs for the delivery of educational course content, Craig Valli
Differences in trophic position among sympatric sea urchin species, Mathew Vanderklift, Gary Kendrick, and Albertus Smit
Belguim's intelligence community: new challenges and opportunities, Maarten Vanhorenbeeck
A comparison of logging and fire disturbance on biophysical attributes of the Northern jarrah forest, Alexander W. Watson
Telemedicine and the digital door doctor, Darren Webb and Patricia Williams
Scale of impact determines early post-disturbance assemblage structure in subtidal Fucus beds in the Baltic Sea (Bornholm, Denmark), Thomas Wernberg
Export of detached macroalgae from reefs to adjacent seagrass beds, Thomas Wernberg, Mathew Vanderklift, Jason How, and Paul Lavery
A Faster Algorithm for Calculating Hypervolume, Lyndon While, Philip Hingston, Luigi Barone, and Simon Huband
The Derivation of a Conceptual Model for IT Security Outsourcing, David Wilde, Matthew Warren, and William Hutchinson
Outsourcing system security: A theoretical perspective, W D Wilde, M J. Warren, and W Hutchinson
Forensics analysis of the contents of Nokia mobile phones, Brendan Williamson, Paul Apeldoorn, Ben Cheam, and Meaghan Mcdonald
Apprasing information security rituals in primary care medical practice, Patricia Williams
Making Research Real: Is Action Research a Suitable Methodology for Medical Information Security Investigations?, Patricia Williams
Security immunization using basic countermeasures, Patricia Williams
The role of standards in medical information security: an opportunity for improvement, Patricia Williams
Examination performance: Improvement through critical thinking, Patricia Williams and Rachel Mahncke
Primary care information security: a case study for practical assistance, Patricia Williams and Rachel Mahncke
Shared Electronic Health Records: A changing landscape for security in medical practice, Patricia Williams and Rachel Mahncke
An investigation into a community information database system in the northeast of Thailand: Community empowerment through community learning centres, Chumnong Wongchachom
Data Security and wireless networks - mutually exclusive?, Andrew Woodward
LIARS: Laptop Inspector and Recovery System, Andrew Woodward
A Comparison of Heuristics for Scheduling Spatial Clusters to Reduce I/O Cost in Spatial Join Processing, Jitian Xiao
Agent-based Similarity-aware Web Document Pre-fetching, Jitian Xiao
Clustering Spatial Data for Join Operations Using Match-based Partition, Jitian Xiao
Reformulation of the Generation of Conformance Testing Sequences to the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem, Jitian Xiao, Chiou Peng Lam, Huaizhong Li, and Jun Wang
Leading hackers down the garden path, Suen Yek
Submissions from 2005
Taxonomy of WRT54G(S) Hardware and Custom Firmware, Marwan Al-Zarouni
A discussion on developing online learning communities for student information professionals, Karen Anderson
Teaching about electronic records in an online learning environment, Karen Anderson
Shaping the landscape: Fire–grazer interactions in an African Savanna, S Archibald, W J. Bond, William Stock, and D H. Fairbanks
The Role of an Online Community to Support Overweight Adolescents: A Survey of Australian Healthcare Professionals. Research in Progress, Leisa Armstrong and Rachel J. Mahncke
A salt on the land: The osmolyte production and physiological responses of selected Myrtaceae species exposed to salt and water stress, Janelle Atkinson
Application of a novel phytotoxicity assay for the detection of herbicides in Hervey Bay and the Great Sandy Straits, Susan Bengston-Nash, Kathryn Mcmahon, Geoff Eaglesham, and Joachin Muller
RFID-Evaluation of Tag Security Schemes, Christopher Bolan
The Growth of 802.11b and 802.11g Networks in the Perth CBD, Western Australia, Christopher Bolan