
Submissions from 2020


‘Dudes are meant to be tough as nails’: The complex nexus between masculinities, culture and health literacy from the perspective of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males – Implications for policy and practice, James A. Smith, Anthonly Merlino, Ben Christie, Mick Adams, Jason Bonson, Richard Osborne, Barry Judd, Murray Drummond, David Aanundsen, and Jesse Fleay


Closing the Gap measures need to be changed to improve outcomes. Here’s how, Fiona Stanley, Daniel McAullay, and Sandra Eades


Urban Aboriginal people face unique challenges in the fight against coronavirus, Fiona Stanley, Daniel McAullay, and Sandra Eades


The ongoing effect of diabetes during pregnancy and the impact on infants, Natalie A. Strobel and Daniel McAullay

Submissions from 2019


Indigenous psychology in Australia, Michael Adams, Yolonda Adams, and Neil Drew


Colonialism and the atrophy of Indigenous male identities, Mick Adams, Jesse John Fleay, Peter J. Mataira, Shayne Walker, and Michael Hart


A screening tool for acquired communication disorders in Aboriginal Australians after brain injury: lessons learned from the pilot phase, Elizabeth Armstrong, Meaghan McAllister, Deborah Hersh, Judith Katzenellenbogen, Sandra C. Thompson, Juli Coffin, Leon Flicker, Deborah Woods, Colleen Hayward, and Natalie Ciccone


Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status 2018, Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, Jane Burns, Neil Drew, Michelle Elwell, Millie Harford-Mills, Joanne Hoareau, Andrea Macrae, Christine Potter, Miranda Poynton, Kathy Ride, and Avinna Trzesinski


Summary of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status 2018, Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, Millie Harford-Mills, Andrea MacRae, and Neil Drew


Connecting Indigenous song archives to kin, Country and language, Clint Bracknell


Identity, language and collaboration in Indigenous music, Clint Bracknell

Water: Original score and sound design, Clint Bracknell


Ever-widening circles: Consolidating and enhancing Wirlomin Noongar archival material in the community, Clint Bracknell and Kim Scott


The Wangi (talking) project: A feasibility study of a rehabilitation model for aboriginal people with acquired communication disorders after stroke, Natalie Ciccone, Elizabeth Armstrong, Deborah Hersh, Mick Adams, and Meaghan McAllister


The Uluru statement: A First Nations perspective of the implications for social reconstructive race relations in Australia, Jesse John Fleay and Barry Judd


Plain language review of the harmful use of alcohol among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Millie Harford-Mills


Intergenerational influences of hunger and community violence on the Aboriginal people of Western Australia: A review, Francesca Robertson, David Coall, Dan McAullay, and Alison Nannup


Great journeys: Undertaken by Aboriginal people in ancient times in Western Australia, Francesca Robertson, Noel Nannup, and Jason Barrow

Health literacy among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in the Northern Territory, James A. Smith, Ben Christie, Jason Bonson, Mick Adams, Richard Osborne, Barry Judd, Murray Drummond, David Aanundsen, and Jesse Fleay


Aboriginal Australia’s smash hit that went viral, Myfany Turpin, Brenda L. Croft, Clint Bracknell, and Felicity Meakins

Submissions from 2018


The nature and piloting of a tool to screen for acquired communication disorders in Aboriginal Australians after brain injury: Exploring culturally valid assessment to improve rehabilitation pathways, Elizabeth Armstrong, Natalie Ciccone, Deborah Hersh, Sandra Thompson, Leon Flicker, Juli Coffin, Colleen Hayward, Deborah Woods, and Meaghan McAllister


Rethinking hero status in colonial Western Australia, Sarah Booth and Luciano Pavez


Quality of social and emotional wellbeing services for families of young Indigenous children attending primary care centers; a cross sectional analysis, Karen M. Edmond, Kimberley McAuley, Daniel McAullay, Veronica Matthews, Natalie Strobel, Rhonda Marriott, and Ross Bailie


Moral realism versus moral relativism in the postmodern myth, Jesse John Fleay


The Partisans Song in Noongar Aboriginal language, Jesse John Fleay


Implementation of continuous quality improvement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care in Australia: a scoping systematic review, Karen Gardner, Beverly Sibthorpe, Mier Chan, Ginny Sargent, Michelle Dowden, and Daniel McAullay


A ‘better’ education: An examination of the utility of boarding school for Indigenous secondary students in Western Australia, Mary-Anne Macdonald, Eyal Gringart, Terry Ngarritjan Kessaris, Martin Cooper, and Jan Gray


Impacts of continuous quality improvement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander primary health care in Australia: A scoping systematic review, Beverly Sibthorpe, Mier Chan, Michelle Dowden, Ginny Sargent, and Dan McAullay


Understanding the structure and processes of primary health care for young indigenous children, Natalie Strobel, Kimberley McAuley, Veronica Matthews, Alice Richardson, Jason Agostino, Ross Bailie, Karen Edmond, and Dan McAullay

Submissions from 2017


Cultural identity and practices associated with the health and well-being of Indigenous males, Mick Adams, Peter J. Mataira, Shayne Walker, Michael Hart, Neil Drew, and Jesse John Fleay


Development of the Aboriginal Communication Assessment After Brain Injury (ACAABI): A screening tool for identifying acquired communication disorders in Aboriginal Australians, Elizabeth Armstrong, Natalie Ciccone, Deborah J. Hersh, Judith Katzenellebogen, Juli Coffin, Sandra Thompson, Leon Flicker, Colleen Hayward, Deborah Woods, and Meaghan McAllister


Oral health in young Australian Aboriginal children: Qualitative research on parents’ perspectives, A. Durey, Dan McAullay, B. Gibson, and L. M. Slack-Smith


Undermining, John Kinsella and Charmaine P. Green


Participatory action and dual lens research, Francesca Robertson, Jason Barrow, Magdalena Wajrak, Noel Nannup, Caroline Bishop, and Alison Nannup


Challenging the generational transmission of tobacco smoking: A novel harm reduction approach in vulnerable families, Francesca M. Robertson


Nyoongar Boodja : Koomba Bardip Koortan : Nyoongar Land : Long Story Short : A history of ancient Nyoongar land and people, Francesca Robertson, Noel Nannup, Glen Stasiuk, and Stephen D. Hopper


Indicators for continuous quality improvement for otitis media in primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, Beverly Sibthorpe, Jason Agostino, Harvey Coates, Sharon Weeks, Deborah Lehmann, Marianne Wood, Francis Lannigan, and Daniel McAullay


Effect of socioeconomic disadvantage, remoteness and Indigenous status on hospital usage for Western Australian preterm infants under 12 months of age: A population-based data linkage study, Natalie A. Strobel, Sue Peter, Kimberley E. McAuley, Daniel R. McAullay, Rhonda Marriott, and Karen M. Edmond

Submissions from 2016


The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet: Your health workforce support resource, Mick Adams, Neil Drew, Michelle Elwell, Millie Harford-Mills, Andrea Macrae, Trish O'Hara, and Avinna Trzesinski


Review of diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Samantha Burrow and Kathy Ride


Effectiveness of the Koorliny Moort out-of-hospital health care program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Western Australia, Rebecca Cresp, Karen Clarke, Kimberley E. McAuley, Daniel McAullay, Carolyn A. Moylan, Sue Peter, Gervase MI Chaney, Angus Cook, and Karen M. Edmond


Standing up to be counted: Data quality challenges in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education statistics, Neil Drew, Judith Wilks, Katie Wilson, and Gillian Kennedy


Aboriginal Health Worker perceptions of oral health: A qualitative study in Perth, Western Australia, Angela Durey, Dan McAullay, Barry Gibson, and Linda Slack-Smith


The intersection of Aboriginal culture and the science of astronomy, Duane Hamacher and Jesse Fleay


Plain language review of illicit drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Joanne Hoareau


Hospital utilisation in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous infants under 12 months of age in Western Australia, prospective population based data linkage study, Kimberley McAuley, Daniel McAullay, Natalie A. Strobel, Rhonda Marriott, David N. Atkinson, Julia V. Marley, Fiona J. Stanley, and Karen M. Edmond


Improving access to primary care for Aboriginal babies in Western Australia: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Dan McAullay, Kimberley McAuley, Rhonda Marriott, Glenn Pearson, Peter Jacoby, Chantal Ferguson, Elizabeth Geelhoed, Juli Coffin, Charmaine Green, Selina Sibosado, Barbara Henry, Dorota Doherty, and Karen Edmond


Review of illicit drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Andrea McRae and Joanne Hoareau


Synergies: Walking together: Belonging to country, Noel Nannup and Stephen Hopper


Ngalak koora koora djinang (Looking back together): A Nyoongar and scientific collaborative history of ancient Nyoongar boodja, Francesca Robertson, Glen Stasiuk, Noel Nannup, and Stephen D. Hopper


Furthering the quality agenda in Aboriginal community controlled health services: understanding the relationship between accreditation, continuous quality improvement and national key performance indicator reporting, Beverly Sibthorpe, Karen Gardner, and Daniel McAullay

Submissions from 2015


Aboriginal life set, mental health and suicide, Michael Adams


Study protocol: Missing voices – communication difficulties after stroke and traumatic brain injury in Aboriginal Australians, Elizabeth Armstrong, Deborah Hersh, Judith M. Katzenellenbogen, Juli Coffin, Sandra C. Thompson, Natalie Ciccone, Colleen Hayward, Leon Flicker, Deborah Woods, and Meaghan McAllister


Ngatj baranginy ngulluckiny koorliny derbal yirigan bilya: Take me to the place the estuary that place on the river that rises and falls, Clint Bracknell, Len Collard, Dave Palmer, and Grant Revell


Re: Essential Service Standards for Equitable National Cardiovascular Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, Timothy M. E.. Davis, Wendy A. Davis, and Daniel McAullay


Prevalence of depression and its associations with cardio-metabolic control in Aboriginal and Anglo-Celt patients with type 2 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II, Timothy M.E Davis, Kerry Hunt, David G. Bruce, Sergio Starkstein, Timothy Skinner, Daniel McAullay, and Wendy A. Davis


Social and emotional wellbeing, natural helpers, critical health literacy and translational research: connecting the dots for positive health outcomes, Neil M. Drew


Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status, 2015, Burns Jane, Samantha Burrow, Neil M. Drew, Michelle Elwell, Caitlin A. Gray, Millie Harford-Mills, Joanne Hoareau, Renee Lynch, Andrea Macrae, Trish O'Hara, Christine Potter, Miranda Poynton, Kathy Ride, and Avinna Trzesinski


Teaching Indigenous Students - Cultural awareness and classroom strategies for improving learning outcomes, Thelma Perso and Colleen Hayward


‘Rural in Reach’: Delivering health and wellbeing services to regional Western Australia, Francesca Robertson and Fiona K. Reid

Submissions from 2014


Evidence for the use of an algorithm in resolving inconsistent and missing Indigenous status in administrative data collections, Daniel Christensen, Geoff Davis, Glenn Draper, Francis Mitrou, Sybille McKeown, David Lawrence, Daniel McAullay, Glenn Pearson, Wavne Rikkers, and Stephen R. Zubrick

Submissions from 2012


Ethical research in Indigenous Australian contexts and its practical implementation, Graeme Gower


Becoming a culturally competent teacher: beginning the journey, Graeme Gower and Matthew Byrne


Review of cardiovascular health among Indigenous Australians, Caitlin Gray, Alex Brown, and Neil Thomson


Adjusting for under-identification of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander births in time series produced from birth records: Using record linkage of survey data and administrative data sources, D Lawrence, D Christensen, F Mitrou, Glenn Draper, G Davis, S McKeown, Daniel Mcaullay, G Pearson, and S R Zubrick


Aboriginal research and study protocols, Dan McAullay and Colleen Hayward


The Future: Directions and best practice, Gary Partington

Submissions from 2011


Total Population Investigation of Dental Hospitalizations in Indigenous Children Under Five Years in Western Australia Using Linked Data, L M Slack-Smith, A W Read, L J Colvin, H Leonard, N Kilpatrick, Daniel McAullay, and L B Messer


Review of Indigenous Male Health, Neil Thomson, Richard Midford, Olivier Debuyst, and Andrea MacRae


Review of Indigenous Oral Health, Scott Williams, Lisa Jamieson, Andrea Macrae, and A Gray

Submissions from 2010


Summary of Indigenous women's health, Jane Burns, Caitlin M. Maling, and Neil Thomson

Summary of Indigenous Women's Health Status, Jane Burns, Caitlin Maling, and Neil Thomson


Review of volatile substance use among Indigenous people, Richard Midford, Sarah MacLean, Michelle Catto, and Olivier Debuyst


Summary of Indigenous Health: Cardiovascular Health Status, Katherine Ride and Neil Thomson


An archaeological re-investigation of the Mulka's Cave Aboriginal rock art site, near Hyden, Southwestern Australia, Alana Rossi


Overview of Australian Indigenous health status 2010, Neil Thomson, Andrea MacRae, Jane Burns, Michelle Catto, Olivier Debuyst, Ineke Krom, Richard Midford, Christine Potter, Kathy Ride, Sasha Stumpers, and Belinda Urquhart

Submissions from 2009


Review of educational and other approaches to hearing loss among Indigenous people, Samantha Burrow, Ann Galloway, and Natalie Weissofner


Review of the misuse of kava among Indigenous Australians, Belinda Urquhart and Neil Thomson

Submissions from 2008


Review of illicit drug use among Indigenous peoples, Michelle Catto and Neil Thomson


Summary of Indigenous Health: Illicit Drug Use, Michelle Catto and Neil Thomson

Indigenous children and conductive hearing loss, Ann Galloway


Secrets to Success: A Qualitative Study of Perceptions of Childhood Immunisations in a Highly Immunised Population, Marie Tarrant and Neil Thomson


Summary of Indigenous Health: Tuberculosis, Neil Thomson and Jane Burns


Summary of Indigenous Health: Hepatitis, Neil Thomson and Amy Hardy


Summary of Indigenous Health: Kava Use, Belinda Urquhart and Neil Thomson

Submissions from 2007


Involving stakeholders in the evaluation of community alcohol projects: Finding a balance between subjective insight and objective facts, K Boots and Richard Midford


Issues and Policies in School Education, Gary Partington and Ann Galloway


Summary of Indigenous health: injury, Neil Thomson and Ineke Krom


Summary of Indigenous health: end-stage renal disease, Neil Thomson and Sasha Stumpers

Submissions from 2006


Overweight and Obesity: a major problem for Indigenous Australians, Jane Burns and Neil Thomson


Summary of Indigenous health: Births and Deaths, Jane Burns and Neil Thomson


Summary of Indigenous health: Overweight and Obesity, Jane Burns and Neil Thomson


Summary of Indigenous health: ear disease and hearing loss, Samantha Burrow and Neil Thomson


Researching Ethically in School, Ann Galloway, Gary Partington, and Graeme Gower


About Being Mununga (Whitefulla): making covert group racism visible, Terry Kessaris


Research regulation by omission and by publication, Simon Lenton and Richard Midford


Looking to the future: Providing a basis for effective school drug education, Richard Midford


Summary of Indigenous health: Preliminary analysis of physical activity, Neil Thomson and Eliena Kirov

Submissions from 2005


The Education of the whole person or the development of a fortress Mentality?: Carmel College, Carmel: 1960-1962, John Godfrey

Brotherboys: The story of Jim and Phillip Krakouer, Sean Gorman