Submissions from 2005
Summary of Indigenous health: Cardiovascular disease, Eliena Kirov and Neil Thomson
Australia and alcohol: Living down the legend, Richard Midford
The legacy of a community mobilisation project to reduce alcohol related harm, Richard Midford, Kayli Wayte, Paul Catalano, Rita Gupta, and Tanya Chikritzhs
Evaluation of the In Touch Training Program for the Management of Alcohol and Other Drug Use Issues in Schools, Richard Midford, Deb Wilkes, and Deidra Young
Effective Practices in Teaching Indigenous Students With Conductive Hearing Loss, Gary Partington and Ann Galloway
Journeys in writing: Technology and literature as the art of possibilty, Greg Stratton and Donna Czekalowski
Cultural respect and related concepts: A brief summary of the literature, Neil Thomson
The Australian Indigenous Healthinfonet: Knowledge transfer to assist decision making in Indigenous health, Neil Thomson
Summary of Indigenous Health: Selected communicable diseases, Neil Thomson and Jane Burns
Why are so few Australian Archaeologists quaternary scientists, Esmee Webb
Submissions from 2004
Harm minimization in school drug education: final results of the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP), Nyanda McBride, Fiona Farringdon, Richard Midford, Lynn Meuleners, and Mike Phillips
School leaver celebrations in Western Australia: A three-year intervention study, Richard Midford, Nicole Young, Fiona Farrington, and Troy Bogaards
The role of physical education and sport in education (SPINED) : extending at risk students' participation in school life: a case study of progress within a specialist sports school, Dawn Penney, Andrew Taggart, and Sean Gorman
Submissions from 2003
Reforming Andy Capp? How a cartoon character was used in a community alcohol project, Martin Cooper, Richard Midford, Julie-Anne Jaeger, and Chris Hall
Questions: Help or Hindrance? Teachers' use of questions with Indigenous children with conductive hearing loss, Ann Galloway
Responding to responses: Interaction between Indigenous Australian students and their non-Indigenous teachers, Ann Galloway
Early unsupervised drinking - reducing the risks. The School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project, Nyanda McBride, Fiona Farringdon, Richard Midford, Lynn Meuleners, and Mike Phillips
Receptivity of Teachers to Implementing New Strategies for Literacy Teaching, Gary Partington
Research at Arms Length: The Risks of Doing Research in Remote Locations, Gary Partington
Why Indigenous issues are an essential component of teacher education programs, Gary Partington
Insider Research - The implications of conducting research in home locale, Elaine Rabbitt
Oral History: The insider becomes an outsider, Elaine Rabbitt
OK remote WA, we're listening... but can you hear us? Part 1: Looking back to 2001, Elaine Rabbitt and Jeremy Pagram
Submissions from 2002
Classroom work with Indigenous students, Ann Galloway
Organisation in School and University students' persuasive texts, Ann Galloway
Managing Indigenous Involvement in and Control over Research, Graeme Gower and Les Mack
Online Journeys: The story of construction of online units in an indigenous University Orientation Course, Maria Northcote, Donna Czekalowski, Greg Stratton, and James Moe
Conceptual Frameworks for Indigenous Education: Review and Analysis, Gary Partington
Submissions from 2001
Transitions to work: roles and poles apart, Paul Bowen and Helen Wildy
Attitudes of Aboriginal students to schooling, John Godfrey, Gary Partington, M Harslett, and Kaye Richer
Perceptions of Their Teachers by Aboriginal Students, John Godfrey, Gary Partington, Kaye Richer, and Mort Harslett
Digital transmission: an innovative strategy to improve quality in education, Vijaya Gururajan
Carmen Lawson: achieving against the odds, Carmen Lawson and Helen Wildy
Reaching the digitally disadvantaged. Australia's educational neglect of indigenous learners in the information age, Maxwell Lenoy
Keeping the bastards at bay: indigenous community responses to research, Leslie Mack and Graeme Gower
Design influences in the cration of an online mathematics unit for indigenous adults, Linda Marshall, Maria Northcote, and Maxwell Lenoy
A Model for On-line Unit Development: Necessity, the Catalyst for Invention, Maria Northcote and Tony Fetherston
Communication skills for online students: An evaluation of a web site, Maria Northcote and Amanda Kendle
Informal online networks for learning: making use of incidental learning through recreation, Maria Northcote and Amanda Kendle
Online assessment criteria in action: Task design in contrasting tertiary education contexts, Maria Northcote and Amanda Kendle
Use of cognitive tools as support mechanisms for adult learners in a mathematics unit, Maria Northcote, Linda Marshall, and Maxwell Lenoy
The apple is ripe, but the connection gives us the pip!, Jeremy Pagram and Elaine Rabbitt
Qualitative Research Interviews: Identifying Problems in Technique, Gary Partington
Student Suspensions: The Influence on Students and Their Parents, Gary Partington
"The principal is hopeless. She needs a good boot in the rear end": Cultural diversity and conflicting school agendas, Gary Partington, John Godfrey, and Kaye Richer
To test or Not To Test? The Selection and Analysis of an Instrument To Assess Literacy Skills of Indigenous Children: a Pilot Study, Gary Partington, John Godfrey, and A Sinclair
The Yes Minister Factor: Policy and Practice in Indigenous Research, Gary Partington, John Godfrey, and Ken Wyatt
Submissions from 2000
Learning better together : Australian Indigenous education conference 4-7 April 2000 Esplanade Hotel Fremantle, Western Australia, Graeme Gower (Ed.)