
Submissions from 2016


What makes an elite badminton player?, Jodie Cochrane Wilkie


The efficacy of periodized resistance training in older adults, Jennifer Anne Conlon


Periodization Strategies in Older Adults: Impact on Physical Function and Health, Jennifer Conlon, Greg Haff, James J. Tufano, and Robert Newton


A comparison of gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and vastus lateralis electromyography amplitude for the barbell, band, and American hip thrust variations, Bret M. Contreras, Andrew D. Vigotsky, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Chris Beardsley, and John B. Cronin


A comparison of gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and vastus lateralis electromyography amplitude in the parallel, full, and front squat variations in resistance-trained females, Bret Contreras, Andrew D. Vigotsky, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Chris Beardsley, and John B. Cronin


Improving psychosocial health in men with prostate cancer through an intervention that reinforces masculine values - exercise, Prue Cormie, John L. Oliffe, Addie C. Wootten, Daniel A. Galvao, Robert U. Newton, and Suzanne K. Chambers


Acute inflammatory response to low-, moderate-, and high-load resistance exercise in women with breast cancer–related lymphedema, Prue Cormie, Benjamin Singh, Sandi Hayes, Jonathan M. Peake, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Kazunori Nosaka, Bruce Cornish, Kathryn H. Schmitz, and Robert Newton


Real-time netnography: Rejecting the passive shift, Leesa Costello and Marie-Louise McDermott


Association between anthropometry, upper extremity strength, and sprint and endurance paddling performance in competitive and recreational surfers, Joseph O.C. Coyne, Tai T. Tran, Josh Secomb, Lina Lundgren, Oliver R. Farley, Robert Newton, and Jeremy Sheppard


Strength and conditioning for throwing in cricket, John B. Cronin, Anthony P. Sharp, Bryan Stronach, Richard Deuchrass, Eadric Bressel, Dayle Shackel, and Daniel McMaster


A group randomized controlled trial evaluating parent involvement in whole school actions to reduce bullying, Donna S. Cross, Leanne Lester, Natasha Pearce, Amy Barnes, and Shelley Beatty


Longitudinal impact of the cyber friendly schools program on adolescents' cyberbullying behavior, Donna S. Cross Prof, Therese Shaw, Kate Hawden, Patricia Cardoso, Phillip Slee, Clare Roberts, Laura Thomas, and Amy Barnes


Susceptibility to exercise-induced muscle damage: a cluster analysis with a large sample, Felipe R. Damas, Kazunori Nosaka, Cleiton A. Libardi, Trevor C. Chen, and Carlos Ugrinowitsch

Ageing well in Wanneroo: Promoting social engagement amongst older people at risk of social isolation, Julie Dare, Celia Wilkinson, Ruth Marquis, and Helen O'Sullivan


Program design and technique for speed and agility training, Brad H. DeWeese and Sophia Nimphius


Neuromuscular changes and damage after isoload versus isokinetic eccentric exercise, Valentin Doguet, Kazunori Nosaka, Mathieu Plautard, Raphaël Gross, Gaël Guilhem, Arnaud Guével, and Marc M. Jubeau


Impact of a population-wide mental health promotion campaign on people with a diagnosed mental illness or recent mental health problem, Rob Donovan, Geoffrey Jalleh, Katy Robinson, and Chad Lin


Does evidence influence policy? Resource allocation and the Indigenous Burden of Disease study, Christopher Doran, Rod Ling, Andrew M. Searles, and Peter S. Hill


Genetic determinants of cognitive heterogeneity in Parkinson’s disease, Alesya Drozdova

Changes in behaviour, strategy and effort perception during elite amateur boxing, Emily C. Dunn, C E. Humberstone, K Fiona Iredale, and Anthony Blazevich


Faster movement speed results in greater tendon strain during the loaded squat exercise, Jacob E. Earp, Robert U. Newton, Prue Cormie, and Anthony J. Blazevich

Occupational therapists and the quest for role balance, Kiah Evans, Sonya Girdler, M. Falkmer, Jeannine Millsteed, and Torbjorn Falkmer


The experience of role balance among Australian working women with multigenerational caring responsibilities, Kiah Lee Evans


Working sandwich generation women utilize strategies within and between roles to achieve role balance, Kiah Evans, J. L. Millsteed, Janet E. Richmond PhD, Marita Falkmer, Torbjorn Falkmer, and Sonya Girdler


Testing protocols for profiling of surfers' anaerobic and aerobic fitness: A review, Oliver R. L. Farely, Chris R. Abbiss, and Jeremy M. Sheppard


Assessment of competitive requirements, repeated sprint paddle ability and trainability of paddling performance in surfers, Oliver Farley


Five weeks of sprint and high-intensity interval training improves paddling performance in adolescent surfers, Oliver R. L. Farley, Josh L. Secomb, Joanna R. Parsonage, Lina E. Lundgren, Chris Abbiss, and Jeremy M. Sheppard


Speech pathology service delivery in the acute hospital setting, Dominique Ferreira, Natalie Ciccone, Asher Verheggen, and Erin Godecke


A Study of the exposure to wood dust and potential impact on lung function, Patricia Filippin, Sue Reed, and Martyn Cross


Current needs for human and medical genomics research infrastructure in low and middle income countries, Diego A. Forero, Ambroise A. Wonkam, Wei Wang, Oaul Laissue, Catalina López-Correa, Juan C. Fernández-López, Rja C. Mugasimangalam, and George J. Perry


Effects of branched-chain amino acids supplementation on both plasma amino acids concentration and muscle energetics changes resulting from muscle damage: A randomized placebo controlled trial, Alexandre Foure, Kazunori Nosaka, Marguerite Gastaldi, Jean-Pierre Mattei, Helene Boudinet, Maxime Guye, Christophe Vilmen, Yann Le Fur, David Bendahan, and Julien Gondin


Changes in maximal strength, velocity, and power after 8 weeks of training with pneumatic or free weight resistance, David Frost, Stefanie Bronson, John Cronin, and Robert Newton


Alzheimer’s disease and the early signs of age-related macular degeneration, Shaun M. Frost, Robyn H. Guymer, Khin Z. Aung, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Stuart L. Macaulay, Pierrick T. Bourgeat, Olivier Salvado, Christopher C. Rowe, David J. Ames, C L. Masters, Ralph Martins, Yogesan Kanagasingam, and AIBL Research Group


Optimal load for maximizing upper-body power: Test-retest reproducibility, Amador García-Ramos, Greg G. Haff, P. Padial, and Belén Feriche


Diet and inflammation in Alzheimer's disease and related chronic diseases: A review, Samantha Gardener, Stephanie Rainey-Smith, and Ralph Martins


Cerebral glucose metabolism is associated with verbal but not visual memory performance in community-dwelling older adults, Samantha Gardener, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Kai-kai Shen, Stephanie Rainey-Smith, Michael Weinborn, Kristyn A. Bates, Tejal Shah, Jonathan K. Foster, Nat Lenzo, Olivier Salvado, Christoph Laske, Simon M. Laws, Kevin Taddei, Giuseppe Verdile, and Ralph Martins


Iron supplementation and altitude: Decision making using a regression tree, Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, Andrew D. Govus, Peter Peeling, Chris R. Abbiss, and Christopher J. Gore


Compliance, palatability and feasibility of paleolithic and Australian guide to healthy eastin diets in healtthy women: A 4-week dietary intervention, Angela Genoni, Johnny Lo, Philippa Lyons-Wall, and Amanda Devine


Cardiovascular, metabolic effects and dietary composition of ad-libitum paleolithic vs. Australian guide to healthy eating diets: A 4-week randomised trial, Angela Genoni, Philippa Lyons-Wall, Johnny Lo, and Amanda Devine


Childhood overweight and obesity: Maternal and family factors, Lisa Y. Gibson, Karina L. Allen, Susan M. Byrne, Kim Clark, Eve M. Blair, Elizabeth A. Davis, and Stephen R. Zubrick


A randomized controlled trial of very early rehabilitation in speech after stroke, Erin Godecke, Elizabeth Armstrong, Tapan Rai, Sandy Middleton, Natalie Ciccone, Anne Whitworth, Miranda Rose, Audrey Holland, Fiona Ellery, Graeme Hankey, Dominique Cadilhac, and Julie Bernhardt


Which ecological determinants influence Australian children's fruit and vegetable consumption?, Stephanie L. Godrich, Christina R. Davies, Jill Darby, and Amanda Devine


Medicine in the early twenty-first century: Paradigm and anticipation - EPMA position paper 2016, Olga Golubnitschaja, Babak Baban, Giovanni Boniolo, Wei Wang, Rostyslav Bubnov, Marko Kapalla, Kurt Krapfenbauer, Mahmood S. Mozaffari, and Vincenzo Costigliola


Effects of continuous and interval training on running economy, maximal aerobic speed and gait kinematics in recreational runners, Fernando González-Mohíno, José González-Ravé, Daniel Juárez, Francisco A. Fernández, Rubén Barragán Castellanos, and Robert U. Newton


Understanding retirement for ageing adults with a disability in supported employment, Naomi Goods and Jeannine L. Millsteed


Examining the potential clinical value of curcumin in the prevention and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, K. G. Goozee, T. M. Shah, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Stephanie Rainey-Smith, B. Brown, Guiseppe Verdile, and Ralph Martins


Can we use a simple blood test to detect cancer?, Elin Gray


Impaired energy metabolism: Involvement in neurodegenerative processes and CNS ageing, Veer B. Gupta and Vivek K. Gupta


Plasma apolipoprotein J as a potential biomarker for Alzheimer's disease: Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle study of aging, Veer Gupta; James D. Doecke; Eugene Hone; Steve Pedrini; Simon M. Laws; Madhav Thambisetty; Ashley Bush,; Christopher C. Rowe; Victor L. Villemagne; David Ames; Colin L. Masters; Stuart Lance Macaulay; Alan Rembach; Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith; and Ralph N. Martins


One protein, multiple pathologies: multifaceted involvement of amyloid β in neurodegenerative disorders of the brain and retina, Vivek Gupta, Veer Gupta, Nitin Chitranshi, Sumudu Gangoda, Roshana Vander Wall, Mojdeh Abbasi, Mojtaba Golzan, Yogita Dheer, Tejal Shah, Alberto Avolio, Roger Chung, Ralph Martins, and Stuart Graham


Amyloid β accumulation and inner retinal degenerative changes in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mouse, Vivek K. Gupta, Nitin Chitranshi, Veer B. Gupta, Mojtaba Golzan, Yogita Dheer, Roshana Vander Wall, Dana Georgevsky, Anna E. King, James C. Vickers, Roger Chung, and Stuart Graham


Superoxide dismutase dysregulation undermines endogenous antioxidant system and promote retinal neurodegenerative pathology, Vivek K. Gupta and Veer B. Gupta


Using technology, bioinformatics and health informatics approaches to improve learning experiences in optometry education, research and practice, Vivek K. Gupta and Veer B. Gupta


Consistent prebiotic effect on gut microbiota with altered FODMAP intake in patients with Crohn's disease: A randomised, controlled cross-over trial of well-defined diets, Emma P. Halmos, Claus T. Christophersen, Anthony R. Bird, Susan J. Shepherd, Jane G. Muir, and Peter R. Gibson


Coaching cues in amateur boxing: An analysis of ringside feedback provided between rounds of competition, Israel Halperin, Dale Chapman, David T. Martin, Chris Abbiss, and Gabriele Wulf


Physiological profile of a professional boxer preparing for Title Bout: A case study, Israel Halperin, Steven Hughes, and Dale Chapman


The effects of either a mirror, internal or external focus instructions on single and multi-joint tasks, Israel Halperin, Steven Hughes, Derek Panchuk, Chris Abbiss, and Dale W. Chapman


The mind–muscle connection in resistance training: Friend or foe?, Israel Halperin and Andrew Vigotsky


The effects of attentional focusing instructions on force production during the isometric mid-thigh pull, Israel Halperin, Kym Williams, David Martin, and Dale Chapman


The serum concentrations of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (fT3) and free thyroxine (fT4) during early pregnancy, Kristina Hamilton


Longitudinal changes in maternal serum concentrations of antimüllerian hormone in individual women during conception cycles and early pregnancy, Kristina Hamilton, Narelle Hadlow, Peter Roberts, Patricia Sykes, Alison McClements, Jacqui Coombes, and Phillip Mason


Lead and manganese levels in serum and erythrocytes in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: Results from the Australian imaging, biomarkers and lifestyle flagship study of ageing, Dominic Hare, Noel Faux, Blaine Roberts, Irene Volitakis, Ralph Martins, and Ashley Bush


Whole exome sequencing in a rare disease: A patient with anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (bland-white-garland syndrome), Nezih Hekim, Talantbek Batyraliev, Daniel Trujillano, Wei Wang, Collet Dandara, Zarema Karben, Eyüp Saygılı, Zafer Çetin, Deniz Mıhcıoğlu, Serdar Türkmen, Mehmet Cüce, and Arndt Rolfs


Application of the repetitions in reserve-based rating or perceived exertion scale for resistance training, Eric R. Helms, John B. Cronin, Adam G. Storey, and Michael C. Zourdos


Therapy in transit: Managing aphasia in the early period post stroke, Deborah J. Hersh


Predicting potential for aphasia rehabilitation: The role of judgments of motivation, Deborah J. Hersh and Natalie Ciccone


β-Amyloid, APOE and BDNF genotype, and depressive and anxiety symptoms in cognitively normal older women and men, Sophie E. Holmes; Irina Esterlis; Carolyn M. Mazure; Yenying Lim; David J. Ames; Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith; Ralph N. Martins; Olivier Salvado; Vincent Doré; Victor L. Villemagne; Christopher C. Rowe; Simon M. Laws; C. L. Masters; Paul T. Maruff; Robert H. Pietrzak; and Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, Lifestyle Research Group

Reducing biomechanical risk factors associated with injury during landing and improving performance in 11-13 year old netball athletes, Amanda Hopper


Manipulation of the gut microbiota using resistant starch is associated with protection against colitis-associated colorectal cancer in rats, Ying Hu, Richard K. Le Leu, Claus T. Christophersen, Roshini Somashekar, Michael A. Conlan, Xing Q. Meng, Jean M. Winter, Richard J. Woodman, Ross McKinnon, and Graeme P. Young


Psycho-oncology assessment in Chinese populations: A systematic review of quality of life and psychosocial measures, Melissa K. Hyde, Suzanne K. Chambers, David H. K. Shum, David Ip, and Jeff C. H. Dunn


Episodic volunteering and retention: An integrated theoretical approach, Melissa K. Hyde, Jeff Dunn, Caitlin Bax, and Suzanne K. Chambers


What are the physiological mechanisms for post-exercise cold water immersion in the recovery from prolonged endurance and intermittent exercise?, Mohammed Ihsan, Greig Watson, and Chris Abbiss


Using the evidence available to inform practice and direct future research, Lachlan P. James, Greg Haff, Vincent G. Kelly, and Emma M. Beckman


Suppression of Neutrophil-Mediated Tissue Damage—A Novel Skill of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Dongsheng Jiang, Jana Muschhammer, Yu Qi, Andrea Kügler, Juliane C. De Vries, Mona Saffarzadeh, Anca Sindriaru, Seppe V. Beken, Meinhard Wlaschek, Mark A. Kluth, Christoph Ganss, Natasha Y. Frank, Markus H. Frank, Klaus T. Preissner, and Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek


The Han Chinese population and genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes: Potential role for variants in SUMO4 gene, Ze-Ning Jin, Hao Wang, Si-Qi Ge, You-Xin Wang, Jie Zhang, and Wei Wang


Motor subtype as a predictor of future working memory performance in idiopathic Parkinson's disease, Andrew R. Johnson, Romola S. Bucks, Robert T. Kane, Meghan G. Thomas, Natalie Gasson, and Andrea M. Loftus


Suitability of the depression, anxiety, and stress scale in Parkinson's disease, Andrew R. Johnson, Blake J. Lawrence, Emily J. Corti, Leon Booth, Natalie Gasson, Meghan Thomas, Andrea M. Loftus, and Romola Bucks


Greater strength drives difference in power between sexes in the conventional deadlift exercise, Margaret T. Jones, Andrew R. Jagim, Greg Haff, Patrick J. Carr, Joel Martin, and Jonathan M. Oliver


An innovation in child health : Globally reaching out to child health professionals, Russell Jones, Kathryn Currow, Mary Kwong, and Pramila Menon


A preliminary investigation of trunk and wrist kinematics when using drivers with different shaft properties, Christopher Joyce, Angus Burnett, Jodie Cochrane, and Alvaro Reyes


Multi-segment trunk models used to investigate the crunch factor in golf and their relationship with selected swing and launch parameters, Christopher Joyce, Paola Chivers, Kimitake Sato, and Angus Burnett


Perceptions of exercise for older people living with dementia in Bangkok, Thailand: An exploratory qualitative study, Sirikul Karuncharernpanit, Joyce M. Hendricks PhD, and Christine M. Toye


Missing voices: Profile and Extent of Acquired Communication Disorders in Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Adult Stroke Survivors in Western Australia Using Linked Administrative Records, Judith Katzenellenbogen, Emily Atkins, S C. Thompson, Deborah Hersh, Juli Coffin, Leon Flicker, Colleen Hayward, Natalie Ciccone, Deborah Woods, Meaghan McAllister, and Elizabeth Armstrong


Acute effects of contract–relax (CR) stretch versus a modified CR technique, Anthony D. Kay, Steven Dods, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Stretching of active muscle elicits chronic changes in multiple strain risk factors, Anthony D. Kay, Domnic Richmond, Chris Talbot, Minas Mina, Anthony Baross, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Technical attributes of Australian youth soccer players: Implications for talent identification, Brad S. Keller, Annette J. Raynor, Lyndell Bruce, and Fiona Iredale


Wendy finds a breast lump, Eric Khong


What does it take to develop a website for clinical dietitians to enhance learning of the Nutrition Care Process, Varitha Kinghorn, Amanda Devine, Therese O'Sullivan, Leesa Costello, and Angela Vivanti


ABCB5-Targeted chemoresistance reversal inhibits merkel cell carcinoma growth, Sonja Kleffel, Nayoung Lee, Cecilia Lezcano, Brian Wilson, Kristine Sobolewski, Karim Saab, Hansgeorg Mueller, Qian Zhan, Christian Posch, Christopher Elco, Andrew DoRosario, Sarah Garcia, Manisha Thakuria, Yaoyu Wang, Linda Wang, George Murphy, Markus Frank, and Tobias Schatton


A phenotypically silent vanB2 operon carried on a Tn1549-like element in Clostridium Difficile, Daniel R. Knight, Grace O. Androga, Susan A. Ballard, Benjamin P. Howden, and Thomas Riley


Contamination of Australian newborn calf carcasses at slaughter with Clostridium difficile, D. R. Knight, P. Putsathit, Briony Elliott, and Thomas V. Riley


Trends in Australian adolescents' sun-protection behaviours: Implications for health campaigns, Severine Koch, Simone Pettigrew, Lauren P. Hollier, Terry Slevin, Mark Strickland, Carolyn Minto, Geoffrey Jalleh, and Chad Lin


Increases in M-wave latency of biceps brachii after elbow flexor eccentric contractions in women, Karina Kouzaki,; Kazunori Nosaka; Eisuke Ochi; and Koichi Nakazato

Fly-in-fly-out: Designing a better fly-in-fly-out lifestyle in Western Australia, Christopher Kueh, Stuart Medley, and Jacinth Watson


Integration of suboptimal health status and endothelial dysfunction as a new aspect for risk evaluation of cardiovascular disease, Vitalli Kupaev, Oleg Borisov, Ekaterina Marutina, Yuxiang Yan, and Wei Wang


Effects of morning versus evening combined strength and endurance training on physical performance, muscle hypertrophy, and serum hormone concentrations, Maria Küüsmaa, Moritz Schumann, Milan Sedliak, William J. Kraemer, Robert U. Newton, Jari P. Malinen, Kai M. Nyman, Arja H. Häkkinen, and Keijo K. T. Häkkinen


White matter hyperintensities are a core feature of Alzheimer's disease: Evidence from the dominantly inherited Alzheimer network, Seonjoo Lee, Fawad Viqar, Molly E. Zimmerman, Atul Narkhede, Giuseppe Tosto, Tammie Benzinger, Daniel S. Marcus, Anne M. Fagan, Alison Goate, Nick C. Fox, Nigel J. Cairns, David M. Holtzman, Virginia Buckles, Bernardino Ghetti, Eric McDade, Ralph N. Martins, Andrew J. Saykin, Colin L. Masters, John M. Ringman, Natalie S. Ryan, Stefan Förster, Christoph Laske, Peter R. Schofield, Reisa A. Sperling, Stephen Salloway, Stephen Correia, Clifford Jack, Michael Weiner, Randall J. Bateman, John C. Morris, Richard Mayeux, Adam M. Brickman, and Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network


The association of fly-in fly-out employment, family connectedness, parental presence and adolescent wellbeing, Leanne Lester, Jacinth Watson, Stacey K. Waters, and Donna Cross


Exercise improves physical function and mental health of brain cancer survivors: Two exploratory case studies, Gregory T. Levin, Kenneth M. Greenwood, Favil Singh, Daphne Tsoi, and Robert U. Newton


Workplace interventions for preventing job loss and other work related outcomes in workers with alcohol misuse, Helena Liira, Andrew P. Knight, Moira G. B. Sim, Helen M. Wilcox, Shelley Cheetham, and Mauri T. Aalto